Saturday, June 24, 2023

Election Time: June 24th, 2023

Today, Argentina closes the list of candidates for Election. It's a cloudy day like the clouds of this blog 'Ethnic Justice' chosen since the beginning of our existence to share the story of Nicolas Sourivongxay. 

These are the candidates: 

Union por la Patria (Centre-Left)
Sergio Massa and Agustín Rossi

Juntos por el Cambio
Patricia Bullrich and Luis Petri (Centre-Right)
Rodríguez Larreta and Gerardo Morales (Centre-Left)

La Libertad Avanza
Javier Milei and Victoria Villarruel (Liberals)

Frente de Izquierda y Trabajadores Unidad (Left)
Myriam Bregman and Nicolas Del Caño 
Gabriel Solano and Vilma Ripoll

Hacemos por Nuestro País
Juan Schiaretti and Florencio Randazzo 

Santiago Cuneo and Gustavo Barranco
Raúl Castells

Príncipios y Valores 
Guillermo Moreno and Leonardo Fabre


First Attempt called 'PASO' (Primarias Abiertas Simultáneas y Obligatorias)

June 14: Registration of electoral alliances between parties.
June 24: Presentation of the lists of pre-candidates and beginning of the electoral campaign:
July 9: Beginning of the period of issuance of advertisements in audiovisual media.
August 11: Electoral ban of the PASO
August 13: Election of the PASO
August 15: final scrutiny.

General elections

September 2: Start of the campaign.
September 17: Broadcast of advertisements in audiovisual media
October 1: First instance of the mandatory presidential debate.
October 8: Second instance of the mandatory presidential debate.
October 20: Electoral ban
October 22: General Elections
November 19: Second Round.

Previous today, there were two big conflicts evolving two political parties. 

In the province of Jujuy, a protest against Gerardo Morales from Juntos por el Cambio. 

In Chaco Province, a protest against Jorge Capitanich from Union por la Patria. 


It's time to remember the presidencies since 2013, the year Nicolas Sourivongxay got stuck in his social mobility 

Presidencies in ARGENTINA since 2013

President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner until 2015

Cristina Kirchner photo from:

President Mauricio Macri 2015-2019

Mauricio Macri photo from:

President Alberto Fernández 2019-2023

Photo from:

Presidencies in The United States Of America since 2013

President Barack Obama until 2017

Photo from Photofunia. Photo inside promoting the last book of Nicolas Sourivongxay 'Braining Insania: the Spanglish Book of Nicolas Sourivongxay'

President Donald Trump 2017-2021

Photo from Photofunia. Photo inside promoting the last book of Nicolas Sourivongxay 'Braining Insania: the Spanglish Book of Nicolas Sourivongxay'

President Joe Biden 2021- Current . In the USA there will be presidential election in 2024, so due to this upcoming event all governments in the world should be prepared as possible for the impact. 

Photo from 
And when he bought a Cadillac car 

To end this article a photo of the Pope receiving a phone call and the last Rock Music EP Album of Nicolas Sourivongxay 'Phone Calls To Shine'


Ethnic Justice 

Friday, June 23, 2023

March, April, May, June 2023

Let's remember what happened in these last months

March, April, May 2023

Let's remember this important link:

It's also important to inform, the storage of the email account of Nicolas Sourivongxay was full of capacity and it was required to pay for more space to Microsoft. Nicolas did it in April in a very difficult month economically, because he also paid to fix his tooth. And he got also sick with fever, flu.

May and June 2023

In May 2023, Nicolas' attempt for USA VISA Lottery failed. He was rejected. And on June 12, 2023 he was rejected by the USA Embassy in Argentina for his VISA Tourism.

On June 24th, 2023 the candidates for argentine presidential election were selected. 

The bad attitude of argentinians excluding Nicolas from the economic party since 2013 when an employee gets the million in Argentine pesos in four or five months due to inflation, not only was the only one. The exclusion continued at 100% leaving Nicolas apart from organizations from private and public institutions, rejection from the media, and rejection from the list of candidates for presidential election (remember some people believe Nicolas has the power to change important events as a natural influencer, including global important events). The last chance to present candidates, the deadline is on June 24th, 2023. 

The police persecution and "bullying" on the streets against Nicolas never stopped, nonetheless, Nicolas stopped sending evidence to the Justice System due to the last bad event occured  march 2023 as a trial. Nicolas truly understands the abuse of authority, even so, he tries to deal with that by trying not to react in order to not to get involved in the presidential election and with no intention to change the results due to manipulation. 

Even so, argentinians ' attitude is auto destructive. Knowing the bad consequences for the country for attacking Nicolas, argentinians don't stop. 

Let's remember one of the last consequences impacted on the country: 

And the last consequence, was globally by ending up the Global Emergency due to Covid-19 

No Noise

The young neighbors who used to bother Nicolas late at nights with cumbia music and reggaeton music loud and shouting loud stopped doing that after knowing their idol singer went to jail. 

Months before, the comparison to another singer was also obvious when an argentine Rock singer related to the media (Clarín, El Trece TV Channel) said he was persecuted by the police and shot by one of them. 

Nicolas is a Rock Singer and in that time was also persecuted by the police but due to different intentions.

Remarkable thoughts 

The nationalism in Argentina won, all together putting Nicolas apart from the presidency, from the media, from business, from music industry, from educational system, from justice, and from other sectors in the system. 

In December 2022, Cristina Kirchner was condemned due to corruption

Nicolas trial was dismissed at the end of March 2023

Meanwhile, Donald Trump in the USA  faced charges of financial fraud found guilty in December 2022 and on March 30th, 2023 he was indicted. 

Ethnic Justice 

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Ethnic Celebrations in May & in June

Ethnic Celebrations in the United States in two months every year


Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month is celebrated in May in the U.S.

Ranking of qty of AAPI people: 

1-Los Angeles, CA

2-Santa Clara, CA

3-Orange, CA

4-Queens, NY

5-Alameda, CA

6-King, WA

7-San Diego, CA

8-Cook, IL

9-Honolulu, HI

10-Harris, TX

It started with a resolution by the congress in October 1978, later a proclamation declaring the first asian American week in 1979. Years later it was extended to a month by President George W. Bush.

President Obama added Pacific Islanders to the celebration. 


Juneteenth marks the end of slavery in the U.S. and commemorates African-American freedom, is observed on June 19. 

The President Abraham Lincoln issued the Proclamation of emancipation in January 1863.

On June 19, 1865 General Gordon Granger of Texas declared that all slaves were free. It turned a traditional celebration in that state that later it was declared as a national holiday. 

Ethnic Justice 

Sunday, June 18, 2023

"The Cindirella Prince 🤴" Chapter: The Room: ingratitude

Continuing the story....

First chapter:

Sister RO and Sister SA were plotting. After painting the room that belonged to the King (Sister SA moved the King from that room to another worse room and days later he had a stroke). The prince had painted the room with the extra money that Sister UB had sent him in accordance. After the prince painted the room. Sister RO secretly entered to the castle and sent information to Sister SA. 

One day, Sister SA came to the castle with her youngest daughter. Her youngest daughter went upstairs to confirm what the prince had done. 

Sister RO borrowed brushes to the Prince. Those brushes are still kept by her. 

Days later, the day the Prince was refused entry to another Kingdom, Sister SA desperately called him telling him she wanted to move to the castle because she could not afford the rent. 

One Sunday, on Father's Day, Sister SA moved to the castle. And instead of settling in the room that she had in her childhood, she decided to use the King's room, the one she chose, emptied, the one the prince painted, and which she threw the King out into another worse room (remember that the King now lives in Sister SU's house).

To be continued....

Original story written by Nicolas Sourivongxay.

From Ethnic Justice 

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