Saturday, February 3, 2024

Economy Against Socialism in Argentina

One Spanish economist suggested the current President of Argentina, Javier Milei should receive the Nobel Prize in Economy, 

Milei quoted the Spanish economist: “As the great Jesús Huerta de Soto says, anti-poverty plans generate more poverty, the only way to get out of poverty is with more freedom.” 

The speech of President Javier Milei at World Economic Forum 2024 was only focused in Economy and he remarked his disagreement with socialism. It was like choosing between two options: Capitalism against Socialism. Capitalism against communism.

The question relies on what's the price to comply economic goals that gives more benefits to those stronger in the market, to those who have enough money to invest in a scale up of benefits at the pyramid system

The Conan Project

It's highlighted the attitude of the President Javier Milei about the death of a dog that fostered a dog project to increase up penalties to those humans who kill or mistreat dogs. 

The President Javier Milei talks about his dogs saying they are his children. 

Finally, the President Javier Milei congratulated the minister of Security, Patricia Bullrich (from the government of Mauricio Macri when he was president 2015-2019) for putting the bus driver who committed the incident in jail. Her Minister of Security was obsessed with security untill receiving an awareness of Javier Milei of not crossing the line to dictatorship during the caucus  when both were former candidates to the presidency.

Caucus 1

Caucus 2

Javier Milei compares himself as an animal, the lion. 


President Javier Milei began his government on December 10th, 2023 . 

In just 21 days Argentina got increased the inflation up to 40% in food according to World Bank from January 1st, 2024 until January 22nd, 2024 becoming the worst country in rate inflation in the world. And inflation doesn't stop nowadays, prices are increasing up especially those from public services. 

The congress is being entertained with big packages of projects presented by the President which have to be treated at the Congress by deputies & senators while inflation is increasing up. 

The DNU (National Decree of Emergency) is basically to delegate the job activities of the President to other divisions and organizations by giving himself less accountability e.g. in terms of national defense, national protection to the local industry, among other issues. 

The 'Ley Omnibus' is almost the same but with more issues to analise. The purpose to comply with the purpose of alignment to the United States of America, opening the market to international countries. 


Milei defined the CASTA as "those who are in politics but are immoral". He explained the CASTA is those who implement policies that "harm people" and that to "protect" their own privileges they argue that nothing else can be done.

According to CELAG organization, the Current President Javier Milei who used to go against the CASTA is surrounded by 70.5% of CASTA as part of his government (Feb 1st, 2024)

The deputy of the political party 'Radicales' called, Facundo Manes said President Javier Milei's government is almost full of CASTA. Facundo Manes, the socialist Margarita Stolbizer, among other deputies, mainly Union por la patria and the left party voted against the treatment of 'Ley Omnibus'

The treatment of the vulnerable people

Before the presidential election that was celebrated in the middle of November 2023, the government of Alberto Fernández gave the last IFE (Emergency Income for Families) to vulnerable people and Nicolas Sourivongxay was one of them. The money ($55,000) was sent to the bank account of beneficiaries and that was in Argentine pesos but evil forces increased up the value of Blue American dollar in the dark market so, that way prices of food increased up and those $55,000 argentine pesos meant less money.

That treatment against vulnerable people was inhuman, no solidarity, with politics intention, with intention to hurt those vulnerable people who received that special help from the government of the Ex-President Alberto Fernández. 

Another Phrase in the air it is heared by those vulnerable people. Fans of the political party of Javier Milei and the political party Pro of Mauricio Macri repeat the phrase 'ANDA A LABURAR, 'VAYAN A LABURAR' (Go to Work!) without considering many aspects of economic, social , and psychological behavior of the people targeted. In case of destitute people, you can't obey them simply by shouting them 'ANDA A LABURAR'. Some people can, some people really can't.

Programs of the presidency of Alberto Fernández such as Potenciar Trabajo, Fomentar Empleo were in stand by since the presidency of Javier Milei began. 

The way to be (at the edge of risk)

Libertarians have an uneducated way to express out. Their leader says 'Viva la libertad Çarajo’ , an expression that carries out aggressiveness and hysteria. And that's how libertarians won the election by shouting louder than the enemy including with aggressiveness and hysteria. 

The President Javier Milei threatened the governors of provinces by saying he might not be sending money to them. This means no salaries to public employees, no money to spend on infrastructure, no money for social activities, no money for security, among others. In response to that, the vice-governor of Rio Negro told the President Javier Milei that they are capable to turn off all the energy of the country.  The main politician of the Chubut Province joined the Rio Negro with the claim.

This means civil war in danger.

Rio Negro 


One another risk was to call the Colombian President Petro as 'Comunista Asesino' (Killer Comunist) provoking an scandalous in diplomatic concerns within countries that could be ending in severe conflicts including war.


Let's remember the first big protest against the government of Javier Milei on January 24,, 2024

Let's watch the last two violent protests before the Congress while deputies were treating the Javier Milei's law package. Feb 2, 2024 and Feb 1, 2024, The result 13 people detained and 50 millions Argentine pesos in losses.

There were also people asking for food at supermarkets. In one hand, the government wanted to end up corruption but by the another hand there were people really in need.

Cyber Crime

Credit cards stolen

Dollars stolen at the Payoneer Fintech APP

Ethnic Justice 

Friday, February 2, 2024

Two Global Systems

There are two global systems playing hard in every country.

In the case of the country Argentina. It is clear the President Javier Milei goes for the USA in his economic politics while the ex-president Alberto Fernández was for China. 

Are they different systems? 

The US industry is based on technology & communication with technical failures concerning cyber security that might provoke social chaos. The top words at WEF 2024 celebrated in Davos, Switzerland were Misinformation & disinformation related to technology consequences. Also the transition from traditional jobs to new technology jobs is hard with social and economic consequences.

President of the European Commission, Ursula Von Der Leyen about Misinformation & disinformation

The Chinese industry is based on traditional industries such as constructions, bank services, agriculture, but with less technology. The failure relies on carbon emissions, the same problem The United Kingdom had during its expansion at the Revolutionary Industry in the 1700 that later arrived in the US with the same problem. Nowadays, the US pushes China not to repeat the damage those Nations did to the planet n the past so, through the United Nations the word has been spreading to increase up renewable energy in the transition to reduce carbon emissions. 

The UN Secretary, Antonio Guterres about Carbon emissions and Climate Change.

Both systems are not perfect but humans are living in those two systems. And there are commercial concerns in every country when the US tries to penetrate the market by using politics. In the case of Argentina, Javier Milei & Mauricio Macri have been opening the doors to the United States of America. 

Ethnic Justice 

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

The Blessing Job

The first month of the government of Javier Milei ended up, and it is going in the second one. His government began on December 10th, 2023. Politicians from different political parties got their first salary and they are going to take their second one. 

The process to give the government less power but more to enterprises has started. 

Like politicians did during the presidency of Mauricio Macri (2015-2019) , they spent their time on the table of a tv program called, 'La Noche de Mirta Legrand' leaving Nicolas out of the benefits of their measures. Nicolas never got a dependent job during 2015-2019. Are they repeating that behavior during the presidency of Javier Milei? 

Here it is the table in where there is an important figure of the government, the Ministry of Justice, Mariano Cuneo Libarona saying he is reducing the quantity of employees at Justice System pretending to do it up to three thousand employees. 

Let's remember the gaslighting in March 2023 against Nicolas Sourivongxay at Justice System. And let's remember the dismissing cases presented at Justice System about abuse of authority, about police persecution. 

"There are 2 visions in my case: for the people or for the victim. If you are for the people, it is for insterests but not for Justice' Nicolas Sourivongxay 

In the following picture, it is shown two deadly presidential transitions marked in red color.

During the presidency of Alberto Fernández (2019-2023), during the quarantine, that was a perfect moment to hire Nicolas due to the DNU (Presidential Decree of Emergency) which allowed employees related to International Trade to work categorized as essential workers. Nicolas Sourivongxay owns a Degree in International Trade gotten in December 2013. No enterprises hired him despite of 10.4% of GDP Growth in 2021. Employees made a party of high salaries due to inflation leaving Nicolas apart. And leaving him apart from corporation benefits such as On Site/Hybrid/Remote jobs options. 

Saying the private sector and the public sector didn't create or didn't hire new employees since TeN years ago is wrong due to GDP Growth moments. 

Here the National Statistics Institute recognized the growth in quantity of new employees hired in the third trimester in the year 2023 for example.

The question still relies of the following culture concepts in Argentine society

The birthday of Nicolas Sourivongxay was on January 13th, 2024. He turned 40 years old. A new decade begins in his life. 
With social mobility increasing up in his 20s up to 2013 included, a great fall of social mobility in his 30s up to 2023 included. The question relies on how the life of Nicolas Sourivongxay will be in his 40s since 2024 and on. 

He is still finding a job

To end up this article, Shakira singing 'Octavo Dia'

"Meanwhile this world spins without being able to stop it and down here a few people manipulate us like chess pieces. I'm not the kind of idiot who lets himself be convinced but I tell the truth and even a blind man can see it." Shakira 

Ethnic Justice 

Tuesday, January 30, 2024


This should be considered the worst company in Argentina due to its past and present.

Let's remember how it worked torturing the society no matter which government it had in front. 

Headquarter: San Jose 140, Zip Code 1076 II, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires.

This company helped in the presidential transition from Mauricio Macri to Alberto Fernández (2019) not only with outages but also by increasing up the price of bills in exaggerated numbers that later the current governor Axel Kicillof ordered to decreased the price. 

Read for more details: Transition Part 3 

In the transition Alberto Fernández to Javier Milei there was a problem with the last bill before the presidential election in 2023. The first date for retired people of IPS (Institute of Social Security) to receive the pension is the before last working day for the first group of retired people and the last day for the second group so, they are September 29 and September 30. 

In September, the company EDESUR couldn't resist the temptation to hurt people. The first date of overdue was September 26, so that's impossible to pay that bill for retired people. When Nicolas paid the bill of Energy of his father's house, he paid the second price.

Read for more details: Transition 2023: Water & Energy 

Since then, the company has been billing before the end of the month.

In both last governments (Mauricio Macri & Alberto Fernández), outages were used to torture people reaching the Congress sueing the company EDESUR.

In the personal case of Nicolás Sourivongxay, outages were implemented in a way of personalized in response to some events. E.x in response if Nicolas didn't send an email to Justice System arguing after a police persecution on the streets; after zoom when he was taking online courses at Universidad de Lomas de Zamora during the restrictive quarantine in 2020; after rejecting a client on WhatsApp; among other events. This company not only did Cyberespionage but also used the source to judge and to torture the victim.

Nicolas Sourivongxay has been using the source of United Nations related to Climate Change remarking the advance in the production of renewable energy in Argentina to reinforce Energy efficiency. 

Read the blog: NSCOMEX Climate Change

During the presidency of Javier Milei, the bills are still being issued before the end of the month, and the behavior of this company is being analised. It's the beginning of the government of the current President Javier Milei. 

Up to this moment inflation is real. 

January 2024

December 2023


In response to the threat of the current President Javier Milei to the governors saying " Los vamos a dejar sin dinero" , politicians from South Argentina said they are able to respond by turning off all the energy production of the country due to the large quantity of production come from South Argentina.

Ethnic Justice

A Deadly Year in Politics 2024

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