Saturday, January 7, 2023

Towards Transition 2023 (Part 2)

Let's continue remembering this transition towards the presidential election that will take place in Argentina on October 23rd, 2023  by judging the government of Alberto Fernandez as it was done with the government of the Ex-President Mauricio Macri. 

Transition Part 1:

(2019-Current): More about the government of  Alberto Fernandez on this link:

(2015-2019): Mauricio Macri:


The political party Frente de Todos (Centre-left) against Mauricio Macri (centre-right, Ex-President of Argentina, political Party Pro)

Espionage to the families of the tragedy 'ARA San Juan', in which 44 marines died inside a submarine found in november 2018. 




Rodriguez Larreta (centre-right,Major of Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires from Mauricio Macri Political Party) against the political party Frente de Todos (Centre-left) 

The chats of the Minister of Security of Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires were revealed



The government of  Buenos Aires Province led by the governor Axel Kicillof, same political party of the current national government, bought personal lubricans valued at 500 millions of argentinian pesos.



  • One for friendship day


  • Special bonus only for a city, La Matanza, in which Peronismo generally wins, one of the cities with major quantity of votes in elections that comes from there.  



It's a government program 

It is a type of basic complementary salary for people who are at risk or in a state of social vulnerability or who work in some activity of the Popular Economy whose requirements are: that they be over 18 and under 65, Argentine, and that they are framed in some of these activities: socio-productive projects, educational completion, or socio-labour or socio-community projects.

Nicolas Sourivongxay's application was rejected without argument and he was told that there were no more registrations.

Justice investigates whether the government withheld program cards.


Ethnic Justice

Friday, January 6, 2023

The Ironic Job Interview

The Hilarious & Ironic Job Interview:


👨‍💼Where Did You Hear About This Position?

Me: - On @LinkedIn , @indeed , @ZonaJobs @bumeran ...

👨‍💼What Prompted You to Apply? 

Me: -The administrative position in person, not remotely. At an office.

👨‍💼Do You Think You’re Overqualified for This Position?

Me: I have diversity on my CV, but I am not perfect in everything, sometimes I am lack of experience or knowledge so I need to be trained. That would be easy, I am a fast Lerner, I got 271 certificates.

👨‍💼How Do You Handle Pressure/Stress?

Me: ....well ...I believe in respect for agreed purposes for the organization. I think this kind of pressure is different than the pressure I experienced on streets by harassment & bullying from the police so I sent to kill. And I won't have to be worry about cyberespionage because it's an in presence work, I won't be at home. The environments are different. One thing is in your organization but one another is what happens on the streets. I DON'T LIVE IN BUENOS AIRES ANYMORE. the security outside affects my mind and probably my performance inside your company but my strategy is finding good private transportation to get work when I get enough money. That will help to avoid them. And I am not living in Buenos Aires or Ciudad Autónoma anymore.this is my way out, I don't see any other way to manage pressure/stress. And I gotta take those free coupons for the Gym from your company.

👨‍💼Are You More of a Team Player or an Independent Individual? 

Me:- Both. I can handle it. For projects I am good as Team Player, too under a contract.

👨‍💼What Is It That You Particularly Like About This Company?

Me:- I didn't think about company so much, I just want a job to work 4 u.

👨‍💼Would You Be Willing to Relocate? 

Me:- Of course, desperately!

👨‍💼What Was the Last Book You Read? Is that important? I read the news at Coffee stores. I am a writer, too, but if I get the job, I won't write anymore, I want to be focused on the job.

👨‍💼Could You Explain the Gap in Your Employment History?

Me:-Why of my last dependent job in SEP 2013? It's a long story. The argentinians have been mean ppl, they chose me for a purpose in the market, there're many excuses u can hear, but the real and honest one is on Ethnic Justice

Click in the photo to zoom it

👨‍💼What Was Your Previous Boss Like? 

Me:-I haven't got a boss since SEP 2013. Previous that, I always worked with my bosses directly, owners of companies.

👨‍💼Why Were You Fired?

Me:- In one of the companies since 2008 to 2013. I got fired because I needed time to go to bank for my personal fixed-term deposit that was going to overdue. In that time there're long queues & restrictions at banks. Nowadays, it is easier by homebanking or app. And I needed time to finish my degree at university, so I might get higher salary, a better job, more progress. I wanted to upgrade the apartment I rented, to change it for a better one or to save $ to buy one personal house for me. I had no future there.

👨‍💼What Are Your Salary Expectations?

Me:- The argentinians got increased their salaries so much these days. And the inflation ctrl of President @POTUS gave them that benefit in $ exchange. I think your company gotta treat me well. I hope so.

👨‍💼Why Should We Hire You Over Other Candidates?

Me:- Well, because they are not me. I think I can do a better job. The mother fuckers had time to hack me, to take their conclusions about me. 10 years since 2013. I think it's my time. For common purposes.

👨‍💼Where do you see yourself in five years?

Me:- Working at your company while I am making progress in my life.

👨‍💼Why are you leaving your current job? 

Me:- I am active at NSComex , I can't stop or that will affect the qty of years 4 my retirement. If u hire me, I gotta stop that business just to work for u. My income was under the minimum salary gap, the police persecuted me, Cyberespionage.

👨‍💼Do you have any questions for me?

Me:- Actually not.

👨‍💼 Thanks. After reviewing your application we decided to pursue other candidates who better fit the position. We encourage you to apply for other offers from our company. Best Regards.

Me: -Fuck you, stupid Orthodox feminist.

👨‍💼Most are women but I am a man

Me:-Fuck you, too


The Freedom Market of NSComex

Ethnic Justice

Thursday, January 5, 2023

The Traditional Media & the Power

Let's analyse this case on TV, she is not Nicolas Sourivongxay, her name is Silvana Suarez, Ex-model and Miss World 1978,  and she passed away in October 2022. 

She was fighting for a really complicated divorce against her powerful husband. Her husband was Julio Ramos, a journalist, owner of company, and politician. 

Let's see this point of view. 

In this fight, the TV host suggested to Silvana not to appear on the media to talk about her divorce but instead, to solve it only at Justice System. Silvana had a traumatic behavior reacting to that comment. 

The common thing with Nicolas is that he is also fighting against a big evil problem, another one different than Silvana's. He has been fighting at Justice System alone, the victim alone, with no success at all. Nicolas tried to go to the media, but they closed his doors many times. It's been 10 years of misfortune, disgrace, injustice,  and humilliation. 


Mirtha Legrand

Messages to Television: 

1) Telefe Noticias there is a Webform. 

2) Todo Noticias (TN)

3) America 24 (A24)

4) C5N

5) Canal 13

6) La Nacion

7) CNN


8) Talents Show

9) Got Talent

10) Nicolas sent messages to many other international news channels like BBC, Washington Post, New York Time, CNN, The Guardian, Sky News, and many others. 

In 2013, 2014, 2015, the media sent indirect messages to Nicolas. The media can do that on TV machines and not necessary through smart tv's. Nicolas remember he had not a smart tv, just a small tv machine of 14 inches in that time.

Read more about Television, Radio behaviour in the life of Nicolas right here: 


Monday, January 2, 2023

Towards Transition 2023

Let's remember the transition of the last presidential election in 2019. Mauricio Macri vs Alberto Fernandez


Next Presidential transition, election on October 23rd, 2023 in Argentina.  

Let's remember transitions in Argentina

Dictatorships: 1930, 1943, 1955, 1962, 1966, 1976. 


1983 Raúl Alfonsín

1989 Carlos Menem

1995 Carlos Menem

1999 Fernando de la Rúa

2003 Néstor Kirchner

2007 Cristina Fernández de Kirchner

2011 Cristina Fernández de Kirchner

2015         Mauricio Macri

2019         Alberto Fernandez

Let's start with the review of the period of time November 2019 until today 2023 towards transition in October 2023. Presidency Alberto Fernandez, assumption on December 10, 2019.



In the years 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, until first days of 2023 everything was about police and security persecution and harassment against Nicolas Sourivongxay, including cyberespionage, and harassment by caughing at Nicolas walkside house from the same one or two neighbors in his neighborhood. 

It was proved Nicolas never had fans saying "hi" or congratulating him on the streets, there were only police officers persecuting him. 

July 8th, 2022 a legislator in Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires created 'Mapa de la Policia' against police abuse: . Her political party only did that in Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires where the opposition party rules, but not in Buenos Aires Province due to her political party ruling by a governor. 

And Nicolas fighting at Justice System.


Business damaged

The restrictive quarantine due to Covid-19 starting in March 2020 when Nicolas arrived from his vacation in Mar del Plata. All the consequences it carried, economically and socially. In September 2020, Nicolas left the market with NSComex, his little store, due to lack of clients.  The government sent him money by a program called IFE but the money was just useful to pay taxes not to generate enough income from the market.

Many stores were affected by policies about restrictions during the quarantine in the year 2020: 90,000 stores and 41,000 small enterprises closed in the whole country.


Nicolas returned to the market in February 2021 in the middle of police persecution on the streets.  In December 2021 he left the market due to the persecution of the police in Mar del Plata during his vacation. Nicolas didn't get rest there.  The vacation was paid 50% off with a benefit progrram of the government called Previaje to boost tourism sector consumption.

Read more on:


Nicolas wore a mask in green color on the streets without knowing his mask was relevant for a congress decision about abortion in Argentina. That was his first face mask bought at a supermarket in March 2020 and there was not another color. The congress approved it in december 2020 during the quarantine. Later, Nicolas realized of that, so he changed that by using a face mask in white color, and later a client gave him a face mask in light blue color.  



Nicolas has been a really fan of the movies 'Resident Evil' so, he follows Milla Jovovich on his personal Instagram Account and Facebook accounts. Milla Jovovich promoted the green handkerchieves/bandana symbol for the cause for the approval of the abortion in The United States of America after the successfull case in Argentina occured in December 2020.



During the pandemic the deficiencies in infraestructure framework and administrative processes in the governments of the world relied in delay in response of leaders to people needs. The debts of governments increased to spend the money mainly for social security. 

Technology advance

The key was technology adaptation to face the economic problems in communication through the distance for business purposes. 

Remote work, hybrid work, fintech companies, technology to education with the app star 'Zoom" and 'Classroom from Google', technology to Health system, the use of social medias, Facebook that changed to Meta, Twitter, Instagram, more internet connection, whatsapp, telegram.

Technology applied to government processes. 


However, the process of adaptation was not easy, and many were excluded because of lack of knowledge, ideology, etc. 

Misinformation and disinformation


Link Latin America:

Protest for liberation

Protest in several parts for freedom from restrictions. 


Racial discrimination

Against people from Asia. This time not only for commercial war. 



It's a global problem that the world decided to hide. It affects Argentina as well. Argentinians cyberspy through technology and no matter if they are experts or not. 




Not influenced so much. The political party of Alberto Fernandez was so linked to Russia but later they remained in silence due to the war.


Position 7 worldwide of Food inflation according to World Bank (nominal). One of the ten worst countries in the world.


After that, the government of Joe Biden in the United States of America tried to stop or to control inflation affecting the countries in the world. 


Increase of renewable energy sector. Less outages for homes. Outages descreased in qty since the middle of 2020 during quarantine for homes. Nowadays there are sporadic outages due to political purposes more than technical purposes. 

Companies in private sector make complaints frequently due to outages. For example in 2021:

Nicolas Sourivongxay released 4 (four) videos about it until December 31st, 2022 related to Latin America & the Caribbean situation including in Argentina concerning outages concluding political purposes mostly than technical problems, and more improvement in renewable energy is necesssary for the region.







During the period of time November 2019 until these days in 2023, Nicolas didn't find a job yet despite of sending a lot of resumes by LinKedin, ZonaJobs, Bumeran, Indeed, Clarin empleos, Computrabajo, and other job search platforms, including direct company website platforms. 

Nicolas went to the Ministerio de Trabajo, Empleo, Seguridad Social to make complaints on 10 November 2022 and on 6 December 2022 .

The market remains in silence in Argentina and in the international market but observing, extracting ideas and knowledge secretly. The income of NSComex is still under the mininum salary average.



Click in the photo to zoom it

Argentinians increased their salaries putting Nicolas in more disadvantage economically. 


The Argentinian Vicepresident Cristina Kirchner (centre-left) survived from an assessination attempt in 2022:

International context: 

President of Haiti Jovenel Moïse (Centre-Right) assassination in 2021 :

Japan's former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe (Centre-Right) assassination in 2022:


2020 Vladimir "Sausage King" Marugov, oligarch.

2022 Darya Dugina, ultranationalist journalist and writer.

The UK

2021 Sir David Amess, Conservative Member of Parliament for Southend West.


2019 Derk Wiersum, lawyer

2021 Peter R. de Vries


2019 Paweł Adamowicz, Mayor of Gdańsk.



Bad consequences, nationalism and politics in December 2022. Argentina won the FIFA World Cup 2022:

11) Last resigns

In December 2022. the leader in INADI (the institute against discrimination) resigned (allied to the current government)


In the same month, the leader of the officie anti-corruption resigned. 


12) ? 

Every transition is an aweful process with problems, hurting each other, violence. Let's see what happens next in Argentina until the final election on October 23rd, 2023 and beyond.  

From Ethnic Justice

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