Saturday, October 1, 2022

Ethnic Status Difference and Economic War

On television, when Nicolas made a claim about racial discrimination, he remembered a tv presenter pointing out the acceptance of immigrants coming from Venezuela, and that's true they got jobs in Argentina because Nicolas visited stores in Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires and in Buenos Aires province. 

The current President of Argentina, Alberto Fernandez said, "The Mexicans came from the Indians, the Brazilians came from the jungle, but we Argentines came from the ships. And they were ships that came from Europe"

Link related:

The thing is that coming from aborigen family or from europe, they are more in America Continent and more acceptable in terms of race.

It's not a surprise that in the United States of America, the affirmative action was/are being applied at universities to guarantee a percentage of racial diversity. 

However, what's the difference of Nicolas Sourivongxay's social status and the other asian immigrants?

The answer is simple. Chinese people came to Argentina as immigrant status to get maybe nationalization in the country, and they created their jobs like supermarkets, dry cleaner's, restaurants, and others. In the case of refugees, they came from wars or other kind of severe conflicts in the origin country. A refugee status triggers the statements Nicolas has experienced in life, not only nationalism issues but also the stigma of public sector vs private sector. A refugee that was helped by the government gets stigma, and including inside public sector when it turns nationalist. 

The bad acts of argentinians lead to the stigma of Refugee+Immigration. Nicolas is not a refugee because he was born in Buenos Aires, even so, he carried the stigmas since he was a child, and his parents are not from China, Japan or Korea but from other countries in Asia.

That's why Nicolas posted on his Linkedin Profile like this:

Why to clarify this now? because of the intention of police officers in letting Nicolas understand it's not about racial discrimination. In the last police persecution and harassment, Nicolas was going to get into in the Chinese Neighborhood in Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires, but police officers with motos were waiting for him at the entrance trying to show sympathy for chinese people, so Nicolas turned right on the street by purpose and when he came back to the entrance, the police officers had gone. 

Check blog on September 29th, 2022:

As it was said before, about chinese people, in addition to that, they also creates strong communities like the chinese neighborhood. 

During the pandemic due to Covid-19 that according to some people the outbreak started in Wuhan, China, even there was confussion on the press saying that the virus started in Italy or in other places before. Diiscrimination of asian people during 2020 was relevant. And there was also a weird campaign against chinese supermarkets. Supermarkets were vital, essencials for people during pandemic, so they were full of people, even so the press showed chinese supermarkets as declining and some of them, really were closing their doors due to the discredit of the press in economic war.

March 2020 at the begining of the restrictive quarantine in Argentina: Link:
Let's remember what happened with Nicolas in 2020 related to racial discrimination in Argentina due to Coronavirus and Police persecution: 

And let's remember his exclusion from University as well as power outages, interrruptions of internet connections, and cyberespionage to take advantage of him (to use him). persecution:

As it was said in this blog 'ACTIONS SHOULD SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS'. Argentinians denied the true, they cover the true, like people covering crimes. Imagine someone covering and cleaning the evidence of a murder or leaving the victim he/she crushed with his/her car.  

Nicolas Sourivongxay is victim of social experiments and politics ideology. 

Nicolas is still finding a job, but will he get really a job? Indenpendently, he can't due to police persecution, and he has cyberespinage if he worked at home remotly. Dependently, the police persecution and the persecution from the cars of the municipality of Esteban Echeverria, or other forces pretenting to follow Nicolas by purpose of harassment would affect the performance of Nicolas in his job, and would he arrive at the workplace? Nicolas never called 911 on the streets. Is that really security or harassment to incitement to commite suicide?

About the house, this is another point to clarify. The place was a forest in the past, and his family got legal papers for that as his neighbors also did. Why is the stigma focused on Nicolas family but not to be focused on his argentinian neighbors? How do you think his neighbors got their houses? 

Nicolas wrote this tale published on his book 'Cuentos de la Nueva Generacion', 2018 @Copyrights.

"The House"

Once upon a time there was a boy who was raised on the outskirts of a community, his origin nobody knew but the townspeople nicknamed him with two possible adjectives of nationality. His way of expressing himself was different, his voice sounded like a woman's.

They noticed him and laughed at him and that intonation made him stand out from the rest of the children in his age, made it more conspicuous to be the discharge object.

The boy was an artist, his passion was painting and writing, he learned to develop that with few resources abroad, however, his mother, a poor peasant very hardworking, supported and encouraged him to fulfill his dreams. That child did not told his mother what was happening to him, it was embarrassing to tell her that, and he preferred to keep it or bury it inside his heart so no one would know.

He was walking down the street, very correct and polite, while he was running errands, he had to achieve his goal, that was the most important thing, what happened around him did not matter and shouldn't react or the situation would get worse, most of them were men and a few women accompanying him on his way.

Arriving home, the boy exhaled and took off his armor, began to run through the rooms of his house looking for his mother to deliver what he had bought.

Minutes later, the mother was cooking while the child sat at the table drawing. Suddenly, a sharp blow was heared. The mother told her son not to worry about because they were just stones that sometimes the children of the neighborhood threw on the roof to have fun. Later, another stone was felt but it was very big and that sound had touched the heart of the mother then she grabbed a rolling pin and went to the opposite window and saw there was a crowd of neighbors gathered in the street, some were acquaintances of the mother, she and he used to chat with them. The mother left her house and the neighbors reclaimed her land, that land that was legally granted to that mother and that child. They wanted her and her son to leave but the mother, like a lioness protecting her child, with that rolling pin began to fight against all the neighbors. She grabbed a neighbor by the hair and threw her to the ground, then a man came up and she hit him in the back with that rolling pin. Soon it was heard the siren of a police patrol car and the crowd of neighbors began to dissipate little by little, only the leaders remain. The mother had to show legal papers to a police officer, it was then that the neighborhood leaders apologized to her, in front of that policemen, that desperate mother.

An hour later, the mother entered the house and ran to hug her son so strongly, with all her heart opened towards him. That child, so fragile and innocent and so talented but with so little success with the crowd.

Time healed the wounds even if the memories were not erased. That child became a young man and then into an adult and although those around him continued telling him words in the air from time to time, it wasn't as violent as before and the words bounced back like it was nothing. 

Mother and son, fighters of life, constantly thanked God and cried out to Him saying:

`Forgive those who offend us and lead us not into temptation. Amen`

Available on: 




USA,Aus,EU, ASIA, Brazil:


Ethnic Justice

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

The odds to belong to the establishment

One of the phrases of Nicolas Sourivongxay is, "When I see everything upside down I feel anguish, I should be upstairs and they downstairs, I'm downstairs but they upstairs, how unfair when I complied in good law. Prisoner of them, powerless to climb. It's a kidnapping". 

Link related:

He quit his last job as a dependent in labour market in September 2013 so he got his precious degree at the University in December 2013. After that nobody hired him, the presidencial transition from Cristina Kirchner (Centre-left party) to Mauricio Macri (Centre-right party) was starting, the revolution on the internet of social medias and start ups was climbing the level in the market affecting all societies in the world. Ideologies in the middle, theories and experiments. The peronistas were fighting for the democratization of justice and later they approved a congress resolution of double compensation for workers if they got fired in the labour market, they also were desperated in recruiting people to get into the police force. 


Nicolas reached a decade of exclusion and economic disadvantage through humilliation in September 2022. And he is still finding a job as we all know what happened with his little store NSComex (police persecution, excess of cyberespionage, and lower income), and Yooloper (destroyed by the INPI -National Institute of Intellectual Property- and Topper from Alpargatas). 

About the secret society, there are many excuses invented by the people to exclude Nicolas Sourivongxay from the labout market to ruin his life: 

As it was writen before, in the last article, pointing at Nicolas as a drug consumer, most of them come from young men and poor people.

Excuses about mental health can come from everyone no matter the economic level in the system. Sometimes mental illnesses are used to exclude people in the system such as schizophrenia when, in fact, people really bother Nicolas; Bipolar when people ruin your day, you are sad because you are human with feelings, but not controlling your feelings in the society makes you weak, so evil people take that excuse to exclude Nicolas. 

Some women tried to target Nicolas as a person with disability, so he can't get a job. Other say, he has Asperger, even it is not well defined in the society what really Asperger is including professionals in psychology still have confusion. So, because of Nicolas trying to defend himself from attacks, people say he has Asperger. 

About Management of pressure. Nicolas was warning on social media about reaching the levels of pressure due to police persecution on the streets, even so, they ignored him, so he sent emails asking other authorities and important organizations to kill them in his defense. 

Empathy is not easy to get by Nicolas Sourivongxay. He has been dealing with his problems for 10 years and that obeyed him to look back in his life by sharing his story since childhood times. A person that had to be included in the system but people reminded him about his ethnic traits in everywhere, sometimes inside, sometimes outside. And the peculiar thing to point out is that not educated children sometimes remark that sporadically in generational matter.

One crazy thing about this, is the comparison that famous people do excusing themselves thinking of Nicolas life as similar as theirs. And this is another thing people crazy for the media say 'porque sos famoso', considering the person as a product/object but not as a person subject of rights and as it was seen in the field, some policemen looses in the game as well. 

The immigration problem is an historical issue affecting all the countries in the whole world, so it is beyond the famous people problems, specially when the famous person living in America Continent has near blood european decendancy. 

Let's remember the real persecution from the Police with the methodology called by Nicolas as 'Synchonizing in time" began in 2018 when Nicolas uploaded a video on Youtube telling the public he noted police cars persecuting the bus he took while getting to Boulevard Shopping in Adrogue, Buenos Aires Province to get his bracelet for the Youth Olympic Games on August 30th, 2018 that was planned to take place in Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires in that year. Nicolas re-uploaded the video on Youtube on October 10th, 2018. 

Link related:

Nicolas Sourivongxay is still giving so much for free, and if not, it is stolen by the people by cyberespionage. 
With regard to Ethnic Justice, this is a must watched movie about a person who was discriminated by his race, so he has to give much to belong to the establishment

Men of Honor (2000)
Cuba Gooding Jr., Robert De Niro, Charlize Theron

Ethnic Justice

Monday, September 26, 2022

When Education is not enough....

After searching for information about the situation of universities trying to be focused on the problems of Nicolas Sourivongxay, the internet is full of news about racial concerns but most of all about other politics issues such as LGBT or Pandemic Covid-19 topics ending up at discussions or at the court. 
Nicolas got a degree in International Trade in December 2013 at private university 'Universidad John F. Kennedy' without a debt because he worked in private sector to pay for his dues. The most important thing for him was to get that degree for a better future, to upgrade his path in life. Duration of the degree 2005-2013.

The transition from the government of Cristina Kirchner (Centre-left party) to the presidency of Mauricio Macri (Centre-right party) was happening and Nicolas was chosen for a change.

After getting the degree he continued studying. He tried to take a course of one year called Business Administration at a private institute in Palermo, Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires, but things occured there that he just studied there for just one month. The thought of Nicolas was different, there was difference between him, a graduate, with the beginners, even so, he felt mistreated. He dropped out.
He tried to take free classes offered by the government of Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires, and he got a certificate about Development and Export of Franchises. His companions were professionals in other categories and owners of companies. Nicolas was the only one with a degree in International Trade in the course dictated at a private university 'Universidad de Ciencias Empresariales y Sociales' in 2014. After finishing the course succesfully, he saw job offers from his companions at a job search website '' however, after sending his resume, noone hired him.
That was the boom of the phenomeno of start ups and social media affecting socially, economically and politically the societies in the world. And Nicolas was perfect to use like a "rat" in a laboratory. 
Nicolas created NSComex in 2015 by writting books, creating music, and giving classes (NSComex was destroyed later by police officers who persecuted him, excess of cyberespionage, and lower income taking place in his location in December 2021), and he created Yooloper that was destroyed in 2018 by the INPI (Instituto Nacional de la Propiedad Intelectual)  and by Topper owned by Alpargatas that was consequently bought by a millionaire brazilian from the mormon church.
In 2015 he continued studying while finding a job. He finished a  virtual paid course of SAP System. 
In 2016 he tried to get a degree of 'University Teaching Pedagogy' at Universidad Abierta Interamericana, a private university, but he disagreed with the concepts internally and he saw movements of people inside, there were energy outages, and outside there were also people like waiting for him at the hall of the train station Constitucion like saying 'aprendiste?', they were men and looked like poor or humble with a kind of resentment feelings. He dropped out in a month. From there on, he got sick in bed for 2 weeks, then he went on vacation to Mar del Plata. He launched to the market his book 'Memories of a Small Man', an e-book with his writings on Instagram. 
Nicolas told the university prefect after a class at an auditorium he had problems to breath in that place and that the speaker was sending him indirect messages about for example 'Hiroshima' something that Nicolas posted in his private facebook account before that class. After dropping out that university, people created the rumor that Nicolas hated crowded places because he couldn't breath well, so that was one reason for not to come back to study or to work at an office in a private organization. For one reason or another, Nicolas suspected the information reached the United States of America, but he was just presumming. 
Nicolas didn't breath well due to his mind not prepared for the overwhelmed events he was being drowned, not because of crowded places. 
During that time, he remembered when TV, Radio, sent him indirect messages. One of the messages related to the dropped out of the last university was the presence of the current President of the Supreme Court in Argetnina, Horacio Rossati at the table of the tv program 'La Noche de Mirtha Legrand'. He remembered an student sponsored by him saying that the student finished his studies in record time. Maybe to cover Nicolas, like the professors at the university did, lower marks for him but not for some women.
In the media, Nicolas felt like the phrase "se autodiscrimina" came from  the leader Cristina Kirchner so her followers repeated that phrase in the field. 

Consequently, he wrote the book 'Mr. Education por Jamiro' and he made a joke with the name of the university. Universidad Abierta Interamericana for Universidad Cerrada Interanglonesa. 

In 2018, he took a course in Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires about dangerous goods in air transportation that he finished it sucessfully.  
In 2019, he came back to the a Public University 'Universidad de Lomas de Zamora' that he started in 2008 to get a degree in Accountability. Even having weird events again at the university, he completed courses successfully in that year. Events like lower marks than his companions even Nicolas was the best student because his companions (male/female) got burned when speaking, professors preference of women in marks, professors solving the exams of students almost reaching time out giving them advantage from the rest of the students, some watching him secretly at a restaurant outside the university, poor people interrupting the class asking for money, a message for not taking drugs at the bus stop where Nicolas used to take the bus in Monte Grande (Cementerio 1), deviation coming from professors instructions making the evaluation unfair, and one significant message "The only way to be someone in life is doing business. College only prepares you to be an employe" This message was new written on the door of the bathroom, the message was for Nicolas because he used to choose the last door at the bathroom. When Nicolas posted that on social media, the university painted all doors to cover the evidence. 

2019 was a hard year. That was the presidency of Mauricio Macri and people from left party and peronistas didn't like him so much due to his political ideology of centre-right orientation. In adittion, the transition for the next goverment affected the family of Nicolas drastically and deadly, the transition of Mauricio Macri (Centre-right party) to Alberto Fernandez (Centre-left party). The telephone line 'Telefonica de Argentina' didn't stop ringing with propaganda, and sometimes with unexisting debts to pay, the store of that telecomunication company got a final end in Monte Grande in front of the train station, they moved forever. Nicolas changed the Telephone line company to Telecentro SA around december 2019 because when Nicolas called 911 and 907 for an ambulance in november he reached to talk to someone asking fot that but when he tried again while waiting for the ambulance the comunication was cutted, muted, no sound, nothing. The ambulance never arrived that night around 2pm. The telephone line remained with no sound at all untill Nicolas finished the contract. 
With a new president already 'Alberto Fernandez', in february 2020 Nicolas continued studying with the same challenging problems and finished the course at the same unversity sucessfully. 
Next to that, he went on vacaction, his first vacation with NSComex (his little company) when the Covid-19 pandemic was starting. And when he came back home, the extreme shut down was implemented in the whole country. 

Nicolas was still with pain and fighting against the outages and the cut of the internet connection. During early 2020 he took virtual classes at that public university. After the first class he took on Zoom, someone cut the power to his house for one second. Nicolas was threatened. When Nicolas rejected a client on Whatsapp, an outage ocurred for just one second as well. 
The cutting of the internet connection was frequently. Nicolas used Twitter to express what was happening in real time. He suspected professors also knew about the outages. The screen class on zoom were blury when the main professor was giving the class. Nicolas tried to tweet in real time to show evidence because that was not easy to show evidence of the outages like that and the cyberespionge. Nicolas was a good student, and even he was not in the first classes, he tried to learned the content from suggested videos on the internet and from the papers he had from another university he attended before. It was a real surprise hearing from the professor that her students finished the virtual exam faster than Nicolas and that they got the highest marks, but not Nicolas. 
In the second exam, Nicolas asked the professor to take the exam but the professor rejected him. Nicolas vomited words in his defense, so he got blocked from Classroom. Following, the university blocked his personal account of the Student Portal. Consequently, the university called him for a virtual meeting that Nicolas rejected because he felt devastated, he never experienced moments like that moreover specially in a pandemic historical moment, so due to the rejection of Nicolas to talk about that, the univesity sent him a letter of an academic saction for two years due to his behaviour signed by Mr. Bongiorno. That was around early August 2020. Nicolas decided to never come back to study in that public university anymore. 

Afterwards,  the quantity of outages were considerably declining.   

Of course, subsequently, rumors affected his little store NSComex in which he was helping children in mathematics. 

On NSComex, Nicolas never helped his clients in Exams. He rejected them when his clients asked him to stay with them in exam times. Nicolas helped them with their homework but never with their exams. 
The exam is very important in education and that defines if the student learned something or not, the only way to check if the student studied or not. 

Argentinians are specialized in cover the true when it is about hurting Nicolas Sourivongxay.


Maybe the excess of homework during the pandemic pushed students to cheat on exams. Maybe people were thinking of the end their days, maybe....
Here it is what Nicolas also saw in education by creating a video called 'Real Education Performance during Quarantine' 

Speedly, after Nicolas dropped out the University during the restrictive quarantine in 2020, he took courses on the internet. The courses from important and very famous insititutions in the world. Nicolas started his collection of official certificates reaching a worldwide record. Nowadays, he got 240 official cettificates from the world only during the period of Covid-19/Delta/Omicron/Monkepox. (March 2020 until September 2022). Even so, Nicolas didn't get a formal job in the labour market of dependent jobs yet. In September 2022 he reached a decade of exclusion and economic disadvantage compared with the rest in his category according to his resume/portfolio. Many people who didn't even get a degree at university are getting much more money than Nicolas in his country. And the inflation increased the salary gap and the inequality in terms of income gap. 

In 2022, he tried to come back to university by choosen other two public universities however, the first day of class, Februaty 14th, he was persecuted by the police. A police car was waiting for him at the entrance of the Universidad Provincial de Ezeiza and when he just arrived, the car left the place. That day he spent so much money in transportation escaping from the police. He tried with another university the same day, Universidad de Avellaneda. He arrived to have a coffee at the corner of Argentina Congress, then he came back home. Nicolas couldn't take any course, in person or virtually, he had dropped out the universities from that day on. 
Presently, It's not easy to get over from those traumatic events and enrolling at university again is laborious.  

CYBERESPIONAGE according the Criminal Law in Argentina:

Violation of Secrets and Privacy:

Arts. 153. Anyone who opens or unduly opens an electronic communication, a letter, a sealed sheet, a telegraphic, telephone or other dispatch, which is not intended, will be punished with imprisonment from fifteen (15) days to six (6) months. managed; or unduly seizes an electronic communication, a letter, a statement, an office or other private paper, even if it is not sealed, or unduly suppresses or diverts from its destination a correspondence or electronic communication that is not addressed to him.

The same penalty shall be incurred by anyone who unduly intercepts or seizes electronic communications or telecommunications from any system of a private nature or restricted access.

Article 153 bis. It will be punished with imprisonment from fifteen (15) days to six (6) months, if it does not result in a more severely punished crime, whoever knowingly accesses by any means, without due authorization or exceeding the one he possesses, to a system or data restricted computer access.

The penalty will be from (1) month to one (1) year in prison when the access is detrimental to a computer system or data of a state public body or a provider of public services or financial services.


EDUCATION and Racial discrimination. Nicolas Sourivongxay is not Affirmative action case due to the quantity of immigrants afro students ot asian students. Most of immigrants come from latin america. Even Nicolas was born in Argentina, he has been treated like an immigrant, so they excluded him as well: 

Education and LGBT World: 
The Southern Utah University.  A professor sued the university who was obeyed to use they/them for an non-binary student.  
Oklahoma sued by trangender students over prohibitive bathroom law:
In Ireland, a professor went to jail for rejecting saying They/them:

Education and Loan: 

Education and Pandemic, 
The University of California about Covid-19 Vaccine Mandate:

Sunday, September 25, 2022


In Argentina there is the Argentine Penal Code. In this opportunity, criminal law and its articles are applied. It is recalled that Nicolas Sourivongxay is not a lawyer, however, he filed complaints and even in person before the Court of the Province of Buenos Aires in his own right. In addition to being a victim, and everything that entails for his correct mental development, without being a scholar of the law, he had to learn by himself in order to defend himself since there is no lawyer for his causes. Nicolas asked for a lawyer at the Prosecutor's Office of the Province of Buenos Aires but they never gave him one, he also looked at the Access to Justice Centers, the Bar Association of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Ombudsmen, etc. Justice does not exist for him. That is why Nicolas Sourivongxay created this sentence:

'After all is said and done. I have problems. The major error in the system is when you get poor. It's not easy to find justice according to justice system. With lack of money, justice is just a priviledge for those ones who have enough money to claim.' Nicolas Sourivongxay





Art 84. Whoever INSTIGATES ANOTHER TO SUICIDE OR HELPES HIM TO COMMIT IT, if the suicide had been tempted or consummated, will be punished with imprisonment from one to four years.


CRIMES AGAINST HONOR: Arts. 109 to 117 bis



Art.141. It will be punished with imprisonment or imprisonment from six months to three years; who illegally deprives another of his personal liberty.


Paragraph 1. If the act is committed with violence or threats or for religious or revenge purposes.

Paragraph 2. If the act is committed in the person of an ascendant, a sibling, a spouse or another individual to whom particular respect is due

Paragraph 3. If there is serious damage to the person, health or business of the offended party, provided that the act does not matter another crime for which the law imposes a greater penalty.

Paragraph 4. If the act is committed simulating public authority or order of public authority.

Paragraph 5. If the deprivation of liberty lasts more than one month.

Paragraph 3 is due to the neck pain suffered by Nicolas due to psychological pressure when he walks on the streets because he must be in alert in case a police patrol car catches him, and due to the sustained persecution over time when he walked to and from his clients' houses in NSComex, his personal business. Nicolas left the market with NSComex in December 2021. 

Paragraph 4 is because in the complaints made by Nicolas Sourivongxay, uniformed people without police identification appeared but they acted as security agents in the process of harassment during the journey of his departure, finding them on the streets or on public transport.

Article 142 bis. Imprisonment or confinement of five (5) to fifteen (15) years will be imposed, to whoever subtracts, retains or hides, a person with the purpose of forcing the victim or a third party, to do, not do, or tolerate something against your will. If the author achieves his purpose, the minimum sentence will rise to eight (8) years.

Paragraph 6. When three (3) or more people participate in the event.

Let's remember that Nicolas only has social networks to express the violations of his rights. The traditional media, press, television and radio, never gave him a voice for his defense.

In his social networks, the number of Likes he gets is very low, and most of the Views and Likes were made by him. How do people and authorities find out? They find out through cyber espionage. The concealment also causes Nicolas not to obtain the monetary benefits of social networks and internet platforms.

Let's remember that in Nicolas's house, he suffered momentary power outages as if they were threats, internet outages using the provider Telecentro SA, and cyber espionage of people close and not close.

Article 142 ter. Prison shall be imposed from TEN (10) to Twenty-five (25) years and absolute and perpetual disqualification for the exercise of any public function and for private security tasks, to the public official or to the person or member of a group of persons who, acting with the authorization, support or acquiescence of the State, in any way, will deprive one or more persons of their liberty, when this action is followed by a lack of information or a refusal to acknowledge said deprivation of liberty or to report on the whereabouts of the person.

Art 144 bis. Paragraph 1. The public official who, with abuse of his functions or without the formalities prescribed by law, deprives someone of his personal liberty.

TORTURE: Art. 144 ter. The public official who imposes any kind of torture on persons, legitimately or illegitimately, deprived of their liberty, shall be punished with imprisonment or imprisonment from eight to twenty-five years and absolute and perpetual disqualification.

DISCRIMINATION and EXCLUSION: Whoever leads a person outside the borders of the republic, with the purpose of illegally submitting him to the power of another or enlisting him in a foreign army, will be punished with imprisonment from two to six years.


Violation of Secrets and Privacy:

Arts. 153. Anyone who opens or unduly opens an electronic communication, a letter, a sealed sheet, a telegraphic, telephone or other dispatch, which is not intended, will be punished with imprisonment from fifteen (15) days to six (6) months. managed; or unduly seizes an electronic communication, a letter, a statement, an office or other private paper, even if it is not sealed, or unduly suppresses or diverts from its destination a correspondence or electronic communication that is not addressed to him.

The same penalty shall be incurred by anyone who unduly intercepts or seizes electronic communications or telecommunications from any system of a private nature or restricted access.

Article 153 bis. It will be punished with imprisonment from fifteen (15) days to six (6) months, if it does not result in a more severely punished crime, whoever knowingly accesses by any means, without due authorization or exceeding the one he possesses, to a system or data restricted computer access.

The penalty will be from (1) month to one (1) year in prison when the access is detrimental to a computer system or data of a state public body or a provider of public services or financial services.

There are rumors on the streets about how much money Nicolas has in his bank account. They detect if Nicolas wrote any email, and so on.

The cyberespies, who no matter the economic condition in which they find themselves, that is, they can be found in humble neighborhoods, can access to information through devices such as cell phones and laptops. And certain policemen, they can also do it.


Rights violated: Work dependently (Exclusion from job market) & independently (Police persecution, low income, excess of cyberespionage), to Study at universities in person (includes Police persecution), to have Justice, Freedom of expression, Privacy, Walk on streets, Reunion, Better health...


Habeas Corpus


+Error, fraud, violence and intimidation are traditionally called #vices of the will that harm the subjective conditions for a correct exercise of the autonomy of private will...


+Article 14 of the Argentine National Constitution.- All the inhabitants of the Nation enjoy the following rights in accordance with the laws that regulate their exercise, namely: enter, stay, transit and leave Argentine territory; ...


I) That the National Constitution protects the rights to intimacy and privacy -protected by articles 18, 19 and 75 paragraph 22, National Constitution (C.N.); art. 11 inc. 2nd and 21st paragraph 1 of the American Convention on Human Rights (A.C.D.H.); art. 17, paragraph 1 and 2 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (P.I.D.C.P.), art. 12 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (D.U.D.H.)-, and art. 52 and cc. of the Civil and Commercial Code of the Nation, guaranteeing a sphere of personal freedom excluded from the authority of state bodies.

III) That, as this Court has indicated, the protection of the area of ​​privacy is one of the most precious values ​​of respect for the dignity of the human being and an essential feature of differentiation between the rule of law and authoritarian forms of government (arg. “ALITT”, Rulings: 329:5266, among others).

IV) That the right to privacy and the consequent guarantee against their injury act against any arbitrary or abusive “interference” or “interference” in the private life of those affected (conf. art. 75, sub. 22, of the National Constitution ; art.12 of the U.D.H.R.; art. 11, subsection 2, C.A.D.H., and 17 subsection 2 P.I.D.C.P.).

VIII) The furtive obtaining of personal data or sensitive information that is not based on a judicial investigation, the preparation of merely “preventive” records, the disclosure, trafficking or trade of the data obtained based on an originally lawful purpose, the threat or The blackmail derived from the possession of intimate data that is not conducive to the clarification of a crime, must not only be prevented and punished by law and subsequent jurisprudence, but must deserve the maximum social repudiation, since they constitute an attack on the public trust.


The right to privacy is the right of the individual to have a secret sphere of life, from which he has the power to keep others away.

The right to honor, protected by criminal law, is given by the consideration that third parties profess towards a certain person and by the person's self-esteem towards himself.

The right to one's own image consists of the right of every person that their image is not captured or reproduced by any means.

Civil and Commercial Code, Art. 52: "The human person injured in his personal or family privacy, honor or reputation, image or identity, or that in any way is diminished in his personal dignity, can demand the prevention and repair of the damages suffered, in accordance with the provisions of Book Three, Title V, Chapter 1.”

Ethnic Justice

A Deadly Year in Politics 2024

Destiny is turning extremely dangerous for some politicians nowadays. 🇺🇲 The United States of America. Donald Trump. Right Wing. The recen...