Saturday, March 11, 2023

Science: Cognitive dissonance, High Temperature, and Women

Let's get into three points that science helps us by addressing three issues about Argentine social behavior. Cognitive dissonance: the perception of incompatibility of two simultaneous cognitions. By the other hand  how the climate affect our behavior and women are involved. 
1) Cognitive dissonance

Nicolas Sourivongxay is following the argentinian psychologist Caro Ricciutti (ARGENTINA) and she said "Cognitive dissonance in narcissistic abuse, which is when we deceive ourselves and justify the inconsistent behavior of the other that hurts and hurts us.
Inconsistency is, for example, when the other tells you that he cares for you, that he loves you, but on the other hand, he mistreats you, manipulates you, curses you."

Psychology apply that for relationships. This reminds us the behavior of some police officers during the persecution against Nicolas. Let's remember the article "Actions Speak Louder Than Words" Maybe Cognitive dissonance explains why police officers deny their actions. 

Even so, is it Cognitive dissonance or politicss? What's the real reason behind? Why too many locations and the same behavior, Monte Grande, Ezeiza, Ezeiza Airport, Canning, Luis Guillón, Temperley, Lomas de Zamora, Banfield, Just a few in Avellaneda, Lanús, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, and Mar del Plata ?  Remember Mar del Plata, far from Nicolas' house in December 2021 by reading this link: 

Psychologist, Ursula Perona (SPAIN) explains what it is in Spanish language on YouTube:

American scientist Dr..Phillip Zimbardo (Stanford Prison Experiment) explains the Theory of Cognitive dissonance created by the American psychologist Leon Festinger. 


Argentina is in Summer time and with high temperature, scientifically it is proven it increases violence. 

Let's remember the argentinians celebrating and destroying the Obelisco in Buenos Aires iin December 2022 due to the Qatar FiFA World Football Cup. 

The News:


According to Science News, as temperature 🌡️ rises violence and aggression also go up :

The Association for Psychological Science says ' When people get uncomfortably hot, their tempers, irritability, and likelihood of physical aggression and violence increase.'


(UNITED KINGDOM)Cambridge University: Of 50 women charged with crimes of violence, 44% committed their offence during the paramenstruum (P < 0·02) :

(The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA). Mayo Clinic: Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) has a wide variety of signs and symptoms, including mood swings, tender breasts, food cravings, fatigue, irritability and depression. It's estimated that as many as 3 of every 4 menstruating women have experienced some form of premenstrual syndrome.:,difficulty%20concentrating%2C%20irritability%20and%20tension.

Hormonal changes in the menstrual cycle (fluctuations in estrogen and progesterone levels) affect the mood of women and trigger negative emotions such as anger and irritability but no definitive evidence has yet been obtained on the relationship between Premenstrual Syndrome  symptomatology and anger. 

Ethnic Justice

Tuesday, March 7, 2023


 Emotional Abuse is being applied to couples relationships or at work mostly on social media, even so, the enviroment of Nicolas Sourivongxay in which the incidents occur are diferent. 

Nicolas started following the instagram account of an argentinian psychologist, Caro Ricciuti who is specialized in emotional abuse and narcissism. So, he started to think about his own situation by analysing and comparing the ideas. 


Police persecution, outages by purpose directly to him, manipulation at universities with the final mark, cyberespionage and bullying, and more. 


In spanish language, we have the psychologist 'Juan Rosales' from Mexico sharing "3 characteristics of the emotional abuser' (In Spanish language)

Nicolas created "Nina Andromeda Galaxy Milkyway" for artists. The market is narcisist sometimes compared with "plastics" even so, it doesn't mean all the artists are 100% narcisists capable of doing emotional abuse or to receive emotional abuse. 
The behavour of the people working for the State, for the government are similar because popular governments and nationalis governments seek for power and they manifest narcissism. 

Let's remember one of the relevant behaviour of emotional abuse in the life of Nicolas Sourivongxay and it was during the pandemic in 2020. Nicolas was obeyed to dropped out the university in which he was studying to be an accountant. The quantity of outages like threatens directly to him and no easy to prove was considerably emotionally painful.

If you check the resume of Nicolas Sourivongxay, you can see his reaction after the middle term of the year 2020. We were all facing the restrictive quarantine due to pandemic and we didn't know if we were going to live longer. Studying at university was a way for not to be excluded, even so, some evil people didn't care about Nicolas economic situation, they acted in a selfish, nationalist way. Since September 2013, the year he got his degree at College and the year of his last dependent job,  he has been claiming for a job with a salary while trying to work independently but with no success. 

(Click in the photo to Zoom it)

Do you think that big mountain is charged by violence, frustrations, anger or just an instint to survive in the system.?

Let's remember the addition of police persecution on the streets, the pressure he received was too much. 

Intimidation is the ability to overcome anybody else's resistance for what the abuser wants to have happen, to obtain what he/she wants to know. It's like pushing Nicolas Sourivongxay to confess something, to drown him in the water like CIA's agents technique to obey prisioners to confess. 

Let's watch what 'The Duluth Model' says about it (Englsh language): 

Here we have the Psychologist and Psychotherapist, Omar Rueda (Spain)
"The Consequences of Emotional Abuse on the Human Brain; Hyperactivity and Hypoactivity" (In Spanish language)

One of the significant message received by Nicolas from Elon Musk (Tesla and Twitter) is this photo. 
Link: . How do you think pressure will affect the mind of Nicolas if he got a dependent job in the market?
Locking up the person, submission, are words that are heard on the street. However, they are applied not within organizations, but outside, where Nicolas should be free. Those concepts represent violence and emotional abuse for Nicolas.

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