Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Malicious Falsehood

Falsehood: to tell an untrue statement as with intent to deceive. Malicious Falsehood. 

Link: https://www.carruthers-law.co.uk/our-services/defamation/malicious-falsehood/

Nicolas Sourivongxay has been thinking of the term Falsehood in disputes and examples cone out from his memory.  E.g. when Nicolas fought against a woman in the past, Nicolas noticed something weird from her, so Nicolas called it "The Mirror". It's when a person accuses Nicolas of Cyberespionage when in fact, that person did Cyberespionage but not Nicolas. Let's read a fictional example in the dialogue: 

A N.Other: - You did nothing for your family 

Nicolas: - What?

A N.Other: - You did Cyberespionage with your neighbors

Nicolas:- What? 

A.N.Other: - You weren't at home protecting her.

Nicolas:- What?

A.N.Other: - You did nothing for him

Nicolas: - What?

A.N.Other: - You are thief

Nicolas:- What?

A.N.Other: - You are a thief because you cyberspy me 

Nicolas:- What?

A.N. Other:- The police and the people cyberespy you to protect you not for stealing you, not for extracting knowledge, ideas, or for taking advantage of you. 

Nicolas:- What?

There are many domestic examples in Nicolas' life even so, one remarkable and real example he experienced was the day police officers decided to talk to Nicolas. That day was the only one day they did it. It was like it was planned. Police officers at the centre of the city in Monte Grande and in another place close to his house. Two events in the whole day. 

In the streamed live video, police officers lie saying they were not persecuting Nicolas. The article is called 'Actions speak louder than words'. 

Police officers really did harassment, persecution, and interceptions however, they denied the facts in front of the evidence proven by the camera of Nicolas. 

Link: https://ethnicjustice.blogspot.com/2022/09/actions-speak-louder-than-words.html

It's like doing this: 

Nicolas says: - I can see the moon in the photo, and that's a night.

Police officers: - No, there is no moon there, and that's not a night. We can't see any moon in the photo.

The art. 18 of the Argentine National Constitution says: 

"No one can be forced to testify against himself; nor arrested except by virtue of a written order of a competent authority."

Link: http://www.ciudadyderechos.org.ar/derechosbasicos_cnac.php?id=7&idcnac=22

Let's remember this example of Argentine police officers lying at a criminal case. A murder of a young boy of 17 by the police. 14 police officers involved. The event occurred on November 17, 2021 in Barracas, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires and the final verdict was given in July 2023.

Crimes of police officers were: ideological falsehood, illegal deprivation of liberty aggravated by functional abuse and without provision of the law, cover-up aggravated by the status of public officials and because the predicate offense is especially serious and imposition of torture.

Art. 275 of the Argentine Criminal Code says about concealment:

The witness, expert or interpreter who affirms a falsehood or denies or silences the truth, in whole or in part, in his statement, report, translation or interpretation, made before the competent authority, will be punished with imprisonment from one month to four years.

If the false testimony is committed in a criminal case, to the detriment of the accused, the penalty will be from one to ten years of imprisonment.

Art. 277 of the Argentine Criminal Code

1) It will be punished with imprisonment from six (6) months to three (3) years who, after the commission of a crime executed by another, in which he/she had not participated:

a) Helping someone to evade the investigations of the authority or to evade its action.

b) Hide, alter or make the traces, evidence or instruments of the crime disappear, or help the perpetrator or participant to hide, alter or make them disappear.

c) Acquire, receive or hide money, things or effects from a crime.

d) Not reporting the perpetration of a crime or not to individualize the perpetrator or participant in an already known crime, when he/she is obliged to promote the criminal prosecution of a crime of that nature.

e) To Insure or to help the perpetrator or participant to insure the product or benefit of the crime.

2) The penalty scale will be increased to double its minimum and maximum, when:

a) The preceding act was a particularly serious crime, such being one whose minimum sentence was greater than three (3) years in prison.

b) The author acts for profit.

c) The perpetrator habitually dedicates himself to the commission of acts of concealment.

In the world of liars, maybe there are many people claiming due to the fear of insecurity or just to provoke damage, just for prevention or just for other kind of malicious intention. The art. 245 of the Argentine Criminal Code says: 

"Imprisonment of two months to one year or a fine of seven hundred and fifty pesos to twelve thousand five hundred pesos will be imposed on those who falsely denounce a crime before the authority."

Ending up this article, it is recommended the last E-Book of Nicolas called "Braining Insania: the Spanglish Book of Nicolas Sourivongxay' . There is a story that shows how Witnesses lie. In a trial, Witnesses must tell the truth under the law, they must not lie. 

And a recommended movie starred by Jake Gyllenhaal who is a journalist who appears in a remarkable scene showing the police corruption by changing the evidence in agreement with the press. The movie 'NightCrawler' (2024)🍿

USE OF COMMUNICATION MEDIA. Fake News in Argentina? 

The report emanated from the DIARIO SUR in Monte Grande in where the facts about buses happened in the city in where Nicolas lives, the news was spread to other national media, including TN, Clarín, among others. The news about a policeman who killed a criminal at the bus in Monte Grande who robbed passengers. The news was shared on February 23, 2023 and the fact says that it happened on Thursday, a few days before. The name of the officer does not appear, nor the offender, nor the victim, nor the names of the witnesses, nor the name of the driver, nor precise information of the bus line, no photos, no evidence. 

From Ethnic Justice

Monday, August 14, 2023

Las PASO 2023

On Sunday, the 13th day of August, 2023, it was celebrated a National election in Argentina called "PASO" that means "concurrent and mandatory open primaries" (Primarias Abiertas Simultáneas y Obligatorias).  It's the previous step for the General Election that will be in the next October 22nd, 2023. 

As we all know, Nicolas Sourivongxay has had problems with harassment, interceptions, and persecution by the police in Buenos Aires Province and he has been publishing evidence and emails on social medias. The problem with the police started in 2018 when he went to a Shopping Mall in Adrogué, Buenos Aires Province in order to get his bracelet for the Youth Olympic Games. Less police persecution activity in 2019, big intensity in 2020, 2021, 2022, and in 2023. 

The question is if Nicolas influenced the audience without receiving a massive quantity of followers on his social media public accounts.  How can this boy be the most influential man in Argentina and one of the most influential boy in the whole planet? Is he really a powerful influencer? Then why is he economically less than the others? Why is he mistreated indirectly by people and by the police?

In the following map you are able to see the winners

🟣Purple Color: Liberals (La Libertad Avanza)

🔵Light Blue Color: Centre-Left. Conservatives. Labour party, Populares, Nationalists, communists. Tendency to Public Sector. (Union por la Patria)

🟡Yellow: Centre-Right-Left. Republicans, Liberals, Conservatives. Tendency to the market (Juntos por el Cambio)

Photo from CNN : https://cnnespanol.cnn.com/mapa-resultados-en-vivo-elecciones-paso-2023-en-argentina-por-provincias-orix-arg/

If the General Election was on last Sunday, the Liberal Javier Milei would be the President of Argentina. 

Link: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/8/14/far-right-javier-milei-wins-most-votes-in-argentinas-primary-election

Nicolas Sourivongxay lives in Buenos Aires Province, so seems like nothing gotta change because the same governor Axel Kicillof, won the election and the same maior of the district of Esteban Echeverría, Fernando Gray, won the election as well respectively. 

Link: https://resultados.gob.ar/

Buenos Aires Province 

District Esteban Echeverría

Let's remember some remarkable items from those winners. 

The Governor of Buenos Aires Province, Axel Kicillof blocked Nicolas Sourivongxay on Twitter as the same was did by the Prosecutor Office of the Justice System of Buenos Aires Province. They didn't want Nicolas to bother them with his claims about police persecution. 

The District of Esteban Echeverría is in charge of calling  new police officers candidates

And the District of Esteban Echeverría also participated in the questioning, a kind of trial, mistreating Nicolas trying to penetrate Nicolas intimacy in March 2023 as it was aforesaid in this blog.


Looking at the map of winners, Argentinians may think Nicolas is able to move to those provinces painted with purple Color in which where Liberals won the election. 
For sure, Nicolas can't be living in Buenos Aires Province for a long time. 

His last reaction was trying to escape to Uruguay asking for Asylum. 

And if he found a depending job in a company in Argentina there is a huge probability of him to quit his job or to explode by pressure. 

Let's remember an observation sent to Nicolas indirectly by the Billionaire and boss of Tesla & Twitter, Elon Musk. 

It's evident Nicolas has to leave Buenos Aires Province immediately, the question is where to go?

North East of Buenos Aires Province and South East of Buenos Aires Province (the Coast) are nightmare places to live 


The article 71 of the Argentine Electoral Code says about the electoral ban that prohibits, among others, acts of proselytism during the voting day. 

Article 68.- Members of the armed forces. Limitations of your action during the electoral act. The heads or officers of the armed forces and national, provincial, territorial and municipal police authorities may not tax groups of voters during the election, nor use the influence of their positions to limit the freedom of suffrage, nor hold meetings with the purpose of Influential in comic acts.

In the last primary election for President  on August 13th, 2023. Nicolas Sourivongxay saw many cars of the police on the streets with suggesting behavior. 

Let's remember Nicolas 's mobile phone is Motorola and his photos have date, time, and name at the bottom.
In this photo, he was at the bus stop at Santa Fe St and Ramon Santamarina St waiting for his bus. A car of the police appeared. 

Inside the bus, Nicolas saw another car of the police over Santamarina St but he couldn't take a photo due to time of reaction. 

At the place he voted there were police officers but Nicolas understood they were there for election purpose and they were estatic in a place so that's not persecution or harassment.

The thing relies when he left the place, when he reached the corner, police officers with motorcycles were going to him and they turned their left just at the corner Nicolas was waiting to cross the street.

Fortunately, police officers didn't intercept or persecute him until he got home. 

The Awful case Nicolas Remembers 

Let's remember a remarkable behavior of the Police intervening the election in September 2021, an election for senators and deputes. 

The following stream live video shows police officers waiting and chasing Nicolas Sourivongxay in his walk to vote over Ramon Santamarína St. 

That day other things occured so he sent a claim to the Electoral Chamber. 


As it was said, the Police, the political parties, the civil people, the Justice System were players which hurt Nicolas mentally and destroyed his life. 

The Justice System, in all the layers of the whole pyramid also did politics by dismissing the claim of Nicolas, by attacking him by sending Justice workers to his house including the event in march 2023. 

When Nicolas was in Uruguay in Asylum process, the major layer of the Justice System, the Magistracy Council sent him a verdict saying they were not going to judge judges as he claimed. 

On Friday, August 11th, 2023, two days before election, the Magistracy Council sent him the verdict in another format affirming what they previously said. 

Ethnic Justice 

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