Tuesday, October 18, 2022

More Signs in the World in the Last Decade

Adding more worldwide events to remember in the last decade, it's necessary to add to the list more important events that Nicolas Sourivongxay saw when he was actively on Twitter.

11 Worldwide events to remember in the last decade: https://ethnicjustice.blogspot.com/2022/10/11-worldwide-event-to-remember-in-last.html

1) The event occured on 15 april 2019, the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris, France got burned in fire, and Nicolas thought that was a signal when he was sharing his pain and sorrow before that. Trending topic on Twitter was "Quasimodo" from the movie "The Hunchback of Notre Dame".  

Link: https://www.euronews.com/my-europe/2021/04/14/hope-and-joy-as-paris-notre-dame-cathedral-nearly-secured-2-years-after-fire

Some investigators think electric bells inside the building caused a short-circuited into the blaze. 

Link: https://www.connexionfrance.com/article/French-news/Notre-Dame-fire-New-cause-investigated-as-2024-service-date-confirmed-on-second-anniversary-of-fire

The story of a person discriminated by the people of his own town just for being different, the story of Quasimodo. 

2) And another signal occured in 2019 as well, expressing the fury by the burning of the Amazon mostly in Brazil. President Jair Bolsonaro blamed environmental agencies for that. Another reason is that the farmers cut down the forests and set trees on fire to clear the land and sometimes they can't control fires and it goes out of control, and climate change was not an ally on it. 

Link: https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/causes-consequences-amazon-fires-deforestation-2022-08-10/

Link: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-53893161

Even so, wildfires occured in Europe, in the United States of America, in Australia, in among other countries. 

Nicolas is still claiming for justice while the society is still moving on not apoligizing, pushing Nicolas out of the system, argentinians and others in the world are still making money, and politicians are only worried about elections.. Ten years of mistreatment and misfortune, and the people is still pretending nothing happened here. Memories turn evil at nights, the nights are still cold, and Nicolas sometimes wakes up with feelings of explosion. Even if Nicolas doesn't go out of his house frequently, all the memories come back to him at dark nights and he listens to voices inside his head of people alive, of people doing cyberespionage like he used to hear since 2012. The first time he listened to voices inside his head was when he was posting on one of his private Facebook account, later he deleted that account, but he knew there was cyberespionage including from his neighbors, and he listened to their voices inside his head, unnatural ability. 

3) The smile. Nicolas was not ok while filming police officers with camera live. Nicolas was sharing his pain due to police persecution, however they smiled at him. Nicolas remembers their smiles, aweful attitude. How did they dare to smile at Nicolas when he felt bad? That's not compassion. Nicolas remembers their smiles as outrageousness, indignation. When Nicolas was crying and sharing pain on social media, why did they smile at him and laugh at him in the field?

Ethnic Justice

Sunday, October 16, 2022

11 Worldwide Events to remember in the last decade

Here are the eleven worldwide events in the last decade September 2013- September 2022 and beyond chosen by Nicolas Sourivongxay to remember.

1) Feminism and the labor market

Not only higher marks than Nicolas by purpose at university professors gave to women students just for being women. The evil Feminism didn't help Nicolas Sourivongxay during these last ten years. It's evident some good women helped him at NSComex because most of the clients were women, even so, some evil women treated Nicolas in a bad manner pushing him out from the labour dependent market. 

The feminism when it turns to nationalism, they accept other male argentinians, so centre-right party agrees. The liberation and confussion of freedom with debauchery, abortion, and putting women over Nicolas were part of the standart flag of the centre- left party but also promoted by United Nations. The problem relied on the implementation of women's rights in the field, that implementation that carried its  positive consequences and negative consequences . Has it been a price to put Nicolas at lower position than women? 

Link: https://childrenandyouthninezyjuventud.blogspot.com/

Even so, in terms of persecution on the streets most of the police officers were men more than police women, and the neighbors bothering Nicolas at the walkside of his house or late at nights are most young men.

Most of the workers at human resource departments are women, but most of the owners of organizations are men. Not a surprise that most of billionaires in every country are men, therefore they are all decision makers. Some of them say "Y cuanto vale?", that's an excuse, speculation that damaged the life of Nicolas for ten years. Time reveals the true and the true says that speculation has been killing Nicolas. If he was at a fair level of income, maybe Nicolas could have prolong the life of close people around me, maybe.

2) Terrorism until 2021: https://www.dni.gov/nctc/timeline.html and https://reliefweb.int/report/world/global-terrorism-index-2022

3) Shootings period 2013-2022, mostly in The United States of America, in Canada, in Europe, and in Mexico: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_shooting

4) Missing airplanes 2013-2022:  assumed location:  North Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, Guyana, British Columbia, Brazil, Russia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_missing_aircraft 

5) Refugee crisis since 2015, specially in Europe : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2015_European_migrant_crisis . And Immigration crisis in The United States of America: https://www.migrationpolicy.org/article/frequently-requested-statistics-immigrants-and-immigration-united-states

6)  Everything occured in the decade of the social media revolution, the internet revolution, the new words appearances "Start up" "Entrepreneur" "Milleanians". The transition to technology, to the internet second world. And people used Nicolas so much like modern slavery leaving him with less money than the others.

7) And it was easier for the world to talk about climate change than talking about cyberespionage from the secret society. 

8) After that, the Pandemic due to Covid-19, later Delta, then Omicron, and finally Monkeypox. 

9) And whatsmore the war between Russia vs Ukraine.

10) Adding salt to the wounds, economic problems such inflation, recession and more. And economic war against China. 

11) President of Haiti Jovenel Moïse (Centre-Right) assassination in 2021 : https://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-57762246 . Japan's former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe (Centre-Right) assassination in 2022: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-62089486 . The Argentinian Vicepresident Cristina Kirchner (centre-left) survived from an assessination attempt in 2022: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-62762421 

And let's listen to the lyric of the song popularized by Diana Ross 'Do you know where your're going to? Do you like the things that life is showing you?' Songwriters: Gerry Goffin / Michael Masser

Ethnic Justice

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