Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Inflation, Wildfires, Corruption, Justice a few days before the election

After the last Argentine Caucus Debate things got out of control in Argentina towards the Presidential Election on October 22nd, 2023. 

1) Inflation: Argentina’s black market exchange rate hit a record 1,040 pesos per dollar. 

Buenos Aires Times: Argentina's black market: 10,040 per dollar

2) The Wildfires im Córdoba Province, Argentina. The province of the governor Juan Schiaretti who won the caucus with three points according to Ethnic Justice & Nicolas Sourivongxay. The result was given beyond the potential winners in dispute, Javier Milei, Patricia Bullrich, or Sergio Massa..

Youtube video from The Independence

Sky News: Intense Heatwave in Córdoba, Argentina 

NBC News: Argentina wildfires spur evacuations in central Cordoba province

AP News: Evacuations are underway in Argentina’s Cordoba province as wildfires grow amid heat wave

Al Jazeera: Wildfires rage in Argentina’s Cordoba province amid heatwave

The Telegraph: Nearly 1,000 firefighters battle massive wildfire in Argentina

Chequeado 2019-2022: Ranking de incendios por Provincias..

3) The President Alberto Fernández sued the candidate Javier Milei for the crime of Public Intimidation for calling people not to save money in Argentine pesos at banks in fixed term deposits. 

"Never in pesos, never in pesos. The peso is the currency issued by the Argentine politician, therefore it cannot be worth even excrement because that garbage is not even useful for fertilizer." Javier Milei. ( IProfesional)

Javier Milei responded the government tries to forbidd them. (IProfesional) 

The case resounded the ears of Nicolas Sourivongxay. The President Alberto Fernández was a professor at the Public University of Buenos Aires teaching law. He was a lawyer expert in criminal law.  He used the source  of 'Public Intimidation against Javier Milei.

Let's remember at the beginning of March 2023, Nicolas Sourivongxay was accused of Public Intimidation by the police and by the Prosecutor Office managed by the judge Federico Hernán Villena in Lomas de Zamora, Buenos Aires Province that finally it was dismissed at the end of March. 

These last days it was a surprise to read the truth revealed of who were the people who hurt Nicolas Sourivongxay with an accusation.

We know the Police doesn't stop bothering, chasing, persecuting, intercepting, and harassing Nicolas on the streets since 2018 almost every day until these last days in 2023. It's not a surprise, the first accusation came from them in March 2023, but let's dig into the justice system. 

As we know Nicolas has been claiming so much, sending emails since 2019, and presenting documents at the Justice system in person, and his claims were viewed in all the possible layers of the justice system pyramid until the Court. 

The Parabole of the Persistent Widow (Luke 18:1-8)

Even so, the maximum authority at justice system dismissed Nicolas' claims. Nicolas sent this last letter you are able to download for free on his LinkedIn profile . Nicolas Sourivongxay didn't reach the final level of that widow. Judges, prosecutors, and the maximum authorities at Justice System still remain in silence, and they dismissed all Nicolas' claims.  If Nicolas gets upset, the justice system react in bad manner against Nicolas. 

4) Enrichment 

One of the recent news in politics has to do with the mayor of Lomas de Zamora, Buenos Aires Province for his expensive travels in the world. He is called Martin Insaurralde who belongs to the current government of President Alberto Fernández.

Birds of a feather flock together

Marano is a lawyer of the opponent political party called Pro (Mauricio Macri), he denounced Insaurralde for his travels. Marano is defending the man who attacked Cristina Kirchner with a gun. The judge in charge to judge Insaurralde is Judge Federico Hernán Villena, the same judge who judged Nicolas in March 2023 by dismissing the claim of the Police. 

The office of the judge Federico Hernán Villena has a "friendly " relationship with Insaurralde according to the press. The ex wife of Insauralde works there.

So you see, the dichotomy between two main political parties there. One judge in common. 

Let's remember one car of Ministerio de Desarrollo of the Municipality of Esteban Echeverría (current government of President Alberto Fernández) interviene during the process in March 2023 by treating Nicolas in bad manner at the gate of his house.


Read: Penal Code


Ethnic Justice

Monday, October 9, 2023

The Argentine Caucus Debate

Just a few days for the official presidential election in Argentina that will be on October 22nd, 2023, candidates celebrated the Caucus Debate.

This type of format to collect information for the vote is good to clarify ideas and concepts from political parties and candidates however, due to the no simplicity in ideologies and lack of time to express everything, the caucus turns a little not satisfying what the viewers want to watch. 

Javier Milei/Patricia Bullrich/Juan Schiaretti/Sergio Massa/Miriam Bregman

Moreover, there is no a perfect candidate with full ideologies aligned to voters. The Congress is a half of the cake but not the full cake. In that cake, political parties own pieces but never the full half cake unless it is a dictatorship. Politicians work together with their interests to take advantage by eating more pieces of that cake. 

The media is giving their opinions by saying who the winner of the 2nd Caucus was.

For IProfesional the winner was Patricia Bullrich

For Âmbito the winner was Sergio Massa for putting him first in the article.

For CNN Español there is no winner

For Clarín the winner is not said but they remarked the víctory of the primary election of Javier Milei and they say surveys are giving him the víctory in the upcoming final election. 

For Todo Notícias, according to a live survey at the moment of the debate the results were as follows: 

Javier Milei: 41%

Juan Schiaretti: 37%

Sergio Massa: 14%

Patricia Bullrich: 7%

Myriam Bregman: 1%

For France 24 , the winner is Javier Milei followed by Sergio Massa, and the third place for Patricia Bullrich

Ethnic Justice and Nicolas Sourivongxay decided to get into the game. It's a game because the results of the surveys, the results of the elections, or the results of the upcoming election not necessary is aligned to the opinions of experts by analizing the caucus. In addition, the caucus gives a limit information in a short period of time, and there is not perfect candidate as aforesaid in this article. And the current government of the President Alberto Fernández Is being judged. 

1er Round of the Debate

Economy/Education/Human Rights & Democratic Coexistence 

Economy: Even Argentinians already know what the government of Mauricio Macri did between 2015-2019, it was not worse than the current economy of the government of Alberto Fernández due to statistics that cause damage to the Argentine economy and the future obligations. It was a challenge presidency for President Alberto Fernández related to Pandemic and Drought. And Javier Milei said he will end up inflation by dollarizing the economy that means loosing nationalism, it's an extreme ideology in economy. Juan Schiaretti showed himself centralized without taking risks. 

The winners: Patricia Bullrich followed by Juan Schiaretti. 

Education: It's controversial the risk of children taking guns like in the United States of America, but the vouchers for students to choose universities no matter if they are in private or in public sector look good at a glance (Javier Milei). Juan Schiaretti showed itself centralized. And Patricia Bullrich asked for equilibrium in educational government expenditure towards private sector. 

The Winner is: Juan Schiaretti followed by Patricia Bullrich.

Human Rights & Democratic Coexistence: Once again, Juan Schiaretti showed himself centralized in this issue. Javier Milei said truths bravely. In the current government Human Rights & Democratic Coexistence has been an inferno for Nicolas Sourivongxay. 

The Winner is: Juan Schiaretti followed by Javier Milei. 

2nd and Final Round of the Debate

Security/Work and Industry/Human Development, Housing, Environment 

Security: Patricia Bullrich argued excess in control and coercion and admitted Cyberespionage for protection even it is a practice very common not exclusive of her political party. All political parties do cyberespionage like civil people do. In Argentina, security it's upsidedown and the Justice System doesn't help. The right party is necessary these days for justice but for order more than ever. The Police force is a mess, you can't trust police officers. Sergio Massa showed technology in security concerns that gave him one point. Even Security is solved, without Justice System it means nothing. 

The winner is: Javier Milei followed by Patricia Bullrich then followed by Sergio Massa, after that Juan Schiaretti. 

Work and Industry: The economy needs the help of the private sector. There is a fight between the public sector against the private sector that gives the result of high inflation. It's not easy to find a candidate from both sides. 

The winner is: Javier Milei followed by Patricia Bullrich 

Human development, housing, environment: We have to separate each one by giving the winner. 

Human development: The winner is Juan Schiaretti

Housing: The winner is Patricia Bullrich followed by Sergio Massa. 

Environment: The winner is Miriam Bergman.

Read also: 


Read: CELAC 2023

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