Saturday, October 8, 2022

The Lever of Harassment, Explosion vs Implosion

The Lever of Harassment

The next point to develop on this blog is what Nicolas Sourivongxay called. "The Lever of Harassment". It's about aweful actions the society created with one purpose of harassment by turns. First, if Nicolas makes complains against people-because they bothering him-then the other side, in this case police officers say "sino son ellos contra el". This means, if there is harassment of civil people, then it is replaced by the police later. if this lever continuous like that, then the sum of the two sectors gives a result of a complete massive quantity of people (Civil people and Police) doing harassment  They think, they are taking turns for not to hurt the victim, the sum gives another result and, of course, the victim could commit suicide or to fight against. It also happened with the Police vs Cars of Municipality of Esteban Echeverria with the goal, the victim.

Explosion vs Implosion

Many people think that Nicolas reacting in bad manner is giving so much, but there are times when everything cross the limit and the limit is crossed becoming it deadly. With so much pressure someone can cross the law, the limits, turning it to violent behaviour. Let's remember Nicolas sent to kill the police officers by email, those who persecuted him when Nicolas was under pressure by them because they didn't stop doing that even everything was proved, said and done legally for many years; and all the argentinians in general, in times of desperate frozen nights remembering 10 years of misfortune, no progress, and the bad things. Crossing the limits, Nicolas insulted, wished death to his aggressors, and reacted to other Twitter Accounts in bad manner.  In a context when you are out of your mind. 

By the other hand, there is another option, that is hurting himself, his own body, his own things, etc. or just to commit suicide, to get sick, to gain illnesses. In a context when you are out of your mind. 

When Nicolas claimed before the District Attorney's Office, they said his kind of harassment was not illegal, only sexual harassment against women is considered to legal purpose. 



Art 84. Whoever INSTIGATES ANOTHER TO SUICIDE OR HELPES HIM TO COMMIT IT, if the suicide had been tempted or consummated, will be punished with imprisonment from one to four years.

Ethnic Justice


This is another way doing harassment, the "monkeys" go out at nights between 00:00am to 7:00am. Young men are really a problem at the neighborhood of Nicolas Sourivongxay, specially two of them, why are they obsessed with Nicolas? Do they think it's protection? Surely, it's not, they have two faces. Nicolas sent emails to the district attorney's office many times for years making complains about a young man with a kind of mental illness so obsessed with Nicolas. That young man coughs at the walkside of his house. It turned two this year 2022. Two young men.
And the wall, why the wall at the walkide of his house, sometimes speaking loudly?. That wall with humidiy, bacterias in which where some drink alcohol and take any other kind of drugs. Insanity, obsession. 
When Nicolas went out of his house, rapidly a car of the police and a car of the municipality used to appear, but that doesn't happen with them, they are free but not Nicolas. 
Their festive parties, the music loud, they listen to regeatton and cumbia.
Nicolas lives in Buenos Aires Province, let's see the ordinance to be applied to Esteban Echeverria Discrict. 

GENERAL ORDINANCE No. 27 BUENOS AIRES PROVINCE,o%20molestias%20de%20cualquier%20naturaleza.



ARTICLE 2º: It is forbidden to produce, cause, stimulate or cause annoying noise, whatever its origin, when due to the time and place or its quality or degree of intensity, it disturbs or may disturb the tranquility or rest of the population or cause damage or inconvenience of any nature.

SECTION 3: This General Ordinance governs noise produced on public roads, squares, parks, promenades, performance halls, meeting centers and in all other places where public or private activities are carried out, as well as in homes. -single or collective room.

ARTICLE 4: The following are prohibited within the urban radius and urbanized centers:

a) Radiotelephone or phonographic transmissions of all kinds on and to public roads.

b) The circulation of vehicles and the overflight of airplanes with loudspeakers for commercial propaganda.

c) The authorization or circulation of motor vehicles that do not use exhaust silencers.

d) The use or possession in motor vehicles of loud horns and any mechanism or apparatus of the same nature for the production of sounds.

e) The use of whistles, sirens, bells or other similar devices for industrial or commercial establishments of any nature, except in duly proven cases of force majeure.

f) The repair of engines on public roads when, for this purpose, they must be stabilized in activity.

g) Sales per proclamation with amplifiers.

h) The circulation of heavy and ultra-heavy trucks or cars, as well as any vehicle that, due to the distribution or importance of the load, produces oscillations in the structures of the buildings, which can be transformed into sounds.

And this is a law of Noise implemente in Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires, as example to point out.

Law 1540 (CABA). Noise Law

Ethnic Justice

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

What's the limit between security and freedom? Which crimes are involved?

In his stream live videos, Nicolas Sourivongxay said something about getting insane with security concerns. Not only the police can get this kind of irrational thought but also the civil population. 

What's the limit between security and freedom? 

An example is thinking of what is impregnated in the collective unconscious about the disappeared people of the last de facto government in Argentina, specially promoted by some argentinian human rights organizations and centre-left political parties. And in this last point, it's remarkable the insanity in the society in Argentina. In 2015, Nicolas Sourivongxay wrote and published ten books, probably, a worldwide record in that year for just one writer. The first book of Nicolas was about his experiences of life, after that his way of writing changed mixing fantasy with reality by creating paralel countries and paralel worlds, so when Nicolas felt good his books turned to fantasy, when Nicolas felt bad he mixed reality with fantasy. The question is, WHY BOOKS WHEN THERE IS SOCIAL MEDIA? The revolution of social medias triggered words which were subject of taboo in the past. For goverments they are called "Conspirancy theories" but people have freedom of speech what is a human right. There are many examples to point out on social media regarding theories, on Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Blogs, Medium and so on. Why is a book so relevant for people when there are a lot words on the internet nowadays? and some words on social medias provoke more scandalous than books.

During a dictatorship, books were forbidden and freedom of expression was not well acceptable by governments like that. However, time changed the framework of the society even so, THERE ARE STILL PEOPLE LIVING IN THE PAST. 

The mind of the society was accelerated so reading a book of 300 pages is considered a waste of time for many people. And that's why the Pandemic Covid-19 tried to pause or to reduce in speed the mind of people. In these last decades, just words on social medias are relevant and books are considered a peace of art. 

In Buenos Aires, this behaviour of trying to ban story tellers is remarkable. Some of them say "que escriba filosofia", like saying that writing "philosophy" is a bad thing. For intellectual schollars that's a not a bad thing, writing philosophy is considered progress in a society.  For politicians, "Philosophy", maybe ruin their plans. And owner of companies in capitalism system, they see "Philosophy" as comtemptously. 

One another example Nicolas remembers about Security and Freedom is when he arguied with police officers, a policewoman said, "es por su seguridad".  And there is a stigma for poor people by considering them dangerous, even when it is known, there can be thieves in every economic status, so in medium class and in upper class. Even so, the society believes that people in inferior conditions are prompt to steal and it's more visible in poor people the violence and the crimes.  

Coming back to the point of "It's for your security", so polceofficers and civil people cyberspy, persecute, do harassment on the streets, provoke outages to cut freedom of expression on social medias or to stop hackers or cyberpies, also the cutting of internet connection to stop the increasing level of cyberspionage in a specific moment. The question is, where is the will of Nicolas Sourivongxay? What about his rights? There is a kind of projection from the inconscious. 

Did Nicolas call 911? Why is Nicolas affected in bad manner if there is a legal investigation of hackers and cyberspies or street harassment? Why are they hurting the victim? Why in order to stop the bad activities, they hurt the victim as well? Why were the police officers and the civil population making decisions in his name? Once again, the question,"What about Nicolas' will? 

How do you know bad things are going to happen to Nicolas on the streets? Were actions speaking louder than words or Words were speaking louder than actions? Rumors, gossiping, politics intentions, nationalism. And why did the police not stop during 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, and in 2022 when Nicolas said "Stop!" on social media, by emails, and before the Court ? 

The transition of the government of Cristina Kirchner to Mauricio Macri around 2015 almost ended up in a civil war, so there were a lot of police cars and the horns were sounding in everywhere. In another hand, the remain of that, there were people trying to avoid abuses from the police and/or with politics intentions. The police was not focused on him like in current levels. The Police persecution against Nicolas increased in 2018, so Nicolas mainly walked on the streets freely before that year And let's remember in 2020, Nicolas took his first vacation in Mar del Plata (Buenos Aires Province Coast) without police persecution but in 2021 he received police persecution, who gave the order? . A massive quantity of police officers obviously has a leader who gives an order beyond the iniciatives of police officers, the complicity of civil people with police officers, and fake police officers as Nicolas revealed in his claims.

Security concerns also ended up in increasing the level of cyberspionge made by the population in general including the people in the government and security forces who do that without feeling guilty, everytime Nicolas makes a claim to stop police persecution visible on social medias or by email. Why? the excuse is the collective incounscious from a dictatorship, the projection in their minds towards one main purpose of taking intellectual advantage of Nicolas, to steal ideas and knowledge, and manipulation. The peculiar thing is thinking irrationally that Nicolas needs witnesses as it is said before on his last book 'Braining Insania: The Spanglish book of Nicolas Sourivongxay", the word of a person is infected by the syndrome of Salomon Ash and they can lie. Words vs Actions. For other countries cyberspying, maybe it is for intellectual rights purposes or for other reasons.  

USA,Aus, EU, ASIA, Brazil:





Let's remember The 11 Concepts of Security created by Nicolas Sourivongxay

And let's remember the 13 Concepts of Justice created by Nicolas Sourivongxay

(1st part)

(2nd part)

And finally let's remember the crimes according to the law published on the article 'Penal Code" (Nicolas has no defense). Rights give Freedom, a person is subject of rights:




Art 84. Whoever INSTIGATES ANOTHER TO SUICIDE OR HELPES HIM TO COMMIT IT, if the suicide had been tempted or consummated, will be punished with imprisonment from one to four years.


CRIMES AGAINST HONOR: Arts. 109 to 117 bis



Art.141. It will be punished with imprisonment or imprisonment from six months to three years; who illegally deprives another of his personal liberty.


Paragraph 1. If the act is committed with violence or threats or for religious or revenge purposes.

Paragraph 2. If the act is committed in the person of an ascendant, a sibling, a spouse or another individual to whom particular respect is due

Paragraph 3. If there is serious damage to the person, health or business of the offended party, provided that the act does not matter another crime for which the law imposes a greater penalty.

Paragraph 4. If the act is committed simulating public authority or order of public authority.

Paragraph 5. If the deprivation of liberty lasts more than one month.

Paragraph 3 is due to the neck pain suffered by Nicolas due to psychological pressure when he walks on the streets because he must be in alert in case a police patrol car catches him, and due to the sustained persecution over time when he walked to and from his clients' houses in NSComex, his personal business. Nicolas left the market with NSComex in December 2021. 

Paragraph 4 is because in the complaints made by Nicolas Sourivongxay, uniformed people without police identification appeared but they acted as security agents in the process of harassment during the journey of his departure, finding them on the streets or on public transport.

Article 142 bis. Imprisonment or confinement of five (5) to fifteen (15) years will be imposed, to whoever subtracts, retains or hides, a person with the purpose of forcing the victim or a third party, to do, not do, or tolerate something against your will. If the author achieves his purpose, the minimum sentence will rise to eight (8) years.

Paragraph 6. When three (3) or more people participate in the event.

Let's remember that Nicolas only has social networks to express the violations of his rights. The traditional media, press, television and radio, never gave him a voice for his defense.

In his social networks, the number of Likes he gets is very low, and most of the Views and Likes were made by him. How do people and authorities find out? They find out through cyber espionage. The concealment also causes Nicolas not to obtain the monetary benefits of social networks and internet platforms.

Let's remember that in Nicolas's house, he suffered momentary power outages as if they were threats, internet outages using the provider Telecentro SA, and cyber espionage of people close and not close.

Article 142 ter. Prison shall be imposed from TEN (10) to Twenty-five (25) years and absolute and perpetual disqualification for the exercise of any public function and for private security tasks, to the public official or to the person or member of a group of persons who, acting with the authorization, support or acquiescence of the State, in any way, will deprive one or more persons of their liberty, when this action is followed by a lack of information or a refusal to acknowledge said deprivation of liberty or to report on the whereabouts of the person.

Art 144 bis. Paragraph 1. The public official who, with abuse of his functions or without the formalities prescribed by law, deprives someone of his personal liberty.

TORTURE: Art. 144 ter. The public official who imposes any kind of torture on persons, legitimately or illegitimately, deprived of their liberty, shall be punished with imprisonment or imprisonment from eight to twenty-five years and absolute and perpetual disqualification.

DISCRIMINATION and EXCLUSION: Whoever leads a person outside the borders of the republic, with the purpose of illegally submitting him to the power of another or enlisting him in a foreign army, will be punished with imprisonment from two to six years.


Violation of Secrets and Privacy:

Arts. 153. Anyone who opens or unduly opens an electronic communication, a letter, a sealed sheet, a telegraphic, telephone or other dispatch, which is not intended, will be punished with imprisonment from fifteen (15) days to six (6) months. managed; or unduly seizes an electronic communication, a letter, a statement, an office or other private paper, even if it is not sealed, or unduly suppresses or diverts from its destination a correspondence or electronic communication that is not addressed to him.

The same penalty shall be incurred by anyone who unduly intercepts or seizes electronic communications or telecommunications from any system of a private nature or restricted access.

Article 153 bis. It will be punished with imprisonment from fifteen (15) days to six (6) months, if it does not result in a more severely punished crime, whoever knowingly accesses by any means, without due authorization or exceeding the one he possesses, to a system or data restricted computer access.

The penalty will be from (1) month to one (1) year in prison when the access is detrimental to a computer system or data of a state public body or a provider of public services or financial services.

There are rumors on the streets about how much money Nicolas has in his bank account. They detect if Nicolas wrote any email, and so on.

The cyberespies, who no matter the economic condition in which they find themselves, that is, they can be found in humble neighborhoods, can access to information through devices such as cell phones and laptops. And certain policemen, they can also do it.


Rights violated: Work dependently (Exclusion from job market) & independently (Police persecution, low income, excess of cyberespionage), to Study at universities in person (includes Police persecution), to have Justice, Freedom of expression, Privacy, Walk on streets, Reunion, Better health...


Habeas Corpus


+Error, fraud, violence and intimidation are traditionally called #vices of the will that harm the subjective conditions for a correct exercise of the autonomy of private will...


+Article 14 of the Argentine National Constitution.- All the inhabitants of the Nation enjoy the following rights in accordance with the laws that regulate their exercise, namely: enter, stay, transit and leave Argentine territory; ...


I) That the National Constitution protects the rights to intimacy and privacy -protected by articles 18, 19 and 75 paragraph 22, National Constitution (C.N.); art. 11 inc. 2nd and 21st paragraph 1 of the American Convention on Human Rights (A.C.D.H.); art. 17, paragraph 1 and 2 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (P.I.D.C.P.), art. 12 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (D.U.D.H.)-, and art. 52 and cc. of the Civil and Commercial Code of the Nation, guaranteeing a sphere of personal freedom excluded from the authority of state bodies.

III) That, as this Court has indicated, the protection of the area of ​​privacy is one of the most precious values ​​of respect for the dignity of the human being and an essential feature of differentiation between the rule of law and authoritarian forms of government (arg. “ALITT”, Rulings: 329:5266, among others).

IV) That the right to privacy and the consequent guarantee against their injury act against any arbitrary or abusive “interference” or “interference” in the private life of those affected (conf. art. 75, sub. 22, of the National Constitution ; art.12 of the U.D.H.R.; art. 11, subsection 2, C.A.D.H., and 17 subsection 2 P.I.D.C.P.).

VIII) The furtive obtaining of personal data or sensitive information that is not based on a judicial investigation, the preparation of merely “preventive” records, the disclosure, trafficking or trade of the data obtained based on an originally lawful purpose, the threat or The blackmail derived from the possession of intimate data that is not conducive to the clarification of a crime, must not only be prevented and punished by law and subsequent jurisprudence, but must deserve the maximum social repudiation, since they constitute an attack on the public trust.


The right to privacy is the right of the individual to have a secret sphere of life, from which he has the power to keep others away.

The right to honor, protected by criminal law, is given by the consideration that third parties profess towards a certain person and by the person's self-esteem towards himself.

The right to one's own image consists of the right of every person that their image is not captured or reproduced by any means.

Ethnic Justice

Monday, October 3, 2022

The Target

The behaviour of pointing at Nicolas Sourivongxay as a thief or like someone who commited a crime is not new in the behaviour of Argentinians. 

Nicolas remembers one event that occured when he was a teenager at his end-of-year trip in 2001. He went to Bariloche, Rio Negro Province, Argentina with a group of companions as a traditional trip for those students who ended up secondary school in public sector. 
On the road inside the bus, Nicolas got sick due to the smoke of cigarretes that his companions were smoking.  That trip was a kind of liberation for them, some of them were rebels. In some parties, they got drunk so much and some women appeared naked on the stage at discos.  

Nicolas used to wear a big jacket even he was a small teenager. One day, still sick with bags under his eyes, inside the hotel, a police woman accompanied with young boys lowered down the zipper of Nicolas's Jacket without his permision. She found nothing, so she raised up the zipper back. Nicolas was so innocent, he said nothing but when he got older, he remembered that day.

In public secondary school, the winners were not the silent obedient students, but the students who spoke louder and expressed their opinions. Having an opinion and speaking louder, that made them stronger.

Why to put Nicolas at the level of rebels or potential criminals? Why are security officers still suspecting of Nicolas during 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 finding nothing to criminalizing him? Is it only because Nicolas doesn't have a job? Why of the obsession with Nicolas? The answer is politics and the target. 

During the restrictive quarantine, neighbours went to supermarkets to check if Nicolas paid or not. At the pharma, close to the Monte Grande City Square, a man near to the cashier got stared at Nicolas while Nicolas was paying for his medicine. Also outside the restaurants he used to go to have a coffee when the restrictions allowed it, some men were waiting for him outside. 
Nicolas said that on his streaming live videos on Youtube, on Meta, and also writing on Twitter. Were they doing that to help Nicolas in case Nicolas couldn't pay for the things at the stores? Nicolas never unpaid things in stores.

Let's do a sum of events: 

Nicolas never unpaid things in the stores since 2020 when neighbors started to check if Nicolas paid or not


People checked if Nicolas paid or not at the stores 


Police persecution


Most of them are people from medium class and low class


Other young people smoke marihuana, drink alcohol and other substances


People/Authorities cyberspying Nicolas


When Nicolas goes out of his house the police and the cars of the municipality rapidly appear


Those who do harassment at the walkside of  Nicolas' house are just young men but the police and the cars of the municipality don't respond, even when those young people do parties with music loud late at nights, even when they smoke weeds on the streets. They are free, but not Nicolas. They don't recieve harassment but Nicolas does. 


Rich people didn't give him a job, they used Nicolas to get money, power, or fame and they think of Nicolas as a promising man while he is getting pain in the field.


People had bad intentions and targeted Nicolas including to target him as thief to hurt him by putting him at the level of a thief or to subject him at any other criminal issue. They don't want Nicolas to continue growing up in the system economically, resentment, ignorance, politics, that's targeting, that's nationalism. 

The first male baby born, asian traits, not a refugee status but the consequences triggered from that refugee status as it is said before, public sector vs private sector. Refugges were helped by public sector so they get rejection from private sector, but in public sector there is also nationalism. In terms of economic level in the system, poors get in jealous, medium class get frustrated dreams and resentment, and riches remain sometimes absent with ego and superiority thinking of Nicolas as a charitable cause that gives them benefits by creating speculation or pressuming however, Nicolas never grows up economically.  And once the people learned how to cyberspy, they turn to abuse. 

September 2013 and September 2022, a decade finding a dependent job because in dependency, Nicolas would get more money than independently. 


Ethnic Justice

Identifying types of Stalkers

Continuing with the phrase "Actions should speak louder than words" shared on the article with the same title, let's remember the law and some photos to understand the situation of Nicolas Sourivongxay in the two jurisdictions Buenos Aires Province and Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires.


Reminding the behaviour of authorities on Twitter. The Police, the disctrict attorney's office, and the governor of Buenos Aires province Axel Kicillof blocked Nicolas Sourivongxay's Twitter account because of the quantity of claims on comments. Nicolas doing ptotests on Twitter trying to pay the attention of authorities to stop the harassment against him. 


The following pictures were chosen from Nicolas' claims aming to show what kind of vehicles did harassment against Nicolas. You as a reader, you can check it for more details by searching the dates on the blog: . The locations involved are: Monte Grande, Canning, Luis Guillon, Ezeiza, Ezeiza International Airport, Lavallol, Temperley, Lomas de Zamora, Banfield, Lanus, Avellaneda, Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires, and Mar del Plata. Period of time 2018-2022

December 28th, 2021 (Mar del Plata Local Police & Buenos Aires Province Police)

August 1st, 2022 & April 27th, 2022 (Police cars and motos in Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires)

August 18, 2022 (White Police cars in Buenos Aires Province)

August 22, 2022 (Local cars in Monte Grande, Buenos Aires Province belonging to Municipalidad de Esteban Echeverria. This is one type but all types of cars were participating in the harassment like pick ups and trucks)

August 29,2022 (Local police, in Temperle in Buenos Aires Province)

May 27th, 2022 and February 14th, 2022. On April 6th, 2022 an Ezeiza police car appeared in Monte Grande 
(Ezeiza Police)

September 1st, 2022 and May 27th, 2022
(Ezeiza International Airport - PSA)

April 1st, 2022 (Police GUARDIA with logo of the Municipality of Esteban Echeverria)


Just a few cars of Gendarmeria

June 3rd, 2022 (MAC Private Security)


April 17th,2022 (photo taken second later of getting in to the bus- Location Monte Grande bus stop in Buenos Aires Province- The bus was going to Adrogue- A Police officer that seemed to be from Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires sleeping at the bus DOING POLITICS doing what Nicolas called "Bus Inside Interception Methodology")

April 27th, 2022 & April 11th, 2022 (Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires)

April 12th, 2022 (A Policeman sitting at the corner of the bus with "Bus Inside Interception Methodology"). On  April 6th, 2022 another man dressed with police uniform but without identification. And on May 21st, 2022 

April 17th, 2022 (Monte Grande- A Police officer with orange jacket. This type appears in everywhere in Buenos Aires Province including the hall of the train station Consititucion that is the entrance to Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires)

December 30th, 2021,  June 26th, 2022, September 4th, 2022
(Train- Roca ramal Ezeiza-Constitucion/Constitucion-Ezeiza)

July 12th, 2022 (Constitucion, Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires. After finishing eating the meal, security arrived in front of Nicolas inside the restaurant)

Februaty 14th, 2022 (Luis Guillon - Buenos Aires Province)

December 28th, 2021 (Mar Del Plata)

September 1st, 2022 (Ezeiza International Airport, a worker of Migration) and PSA security force




My Rights violated: Work dependently (Exclusion from job market) & independently (Police persecution, low income, excess of cyberespionage), to Study at universities in person (includes Police persecution), to have Justice, Freedom of expression, Privacy, Walk on streets, Reunion, Better health... 


+Error, fraud, violence and intimidation are traditionally called #vices of the will that harm the subjective conditions for a correct exercise of the autonomy of private will...


+Article 14 of the Argentine National Constitution.- All the inhabitants of the Nation enjoy the following rights in accordance with the laws that regulate their exercise, namely: enter, stay, transit and leave Argentine territory; ...


I) That the National Constitution protects the rights to intimacy and privacy -protected by articles 18, 19 and 75 paragraph 22, National Constitution (C.N.); art. 11 inc. 2nd and 21st paragraph 1 of the American Convention on Human Rights (A.C.D.H.); art. 17, paragraph 1 and 2 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (P.I.D.C.P.), art. 12 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (D.U.D.H.)-, and art. 52 and cc. of the Civil and Commercial Code of the Nation, guaranteeing a sphere of personal freedom excluded from the authority of state bodies.

III) That, as this Court has indicated, the protection of the area of ​​privacy is one of the most precious values ​​of respect for the dignity of the human being and an essential feature of differentiation between the rule of law and authoritarian forms of government (arg. “ALITT”, Rulings: 329:5266, among others).

IV) That the right to privacy and the consequent guarantee against their injury act against any arbitrary or abusive “interference” or “interference” in the private life of those affected (conf. art. 75, sub. 22, of the National Constitution ; art.12 of the U.D.H.R.; art. 11, subsection 2, C.A.D.H., and 17 subsection 2 P.I.D.C.P.).

VIII) The furtive obtaining of personal data or sensitive information that is not based on a judicial investigation, the preparation of merely “preventive” records, the disclosure, trafficking or trade of the data obtained based on an originally lawful purpose, the threat or The blackmail derived from the possession of intimate data that is not conducive to the clarification of a crime, must not only be prevented and punished by law and subsequent jurisprudence, but must deserve the maximum social repudiation, since they constitute an attack on the public trust.


The right to privacy is the right of the individual to have a secret sphere of life, from which he has the power to keep others away.

The right to honor, protected by criminal law, is given by the consideration that third parties profess towards a certain person and by the person's self-esteem towards himself.

The right to one's own image consists of the right of every person that their image is not captured or reproduced by any means.

Ethnic Justice

Sunday, October 2, 2022

Revealing Modern Slavery in 21st Century

How can Nicolas deal with his mental health and the pressure he recieves everyday? When words are just words but actions are considered invisible in order to cover the true?. Actions should speak louder than words. Only because someone hears someone else speaking louder, that doesn't mean he/she has the true because actions are more important.

Since September 2013 until September 2022, Nicolas Sourivongxay reached ten years of exclusion and misfortune in the labor market. 

As it is said before on the article:

Nicolas quit his last job as a dependent in labour market in September 2013 so he got his precious degree at the University in December 2013. After that nobody hired him, the presidencial transition from Cristina Kirchner (Centre-left party) to Mauricio Macri (Centre-right party) was starting, the revolution on the internet of social medias and start ups was climbing the level in the market affecting all societies in the world. Ideologies in the middle, theories and experiments. The peronistas were fighting for the democratization of justice and later they approved a congress resolution of double compensation for workers if they got fired in the labour market, they also were desperated in recruiting people to get into the police force.

The double compensation was like a barrier to protect workers, but also to avoid new people to get in. As we know, group of workers create their own rules in a company, and they push out companions they don't like in the group, like a comunist group. In a company, you have the side of the worker , and by the other hand,  the side of the owner of the company.

Nicolas created a blog expressing his opinion about democratization of justice- that he deleted that forever months later- because the president Cristina Kirchner encouraged citizens to do that in universities, in everywhere. Nicolas said he was against the democratization of justice defending the three separated powers in the system (Presidency, Congress, Justice)

Unfortunatly, Nicolas got into a political game, and what Topper(Alpargatas) did against Yooloper pushing Nicolas out of the market was the perfect example to point out concerning this ideology. Nicolas fought as he could legally, but there was not help at all in Justice system. Was this an experiment of Peronistas?

'After all is said and done. I have problems. The major error in the system is when you get poor. It's not easy to find justice according to justice system. With lack of money, justice is just a priviledge for those ones who have enough money to claim.' Nicolas Sourivongxay

He continued claiming before the Court. In addition, about police persecution, Justice didn't work at all. Justice doesn't exist at all for Nicolas, but for other people with so much money, relevant people or with privileges, justice exists.

Nicolas recieves many attacks from argentinian institutions or organizations. Nicolas was just one boy against Topper(Alpargatas), against the Universities, against security institutions, against other entreprises and institutions, against political parties, and so on. Why do people think Nicolas is allowed to defend himself from those attacks? Nicolas has no defense, and all the attacks during these last ten years were for free. The law are words, just words and Nicolas learned only the idea and to fight into a fantasy life in which some actions are real but not words. 

The use of the police in politics is bad when the institution uses just one boy as a target because they violate individual rights and police officers forget or never learned that a civil person walking on the street is a person subject of rights, that person has rights which protect him/her from abuses including in a fantasy sphere. In Argentina, the person representing the police for peronistas for Cristina Kirchner and Alberto Fernandez is Sergio Berni and Anibal Fernandez (centre-left), and the man representing the police opponent is Cristian Ritondo for Mauricio Macri (centre- right).

The transition of the presidency of Cristina Kirchner to Mauricio Macri around and in 2015 coincided with the revolution on the internet about social media and start ups, and Nicolas was the key as a politician called him, "the key", to put him the responsability of his actions and no matter what the consequences for the country and beyond the limits. The key who had to create his own job. The ideology of slave or entrepreneur. The idea of closing the mind or opening the mind. The idea of to be punished or to be a punisher. 

The idea of punishment is relative because when Nicolas went to school and universities, Nicolas never felt like he was being punished, maybe with the quantity of homework like it was already proved during the restrictive quarantine Covid-19, but if he followed the rules he didn't feel the punishment but only those ones who didn't study felt like punished, those who had bad behaviour. 

At work when he worked at private companies since 2008 until 2013, most of the time he never felt punishment at work, maybe a little bit due to the quantity of tasks for him. 

On social media, Nicolas Sourivongxay said something about experiments that set his mind before entering the labor market and for leaving the labour market of dependent jobs. 

The first experiment occured in 2006, 2007 and at the beginninng of 2008. Nicolas met someone, a bad relationship who treated him bad. That person controlled him, pushed him to put his head down, the game of slave and master, that person told him things coming up in his life after ending up that relationship. That person was from Rada Tilly, a city years later promoted by the argentinian news channel C5N. That person told him to be an accountant not to study International Trade, and that person liked comunists. The favourite book of that person was "Enfermos de Poder". And one day, that person hit Nicolas head with keys until Nicolas got blood. The relationship ended up in 2008 and 2009 with the help of a psychologist, so Nicolas replaced that person by joining a group of people who played Hockey and that worked. 

Nicolas Sourivongxay got his first formal job in labor market in 2008.


In 2013, Nicolas took the second experiment, a course called "The art of living" , there were games with implicit messages and Nicolas realized of that but he said nothing. He never thought some of thoise games were going to be applied in the field in real life. Those games set his mind and pushed him out from the market, too. 

On the media, in 2013 as well, for one reason or another, the mind of Nicolas connected the indirect message of the brain surgery of the president Cristina Kirchner with the hit he recieved with the keys to remember what that person had taught him, to put his head down, to shut his mouth.

Link Related:

About slavery, during that period of time, there were people appeaing in the news. 

November 2012, 2013...:


BSDM is used to convince people to change their mind in ideology, it's also used in politics. Master or slave.

The point of view of Nicolas has nothing to do with that. He believes in contracts respecting the will of the people. There are jobs that requires managing people and jobs that requires to be obedient, even so, they are people subject of rights. It's no necessary experiments to get into the labour market or to leave the dependent job market. There are roles to play by agreement but not by force. 

A person should be encouraged to be the best in what he/she does, not to push down the person by force with violence. 

To be a slave or to be a master, slave or to be the owner of an enterprise, to be punished or to punish. freedom or prisioner, What's that ideology in the sociey? Why? The most important thing is the will of the person and the agreement between the parties without wrapping the person before to determine his/her decision, without the submission by force. 

The Media

In 2013, 2014, 2015, the media sent indirect messages to Nicolas. The media can do that on TV machines and not necessary through smart tv's. Nicolas remember he had not a smart tv, just a small tv machine of 14 inches in that time.

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"Taking care"/"Cuidar"

This doesn't mean Nicolas is stupid, he has his will. The system is challenging and he needs to take risks to make progress in life. 

What does "taking care"/"Cuidar" mean for you? destroying the businesses of Nicolas like NSComex, Yooloper, Nina Andromeda Galaxy Milkyway? Cyberespionage to protect or to cybersteal from Nicolas taking advantage of him?  Not to show himself on social media anymore? Not to study at university anymore? Not to go to work at enterprises anymore? Not to go out of his house anymore? What kind of society are you creating for Nicolas Sourivongxay? Not to talk to anyone? Not to have relationships, no friends? Not to touch? Not to breathe?

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