Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Water From the Wells of Salvation


This article is related to the last article written about Water called 'Transition 2023: Water v. Energy'

John 7:38 'Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.' The Holy Bible.

In that last article, Nicolas Sourivongxay's house had a problem with water and he remarked December 2022, the month when the problem started, January 2023 when it was fixed, and July 2023 when the same problem started again.

No money from the Argentine State, no institutions helped Nicolas despite of his claims, no governments interviened helping him, no political parties.  

Nicolas Sourivongxay received charity from the United States to solve this issue that has to do with a vital and an important element for life, the water. This is not the first time. To solve the case in January 2023, Nicolas also received help in that time from The United States of America.

Isaías 12:3 'With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation.' The Holy Bible.⛲

And the result was positive. It was fixed  again on October 3rd, 2023. And he paid almost u$s 400.- American dollars ($1 American Dollar = $350.02 Argentine pesos) (Current currency from Google Search)

Imagine other people with economic disadvantage with no grace of God received from people in the United States of America. In the neighborhood, he was the only one with problems with the underground water reservoir. 

That's much more money than the minimum pension a retired person receives in Argentina including with the extra bonuses. That's impossible to pay for that type of arrangement for a retired person in Argentina. An extra help is required and it should be mandatory.  

For you as readers, believe it or not, there is provement of payment however, that is preserved to protect workers. 

Water is a Human Right 

Ethnic Justice 

Sunday, October 1, 2023

Transition 2023: Water V. Energy

Water: Case Solved. Read: Water from the Wells of Salvation 


Let's remember the fight of Nicolas Sourivongxay against those who take the water from his house. This article is related to The Fountain of Water

December 2022///January 2023///July 2023

The problem with lack of water from the underground water reservoir started in December 2022. Nicolas changed the water pump machine that extracts water but, the same problem returned a month later. In January 2023, it was fixed again spending a lot of money. In July 2023, the same problem started again when workers of Municipality of Esteban Echeverría and Aysa(Company that provides water and sewers)  starting working one block from Nicolas' house. Aysa only provides sewers to Nicolas' house but not clean water, they told Nicolas his water is contaminated but, the municipality would say it's not even so, drinking water is a risk.

His neighbors don't have that problem, the problem exists only at Nicolas' house.

Claims in August 2023


Argentina: Drought

This year in Early year, drought appeared in the news strongly. It is due to the climate phenomenon called 'La Niña' related to high temperature. The President Alberto Fernández said there was a similar big problem in the year 1929. Fortunately, it finished in March 2023..
If this problem ended up then why is the Municipality of Esteban Echeverría sharing this video about droughts in Monte Grande, Esteban Echeverría District, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina? 

This was used for Election Campaign for October 22nd, 2023 among issues about Security in Esteban Echeverría. Political Party belongs to the current government of the President Alberto Fernández. The Mayor is called Fernando Gray.

Fixing the water issues cost a lot of money $. 

Uruguay: Lack of Water

Before Nicolas went to Uruguay to seek Asylum, the Argentine media started spreading the news about lack of water in that country. 
Nicolas went to Uruguay in July 2023 and he had no problems with water at the Hostel. One day, he noted that pipeworks in one street got broken so water was all over the street. Rapidly, the government fixed it in less than thirty minutes. 
Nicolas returned to Argentina at the end of July due to problems of housing in Montevideo, Uruguay while asking for Asylum to get a Refugee Status. 

The emergency of water problems ended up in August 2023 in Uruguay. 

ENERGY: Transition 2019 V. Transition 2023

Problems with prices at bills and outages were used to change the election in 2019. Fortunately, outages stopped around March 2023 and that's positive for consumers. 

However, there was a problem with the last bill before the presidential election in 2023. The first date for retired people of IPS (Institute of Social Security) to receive the pension is the before last working day for the first group of retired people and the last day for the second group so, they are September 29 and September 30. 
In September, the company EDESUR couldn't resist the temptation to hurt people. The first date of overdue was September 26, so that's impossible to pay that bill for retired people. When Nicolas paid the bill of Energy of his father's house, he paid the second price.

Ethnic Justice 

Argentine Presidential Election 2023: The RESUMES

Let's see the resumes. 

On September 30th, 2023, Nicolas Sourivongxay complied the ten years of exclusion from Job depending market to be considered Ostracism. His last depending job was in September 2013. 

Virtual Portfolio/Resume

Nicolas is not a candidate for President of Argentina. He never joined a political party officially. 

Let's see the Resumes of the five presidential candidates: 


El CV de los candidatos'. La Nación Portal News 

CV Miriam Bregman Infobae

Wikipedia Schiaretti

Please also read what happened with Las PASO on August 13th, 2023. Las PASO means "Concurrent and mandatory open primaries" (Primarias Abiertas Simultáneas y Obligatorias).  It's the previous step for the General Election that will be in the next October 22nd, 2023.

First of all, the last winner, Javier Milei

And here it is his interview with the American journalist Tucker Carlson about Liberalism

The next candidate belongs to the current government of the President Alberto Fernández. He is Sergio Massa

The next one belongs to the Political Party Pro. This political party won the election 2015 and the president was Mauricio Macri. This time, it comes with Patricia Bulrich

The following candidate comes from the Cordoba province, Juan Schiaretti. 

And the last candidate belongs to the left party. She is Miriam Bergman 

Who will win the upcoming presidential election on October 22nd, 2023? 

Ethnic Justice 


October 1st, 2023. It's time to recap the articles of this blog in sections. Probably there are missing articles not chosen for this article. Read and enjoy, fill your mind with knowledge in order to change behaviors for a better society. 





Read the last part of the article: March, April 2023: Economy 




Read: Experiments: Milgram, Zimbardo, LGBT 
Read: Manipulation & Ethics: Milgram, Zimbardo, The Wave


Read: Rumors


Read: Barbaric 



Read: Barbaric 
Read: Rumors
Read: Targeted 

Ethnic Justice 

A Deadly Year in Politics 2024

Destiny is turning extremely dangerous for some politicians nowadays. 🇺🇲 The United States of America. Donald Trump. Right Wing. The recen...