Thursday, August 24, 2023

Criminals at Justice System

The question relies on a simple mathematical summation 5+3= 8 but for Justice System 5+3= 6.  

For Nicolas Sourivongxay there is a case of Abuse, clear and solved that requires a judge verdict in his favor.  

For Justice System there is no a case, and the judge verdict is dismissing the case. 


Reflecting about the concealment in Justice System. Why do Argentinians do concealment, commit falsehood against the law being part of the Justice System?

Decision makers at Argentine Justice System are Criminals. They not only dismiss, but they also attack by intimidating. Every action coming from the Justice System have terrible consequences on the field against the victim.  The question is if Argentine Justice System is really serving people for justice or just being a bureaucratic organization working just for itself. 

Time, cost, procedures can have a negative impact on victims..




These are the names and the places at Justice System involved in the case of Nicolas Sourivongxay. They all dismissed and/or mistreated him. Criminals at Justice System.

  • Consejo de la Magistratura: Dr. Lino E..Palácio y Dr. Horacio Rosatti (2023)
  • Juzgado Federal Penal y Económico: Dr. Javier López Biscayart (2023)
  • Juzgado de 1ra Instancia Criminal y Correccional de Lomas de Zamora Nro. 1  .  Secretaria Nro. 16 . (Marzo 2023)
  • Juzgado Nro 2 de Família Lomas de Zamora.Vieytes 370, Banfield. Talita Gomez. (30 Mayo 2022)
  • Juzgado de Garantías Nro 1, Lomas de Zamora. Dr. Jorge Walter López (Abril 2022)
  • UFIJ 8. Ministerio Público Fiscal Lomas de Zamora. (2019-2023)
  • Ministerio Público Fiscal CABA. Chacabuco 151. Julio Barreto, Secretario Administrativo. (August 19/2021)
  • Fiscalías Descentralizadas. Unidad  Nro 4 Funcional de Instrucción y juicio. Esteban Echeverría ( February 18th, 2021)



Ethnic Justice 

Wednesday, August 23, 2023


Ostracism is the banishment to which citizens who were considered bad or very bad for popular sovereignty were sentenced. It was a democratic procedure in Athens, Greece, to expel a citizen out of the city-state for ten years.

Characteristic of Ostracized citizen: Someone prominent, popular, and powerful. 

Objective: to neutralize that person in order to protect the democratic balance.



Nicolas Sourivongxay quit his last depending job in the market in September 2013 and it can be verified at the Argentine national job record institution called "ANSES", so in September 2023, he completes 10 YEARS, A DECADE of EXCLUSION. 

During those 10 years he tried to find a job, he tried by creating his own job NSCOMEX, and many awful and bad events occurred in his life. It was a decade of a nightmare. 

There is no doubt Nicolas has been ostracized by the Argentine society (exclusion from Job depending market, universities, Justice System,etc.) and he experienced the reactions that being ostracized triggers out. 

In the following video, OSTRACISM is applied in te context of a job as a another way to exclude a person in addition to the HARASSMENT. So, both OSTRACISM and HARASSMENT are ways used to exclude someone from a group. It shows the beginning of the process but to be considered a person ostracized, the qty of years, 10 YEARS, should be remarkable as the consequences of natural reactions of a person ostracized. The example is applied inside jobs but in short periods of time, not 10 YEARS. Is it possible to be ostracized for 10 years inside of a job? 

This Year in 2023, it will be the anniversary of his graduation at a private university that was on December 13th, 2013.  So, 10 YEARS ago, a DECADE. Nicolas got a Bachelor degree in International Trade at John F. Kennedy University. 

The doors of the market were closed after his last quit of his depending job in September 2013, and even by getting his Degree in December 2013, the market rejected him since then. 

In that time, in Argentina, peronistas communist workers insisted in the double compensation for employees who get fired and in a kind a law to ban employers to fire employees. This was to face the government of Mauricio Macri, who got the presidency in 2015.


While communist workers closed itself and turned more selected in recruitment, owners of companies never hired Nicolas. 

The movement of the market phylosophy of "Stop working from 9-6 and create your own money" was running in the system as the boom of social medias were exploding in the world. Technology and internet, the transition process for changing habits of the population. In addition, feminists movement asking for more inclusion in the market. All of these, with consequences, pros and cons. 

Here, British Cancellor Darren F Magee explains this form of Abuse.

Pain can be deep and last :

Here it is a video explanation with history.

The Art of Living 1 

The Art of Living 2

The Art of Living 3 

The Art of Living 4

The Art of Living 5

Ethnic Justice 

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

The Lever of Harassment: IMPLOSION

The genius Nicolas Sourivongxay has been sick since August 18th, 2023. He is getting over it slowly with medication prescripted by his doctor.

Let's remember the article called " The Lever of Harassment: Implosion and Explosion"

And he published prescriptions while saying goodbye to his Instagram account new posts. 




His symptoms are: 

🚑 Stress and extreme pressure 
🚑 Fever 38.7
🚑 Excessive sweating at nights until losing sense of ear
🚑 Bones ache due winter temperature in Buenos Aires
🚑 Cervicalgia
🚑 Gastrointestinal irritation
🚑 Dehydration
🚑 Headache
🚑 Nauseous
🚑 Dizziness


His last awful events envolve police persecution and harassment by interceptions on streets, young male neighbors at the walkside of his house, water problem, the rejection of the US VISA by US Embassy in June 2023, his last attempt for ASYLUM in July 2023 in Uruguay, and among others, the top layer of Justice System rejection breaking the concept of real Justice in Argentina during his stay in Uruguay and two days before the primary election in Argentina. 


In his posts on Instagram, Nicolas said clearly workers, decision makers at Argentine Justice System are Criminals. They not only dismiss, but they also attack by intimidating. Every action coming from the Justice System have terrible consequences on the field against the victim.  The question is if Argentine Justice System is really serving people for justice or just being a bureaucratic organization working just for itself. 
Time, cost, procedures can have a negative impact on victims..

Let's remember the aggressive questioning in March 2023

The impact was Nicolas getting sick in April 2023 in the middle of the process towards his second vaccine for COVID-19. 

In addition, Nicolas' tooth got broken. He had pay a lot of money to fix that. 

There are more prescriptions such as this one in October 2022, 

And there are more and some of them already sent to Justice System in his claims for Cervicalgia as consequence of stress and extreme pressure provoked by police persecution on the streets. Let's remember Nicolas said, he can't walk on the streets in peace due to the fear a police patrol appear at the corners surprisingly so that pushes him to be in alert increasing his level of attention and stress  

Nicolas also said, police officers, those you see on the streets are criminals, as the workers in Justice System, politicians decision makers, and owners of organizations as groups of communists workers who are decision makers capable to hire Nicolas or not. 

In the photo above, it shows April 2022 as the month a Judge of the Justice System rejected his Habeas Corpus that Nicolas needed desperately for his tranquility.  Due to the quantity and the awful events, the rejection of the Justice System, Nicolas started to send emails to kill Argentinians and he published that on social media visible for everyone in order to stop police harassment, but that was like nothing. Nothing happened, it was like allowed to do that by the society not only in Argentina but in the world by authorities of main organizations. It was a weird reaction of a barbaric civilization. It's was like a war and Nicolas had to defend himself alone, he was protecting his rights, he fought for his individual and personal rights as he could. 


Nicolas was never taught in Criminal Law at Universities, only Civil and Comercial Law, so Nicolas had to dig into the Criminal Code alone and to learn the process as he could due to lack of lawyers specialized in his problems. 
The Justice System in Argentina is an unorganized system in information flow and it's  not easy for a victim to reach Justice. 
April 2022 until March 2023, the awful process of questioning started and ended up the same month accusing Nicolas of Public Intimidation that finally it was dismissed.


Emotional Exhaustion and its health consequences:

To end up this article, a movie starred by Melissa Joan Hart called 'Dirty Little Secret'

Ethnic Justice 

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