Friday, February 3, 2023

Transition 2023 (Part 3) Economy, Electricity, Water

With the highest inflation rate of 94.8% in 2022 according to INDEC (National Institute of Statistics and Census of Argentina) the argentinian presidential transition has been turning hard in January 2023. (General elections are scheduled to be held in Argentina on 22 October 2023)

The worst performance during pandemic and the worst inflation rate considering G20 Countries Ranking. Nicolas Souriongxay is still finding a depending job since 2013, this chart shows  how the evil people argentinian treat him. 

The main image of this video, at a glance, shows the worst performance of Argentina during 2020, during the pandemic restrictions performance. Argentinians, probably, are proud of the recovering in 2021, but people got pain in 2020, there was damage, and there were events, things, lives that couldn't be recovered with just money. That's why it is considered the worst performance for Argentina followed by The UK.


To win the election, they attacked services. The worst one was EDESUR, the public company that provides energy to houses. They increased the prices of bills by purpose and with a high inflation they did so much damage and provoked deaths.

Before the election day that was in November 2019, Nicolas received an electricity anormal bill in August of $8000 (Argentine pesos), the previous bills were around $850 (Argentine pesos). Later, another one was received that made a total bill of $12,000 (Argentina Pesos) to pay. Nicolas and his mother were fighting until the end with no external help, they only recieved external pressure including from family pressure. Nicolas was teaching children so he paid part of the bill. His father was sick and consumed so much money and attention. And Nicolas and his mother experienced the feeling of private invasion, professionals in medicine visiting his house to see his father. That  private invasion was necessary to keep his father alive. 

During the period of election day, also this was the news on the argentine media: In a Parliament without a quorum, the feminist Jeanine Añez proclaimed herself president of Bolivia:

The Governor of Buenos Aires Province Axel Kicillof delayed the increasing price of electricity in Buenos Aires Province after winning the election : 

Inflation couldn't be sustained in time. 

8/Sep/2020: People still claiming. 

After that, the increasing quantity of electricity outages decreased considerably, and the segmentation of prices was applied. 

Nicolas Sourivongxay argued outages is a political activity to hurt people. Nicolas says the industry of renewable energy got increased and that was the key to stop outages. Any other outages are considered political activity of destruction of the society, group of people, or a person targeted. 


This year, the problem was not the bill of electricity, it was a problem with water. For the first time, the water from a well motor did not rise, however, the neighbors filled their tanks with water and they overflowed.
Nicolas asked the Municipality of Esteban Echeverria and Aysa ( The Company in charge of Water) for help, who did not help.
Nicolas had to ask for outside help to resolve the water situation, he received the help of his sisters. Money was spent that did not come from Nicolas's father's retirement. The situation was terrible due to water is vital for life. Water it's the most important service more than electricity ( that is also connected because you need electricity to take water from subterranean area). 

Of course, the ineffectiveness, inaction, negligence, and abandonment by Aysa and the Municipality of Esteban Echeverria, should be classified as a criminal offense that threatens life.

This was the news in argentine media when that was happening: More than 50% of the country is affected by drought. The drought mainly affects the most productive area of ​​Argentina in terms of agribusiness:

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