Saturday, August 5, 2023

FEMINISM: The Dark Side

Nicolas Sourivongxay created a blog for children and youth: . The theme of the friendly blog is narcississim and abandonment of children and teenagers by narcissist parents. And this blog is necessary in times of social media, narcississim, and liberation of women. The blog includes extremely cases of murders of children by mothers. 

Let's remember Nicolas Sourivongxay doesn't have a formal depending job since 2013. Most of recruiters in Argentina are women and with mix of nationalism, the combination had been lethal for the exclusion of Nicolas from the market. 

His sisters grew up economically, but not Nicolas. He used to work in offices in companies in private sector. And even it is not 100% the fault of women due to men political ideology obeying Nicolas to create his own job, it has carried bad visible consequences which continue on these days. Decision makers are owners of companies and leaders of organizations, decision makers are employees who create their own rules inside companies, decision makers are recruiters, decision makers are politicians. 

Nicolas recognizes some women helped him with his little business NSComex, but working as an entrepreneur was economically humiliating for him for someone with a Bachelor Degree from a private University and who owns a total of 289 certificates from worldwide. And also police persecution, dismissing claims at Justice system, and more obstacles such as problems of inclusion at universities. 

The United States of America only accepts women from the family of Nicolas according to the rejection of his VISA Lottery in may 2023 and VISA Tourism in June 2023 when Nicolas had been filled with illusion since 2013 through the internet. A Blondie American woman rejected him. 


March 7th, 2016. Turkey. Feminist protests turned violent on the streets.

March 9th, 2017. Argentina. Feminists destroyed the Cathedral of the Catholic Church by celebrating the International day of women.

December 25th, 2017. Vatican. A woman tried to steal baby Jesus shouting "God is woman".

November 27th, 2018. Russia. a woman sprayed men on the subway with bleach. She was against 'manspreading'. 

August 20th, 2019. Mexico. Women and others in the protests acted with violence against reporters of the media. 

November 26th, 2019. Mexico. Women destroyed part of the city with violence. 

March 8th, 2021. Argentina. Feminists destroyed the Cathedral of the Catholic Church by celebrating the International day of women.

September 29th, 2021. Mexico. Women turned extremely violent. 

September 29th, 2022. Colombia. Feminists attacked the Cathedral of the Catholic Church

Other links:



From Ethnic Justice 

Friday, August 4, 2023

Young Male Neighbors (Reggaeton, Cumbia, Trap)

Annoying Ordinance: 

August 5th, 2023:

July 8th, 2023: the day they did it in front of a police patrol at the same street. The police car was guarding a work of the municipality of Esteban Echeverría:;

In this another blog of Nicolas Sourivongxay there is more evidence in emails sent to Justice System and to Municipality of Esteban Echeverría but were dismissed by them, click here: 

Videos of harassment in the mornings sent to Justice System which were dismissed by them.

Argentine Criminal Code: TORTURE: Art. 144 ter. The public official who imposes any kind of torture on persons, legitimately or illegitimately, deprived of their liberty, shall be punished with imprisonment or imprisonment from eight to twenty-five years and absolute and perpetual disqualification.

Ethnic Justice 


Barbaric means: uncivilized, rude, cruel. 

According to Oxford Dictionary: cruel and violent and not as expected from people who are educated and respect each other.


History of the word 'Barbaric':

Nicolas Sourivongxay chose the movie 'Mad Max: fury road' to describe the term.

It's time for SOME real examples in the system. Are you ready? 

WORLDWIDE: It is not shown on the media but the secret Cyberespionage that Nicolas Sourivongxay calls as "domestic Cyberespionage" is also barbaric without self control.  Let's watch about the 'Cyberwar' 

ARGENTINA: Economic crisis 2001 and the "Estallido Social"

ARGENTINA: people lynched two teachers accused of sexual abuse

GUATEMALA: people burned a man with fire accused of sexual assault. 

MEXICO: people tortured two men accused of kidnapping. 

PERU: People turned violent against a man accused of sexual assault.

FRANCE: people against the police due to the assesination of a migrant kid of 17 years old. 

ARGENTINA: The country won the FIFA World Cup in Qatar, so Argentinians destroyed the main symbol statue of Buenos Aires due to euphoria and people got damaged during the celebration.

ARGENTINA: Feminists turned violent during the celebration of the International day of women. They destroyed the Cathedral, a building of the Catholic Church. 

CHILE: Protests against Quarantine due to the Pandemic affecting poor people


HONG KONG, CHINA: Protests due to system ideology

RUSSIA against UKRAINE: the war

ARGENTINA: 14 police officers involved in assessination of a kid of 17 years old.  Crimes of police officers involved: ideological falsehood, illegal deprivation of liberty aggravated by functional abuse and without provision of the law, cover-up aggravated by the status of public officials and because the predicate offense is especially serious and imposition of torture.

From Ethnic Justice 

Thursday, August 3, 2023

The Fountain of Life: Water

Water: Case Solved. ReadWater from the Wells of Salvation 


This is vital for life and without this element and primary element, humans can't exist. It's water. Location: Esteban Echeverría, Buenos Aires Province 


Link United Nations about Argentina, Uruguay, and Chile:

Nicolas Sourivongxay made a claim in January 2023 related to lack of pressure of water. In many parts in Argentina people fill water pumps with water extracted by using an electric motor machine.

Nicolas thought he was the only one with this problem because his neighbors in the square didn't have any problem like that. Nicolas made a complain before AYSA and the Municipality of Esteban Echeverría.  To fix the problem, Nicolas' family had to spend a lot of money.  It was finally repaired.


Everything was working very well until the Municipality of Esteban Echeverría started to work over one of the streets near Nicolas home doing a 'Red Cloacal' . Once again, pressure was not enough to fill the water pump. He gotta make complains before AYSA and before the Municipality of Esteban Echeverría in the next days, maybe. 

In this live video, Nicolas was arriving home in the last part. The municipality of Esteban Echeverría guarded their job at the corner of Nicolas' house

July 6th, 2023 Link:

July 5th, 2023. And in the last part of this stream Live video, it is shown the job of the municipality over Ortega street (Ortega st  and Santa Fe st ) :

Others had problems with water and it was visible on the news. Let's see what happened.

MARCH 2023

Problems with outages and water in some places of the district. Without electricity, people can't consume water.


MARCH 30th, 2023

The left party created a movement called 'Protest for Water' . 


APRIL 5th, 2023

Neighbors of the Police neighborhood, also known as Santa Lucía, of Monte Grande, in the district of Esteban Echeverría, had been without water for a week, it started on March 29th, 2023, so the company ABSA started to fix it one week later.


APRIL 11th, 2023

The municipality of Esteban Echeverría and the company Agua y Saneamientos Argentinos (AySA) presented the works to expand the sewerage network in that town. So, the main head of the company AySA was in town.


MAY 5th, 2023

The left party once again on the streets with the second 'Protest for Water'



It's Presidential Election time in Argentina and anything can happen for good or for bad. 

Is there with the problem of water bad intention? Once again in the scene, poor people from left party, the police (Barrio Policial), and the municipality of Esteban Echeverría workers. 

Water 💦 is one of the most and vital important source for life. Without water, life doesn't exist. We need water for mobility. 



What's going on in the World?

From Ethnic Justice

A Deadly Year in Politics 2024

Destiny is turning extremely dangerous for some politicians nowadays. 🇺🇲 The United States of America. Donald Trump. Right Wing. The recen...