Sunday, July 7, 2024

The Performance of the Argentine President

The President of Argentina still doing a disaster in the country with very low performance but helped by national media and international media, taking photos  with relevant people like Alex Soros, another Jewish man often does on his Instagram account  . 

Let's remember these articles: 

Cruelty & Selfish

Inflation, salary, and DNU in March 2024

One of the sensible measure the current government touched when presenting the 'Ley de Bases' was the Monotributo Social, a special category for poor people letting them to pay minimum taxes to keep their micro or small businesses alive in the system.

After the review, the Congress deleted the article #100 that ordered the removing of Monotributo Social, even so, they gotta increase the price to pay.

July 2024. Poverty reached 54.6% according to relevant statistics of Universidad Católica Argentina 

May 2024. Industry fell down 14.8% according to INDEC 

April 2024. Economic Activity fell down to 1.6% according to INDEC

The current surplus of commercial activity of Argentina in international Trade is due to the low of commercial activity movement. 

The last president Alberto Fernández (socialist), shared a photo on his Twitter Account 

Let's remember the 3 moments in economy according to Nicolas Sourivongxay shared on May 10th, 2022 on YouTube and published on his  book "Braining Insania: The Spanglish Book of Nicolas Sourivongxay". 

Ethnic Justice 

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