Saturday, March 4, 2023

ARGENTINA: Justice System 2023

'After all is said and done. I have problems. The major error in the system is when you get poor. It's not easy to find justice according to justice system. With lack of money, justice is just a priviledge for those ones who have enough money to claim.' Nicolas Sourivongxay


Many people want to know what Nicolas Sourivongxay is doing at Justice System in Argentina.


Watching the news on TV what most attracts attention in judicial processes and their rulings is the TIME variable. What is observed is that when the case reaches television it is resolved faster, time speeds up because it becomes public and society gets involved. Let's see the last revelant cases on this links: 

Caso Fernandez Sosa: he was found dead by a rugby gang. The accusing lawyer is famous in Argentina. The Rugbiers were doomed:

Caso Lucio Dupuy:The two women were sentenced to life imprisonment for the death of a child :

Caso Tiziano: Tiziano is the son of a famous international model in Argentina. Assailants beat her son. Finally, the attackers must comply with three years of conditional prison and both will be released under rules of conduct.:

Let's remember the relationship of Nicolas Sourivongxay with the media by reading again this article called: The Traditional Media & Ther Power . There is a relevant discussion on dealing with the issues in the media or in justice. Either one or the other exclusively.

According to what has been seen in the judicial cases mentioned, the media are a complement to pressure in the search for the truth and time speeds up in a surprising way.


Watchers, readers have been witnesses of the mistreatment, disgrace, misfortune, injustice in the life of Nicolas Sourivongxay. 

Let's see the instances in the judicial system in which Nicolas Sourivongxay denounced and had files against, mainly, police harassment in the streets. Let's remember that the police behavior in the Facebook Watch cameras is very clear when they bully Nicolas on the street, there are no people chasing or bothering Nicolas in the streets, especially the filming on the route from the train station in Monte Grande to his house, for more than 30 blocks. Nicolas did it when a patrolman appeared at the bus stop or police personnel blocked his way to the "Cementerio 1" bus stop on the sidewalk of the train station. Nicolas was walking back, only police and patrols from the municipality of Esteban Echeverria were chasing and harassing Nicolas. Verified by Facebook Watch.

PROVINCIAL JUSTICE: The Judicial Pole of Esteban Echeverria declared itself incompetent to resolve the case, referring it to the Public Ministry of Lomas de Zamora.

PROSECUTORS: In the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, a judge sees no crime and rejects the claim. In the Public Ministry of Lomas de Zamora of the Province of Buenos Aires they received so many complaints from Nicolas by email since the year 2019/2020 and also physical evidence was presented with more than 70 covers plus electronic support. However, it was like pulling teeth, they only received complaints but did nothing to stop the police harassment.

FEDERAL JUSTICE: An amparo requested by Nicolas Sourivongxay in which all the details of the case in general were exposed, was rejected by two federal courts despite having appealed to the Appeals Chamber. And Nicolas exposed all the errors in the process that led to the incorrect ruling of the Federal Courts.

On March 3, 2023, a Federal Court of the Province of Buenos Aires, in Lomas de Zamora, intervened ex officio with a file whose process was in bad faith.

Such a Judge has a dubious reputation:

Judge Federico Villena was denounced for money laundering in the purchase of a home:

Asseff requested the political trial against federal judge Federico Villena:

Illegal espionage. Federico Villena, the judge who forged ties with all governments and who suffered his hardest setback:

Judge Federico Villena was removed from the case for illegal espionage macrista:


Trips to Uruguay, a BMW and cable bills: Judge Villena's links with his alleged figurehead:

SUPREME COURT OF JUSTICE OF THE NATION, THE COUNCIL OF THE MAGISTRACY OF THE NATION: Due to the irregularities, the delays and errors in the processes, the non-resolution of the conflict, the dilemmas in communication between offices between provinces and between the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires and between both jurisdictions, some judges and prosecutors are targeted by the management operational administration. 

What is delaying the file of Nicolás Sourivongxay?

A dispute between the senate of the political block "Juntos por el Cambio" (Macrismo), the political party Union Civica Radical, Luis Juez (Center Right) versus Senator Martin Doñate of the political block "Frente de Todos", the Justicialista political party affiliated with the Frente para la Victoria (Kirchnerismo). Both dispute the position which delays the files in court in addition to the delay in the appointment of new members.

La Corte pospuso la definición sobre Juez y Doñate para la Magistratura:

Luis Juez, sobre la designación de Doñate: "Es de una gravedad sin precedentes":

La Corte Suprema rechazó tomarle juramento a Martin Doñate para integrar el Consejo de la Magistratura:

This articule of INFOBAE writen by Martin Angulo explains the situation of justice system during 2023, a year of presidential election:

According to the report, it is speculated that there will be no compliance until after the presidential election on October 22, 2023.


The president of the Supreme Court of Justice, Horacio Rosatti, says that the claims must be resolved in each judicial jurisdiction, however, as he says, the resolutions can be erroneous, the processes fail and he says he awares of this in the interview, then the files finally reach the Court for the sentences.

The President of the Court, Horacio Rosatti, has cases of Political Trial in the climate of a political electoral year. Judges are not elected by the people, they are elected by legislators, that is, by the representatives of the people.Meanwhile, Nicolas Sourivongxay is still looking for a job as a dependency in organizations as he has done since 2013.

The President of Argentina,Alberto Fernandez,  set up his own "political trial" of the Court, revived cracks and became more tied to the internal:

The opposition claims the annulment of one of the files of the impeachment trial against the Court for the statements of the President in Congress:

In conclusion, there is so much damage to the people due to the problems at the Justice System. 


Ethnic Justice

Wednesday, March 1, 2023


This is part number 5 about the presidential transition in Argentina that is planned to be on October 22th, 2023. Read also the previous articles: 

Transition Part 1:

Transition Part 2:

Transition Part 3:

Transition Part 4:

After the last speech of the job done by the Current Prresident Alberto Fernandez by inaugurating the sessions of the Congress, there was a Power Outage in Argentina Faccing Blackout After Power Grid Fire Amid Heatwave.




Variation of accumulated public debt of Argentina according to efforts in millions of dollars from 1983 to 2022. We can see that the presidency of the current president Alberto Fernandez has accumulated 83.2 million dollars until December 2022. It's the debt taken. 

(Click in tphoto to zoom it)

Here we can see the debt accumulated at the end of the presidencies

(Click in tphoto to zoom it)

Considering the last three democratic presidencies. This is the annual average in millions of dollars.

(Click in tphoto to zoom it)

Nicolas Sourivongxay is still finding a dependent job since 2013...

Ethnic Justice

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