Sunday, November 12, 2023

Presidential Election 2023: The last Debate in Argentina

The last debate in Argentina before the Ballotage  on November 19th, 2023. 

Let's remember the 1st Debate. The winner was not elected in the last election in October. This is a technical error in democratic systems in pointing out popularity and power over the right candidate. Sometimes those coincide, sometimes not. 

The result of the last election gave the argentinians, extreme thoughts of candidates shouting with euforia in their own way from both sides. 

The last Debate


Here, candidates expressed themselves about economy but they also added extra issues about Falkland Islands and Retirement. 


Javier Milei clarified his intention related to Nationalism expressing his plan about Malvinas Island. And Sergio Massa affirmed Margaret Thatcher (England) was the enemy. 


About Retirement, Nicolas Sourivongxay will no longer receive money from the basic pension of his dad because he passed away this month. 

There was a dichotomy between the way of administration of retirement payments: AFJP (Private Sector) against the current public administration. 

There are different levels in pensions. Basic Pension, Medium Pension, and Rich Pension.


It will be a hard process for dolarization if there is no majority in agreements.

Inflation gave benefits to many employees and owners of organizations from private sector and public sector, but Nicolas Sourivongxay was thrown apart from the party. With one, two, or three salaries one argentinian may be millionaire. That also explains the success of Taylor Swift Concerts in Argentina in 2023 and the travelling expenses of argentinians at Qatar FIFA World Football Cup in 2022 . The gap between the income of poor people, medium class, and Rich class is large. 

International Trade

Here it was clear their points. Regularization and intervention (Sergio Massa) against Freedom of Market (Javier Milei). 

Argentinians treated Nicolas Sourivongxay in a bad manner since the last time he quit his job as an International Trade Assistant in September 2013. He has been ostracized for more than ten years and pushed to his limits. Let's remember Nicolas Sourivongxay was pushed to another country, Uruguay in July 2023. And he was kept economically poor fighting for his basic needs. And he was pushed to government plans for poor people to face unemployment such as Fomentar Trabajo and Potenciar Trabajo. 


Here they talked more about Education but almost nothing about Health System. Sergio Massa only mentioned about organs donations. 

Sergio Massa did a strong defense of public education increasing the government debt while Javier Milei remarked the problems in education towards the idea of privatization. 

Let's remember, Nicolas Sourivongxay got his Degree in International Trade in December 2013 at a private university after that, no one gave him a dependent job. He worked in international Trade during his process before getting his Degree. After December 2013, he was a little gaslighted by the public sector for his Degree in private sector among other issues connected to nationalism. 

He was pushed out from a Public University, Universidad de Lomas de Zamora in the middle of the restricted quarantine in 2020. He also tried in 2022 at Universidad de Ezeiza and Universidad de Avellaneda but he dropped out due to Police persecution on the streets. In 2023, he tried at Universidad de Buenos Aires but he also dropped out due to Police persecution. In this year he also was enrolled in a private university, Universidad FASTA, but he dropped out at the end of March due to the accusation of 'Public Intimidation' from the Police and the Justice System that finally was dismissed at the end of that month. 

The thing that paid attention about the comment of Sergio Massa saying Javier Milei had bad issues against the Central Bank due to his past, it is considered gaslighting. Not important for this debate. 

The truth is the moral concepts and education gave citizens not a good behavior with not good intentions hurting themselves as argentinians. 


Javier Milei reminded what happened during the pandemic, the performance of this current government. 

The thing about GEDE that Sergio Massa asked Javier Milei is considered gaslighting. Irrelevant for this debate. 

The truth is workers had a lot of privileges by pushing the system to work for four hours, hybrid or remotely. Including in the public sector, some teachers worked for two hours a week while their salaries increased up. Workers of the train didn't allow people to travel from Monte Grande to Temperley at weekends almost during all the four years of government of the current president Alberto Fernández arguing they were fixing things. 

Sergio Massa said about Job protection but Nicolas Sourivongxay is still out of the job market. 

Owners of companies, employees and labour unions from public and the private sector made a party of salaries by increasing them up but leaving Nicolas Sourivongxay apart from the festivity. 

It's interesting how the awful events of the pandemic were forgotten by the argentinians in time of elections. In Buenos Aires Province, they kept the same governor and in Monte Grande, they kept the same Major. 

And Nicolas Sourivongxay was kept economically poor fighting for his basic needs. And he was pushed to government plans for poor people to face unemployment such as Fomentar Trabajo and Potenciar Trabajo. 


Javier Milei remarked not to victimize criminals. And both were focused in Rosario, Santa Fe about corruption, drug trafficking,  and human trafficking.

Another interesting thing was the comment of Javier Milei in recognizing problems at Federal Justice System due to politics intromission. And he also said there were some police officers not in jail for commiting crimes of drug trafficking that people had to pushed drug dealers out of their towns. 

Sergio Massa said "that no victim to be with her/his rapist in the same grocery store". Let's remember the case of Nicolas Sourivongxay and the police abusers on the streets. Even so, it is important what Sergio Massa said that he would take all the accountability if he was the president but not governors and majors in hearachy. 


Sergio Massa highlighted 'Memoria, Verdad, y Justicia' against dictatorship but Nicolas Sourivongxay lived a dictatorship during all the presidency of Alberto Fernández 2019-2023. 

In terms of Freedom of Expression, the current President Alberto Fernández accused Javier Milei of "Public Intimidation", the same charge to Nicolas Sourivongxay in March 2023 that was finally dismissed. 


Ethnic Justice reserves the answer.

Questions made by Nina Andromeda Galaxy Milkyway on the Twitter Account of the Debate 2023

Ethnic Justice

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