Friday, January 5, 2024

Two Main Problems in a Barbaric Society

Argentina is a barbaric country like many others in the world. Even having great places, beautiful natural resources, the problem is the people according to Nicolas Sourivongxay. 

In the following chart you may see that Nicolas ' unemployment from dependent job market started in SEPTEMBER 2013. Later you see the years of presidential transitions. Marked in red color, the years 2019 and 2023 shows the deadly transitions. The parents of Nicolas Sourivongxay passed away one in each year.

Unemployment line continues during these just a few days in the government of the current President Javier Milei. 

Police persecution started in 2018, later the level  increased up since 2020, the quarantine. During the government of the current President Javier Milei, the liberal, police persecution continues. 

Companies and organizations from private sector are still rejecting Nicolas. He also applied to other countries in the world by LinkedIn such as The United States of America, The United Kingdom, Mexico, Colombia, Uruguay, Switzerland, Australia, France, Canada, Puerto Rico, Perú, Brazil, etc. 

With his computer broken due to the virus in DEC 2022 until March 2023, the barbaric argentinians are still using Nicolas Sourivongxay for their own purposes of money, fame, prizes, etc. The words pervertion, cruelty, barbaric are pointing out. 

Justice System is useless and the abuse continues. 

The cruel dehumanization of the people in the world

To end up this article, the original classical song of Nicolas Sourivongxay, 'Symphony 358: My Grace'

Ethnic Justice 

Monday, January 1, 2024

Global Warning: Dehumanizing the World

The article of the CNN about what Supreme Court Chief Justice, John Roberts said concerning to "dehumanizing the law" related to Artificial Intelligence used in the field, triggered some issues by Ethnic Justice Blog

Roberts expressed his concern about ethics & transparency at Justice system about invading privacy and how lawyers get profits of the new technology in bad manner. 

“lawyers using the application to submit briefs with citations to non-existent cases. (Always a bad idea.).”, he said. 

Technology is a good useful tool if it is used ethically. Let's remember the case of Nicolas Sourivongxay and how the perception is affected when tech evidence is presented by an individual claimer before the Justice System in the article "Justice Development" comparing two moments in Argentine History with the existence of technology in favour. 

Despite of showing physical evidence on social media (Videos, Photos, Stream Live videos), the Justice System dismissed everything. It's not a product from Cyberespionage, e.g. extracting screenshots from Whatsapp conversations illegally (Domestic Cyberespionage allow people to spy illegally), extracting emails illegally (Argentine Justice System & the Police do that by using private companies), extracting personal information without consent, among other illegal practices invading privacy. 

In the following video, the case 'Lago Escondido' involves chats extracted illegally from conversations between Judges, Owners of enterprises, and politicians in Argentina. 

In the process of claiming, Nicolas Sourivongxay talked to lawyers, and many of them said, 'That's no evidence due to the origin comes from social media". Nicolas was upset, professionals out and inside the Justice System not considering his evidence, specially, the Stream Live videos showing the police persecution in real time and the quantity of evidence. 
For the case in Argentina against the dictatorship occured in 1976, Argentina got a lot of files of testimonies, and the judges believed them more than physical evidence presented. In the case of Nicolas Sourivongxay, he presented a massive quantity of physical evidence, but they all were dismissed 

The Justice System believes in the words of police officers who lied but not in the word of Nicolas. 

Let's remember the remarkable words of this blog. Readers are able to search on this blog on titles: Gaslighting, Barbaric, Ostracism, Abuse, Actions Should Speak Louder Than Words. 

Humanity is living in a world of technology, innovation, artificial intelligence causing a transition to new jobs leaving some traditional jobs behind, and some of them are/were disappearing. Jobs means a lot of people,  humans. 

Why of lack of  good reactions from humans to Nicolas' claims on social media? Nicolas has been crying out on social media for more than a decade, particularly, claiming for his economic situation. He was used for politics from both sides, left, middle, right, ideologies of in or out, employee or entrepreneur however, social behavior ended up in the famous phrase that can't be beaten in history, 'They come to take our jobs", even being born in Argentina from immigrants asian parents. Does it occur the same with Italian first immigrants? With Spanish first immigrants?

Let's remember what happened during the pandemic 2020 worldwide. Billionaires in technology increased up their millions of money like the Prime Minister of Spain Perez Castejón said at the World Economic Forum in January 2023. 

On December 27, 2023, The Guardian published ' Musk, Zuckerberg and most of rest of the world’s richest got richer in 2023 ' saying that fortunes of 38 of the top 50 richest people and 385 of the top 500 grew this year 2023. The list of billionaires is dominated by American men. Russian Billionaires also increased up.

Let's remember what happened in Educational System during the pandemic 2020. Educators overwhelmed students with homework so many students stopped studying. This means it was more than cases of misadaptation to new technology such as Zoom, Google Classroom, among others tech systems. 

The phenomenon of inflation increasing the gap between poor people and rich people excluding many people away from the System. 

The consequences are the increasing quantity of Asylum Seekers, Refugees, Immigration in north Countries. 

Psychopathy, narcissism, and machiavellianism. 

To end up this article. The song popularized by Dianne Rose, 'Do you know where are you going to?'

Ethnic Justice 

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