Friday, February 9, 2024

Police Corruption

 Police Corruption 

Corruption perception for Argentina is 38 points in 2022. 

Registro de Expulsados. Ranking of Police Expulsions 

1- Abandonment of Services

2- Coexistence or participation in common crimes

3- Infringements of patrimonial content

4- Police Violence

5- Corruption

6- Serious functional irregularities in dependencies

7-  Other

8- Gender and/or Family Violence

9- Indiscipline

10- Driving 

In Argentina, the main political party with perception they are for the Police is the Policial Party Pro. In the case of libertarians of Javier Milei the perceptions is extremist including military activity. 

The current Minister of Security is called Patricia Bullrich (Political party Pro in the government of Javier Milei). Bullrich was arrested before the Dictatorship, in 1974, when she was surprised while painting the wall of the University of Philosophy and Letters. She was finally taken to Devoto prison. After that, she escaped to another country. That's her past. 

The main leader of the Political party Pro, Mauricio Macri, was kidnapped by Police officers in the past. The criminal organization was called 'La Banda de los Comisarios'

Some remarkable events of corruption in Argentina.

1) Corruption between 8 police officers and 2 civil people in San Nicolas, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. They were involved with drug trafficking. (SEP 2023) 

2) A Police woman in Salta Province but from Buenos Aires Province had 20 kg of cocaine in her personal car (Feb 2024)

3) A Police officer of Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires stole bags of students in La Matanza, Buenos Aires Province. (Oct 2023)

Resd here

4) Police officers in Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires stole 1 million Argentine pesos. (August 2023)

5) In Pilar, Buenos Aires Province, 3 police officers stole $325,000 (SEP 2022)

6) In Tres de Febrero, Buenos Aires Province. The police shared the money stolen with thieves. (August 2022)


7) In Escobar, Buenos Aires Province. A police man with guns not declared and violence against women. 

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Fraud/Scam in Technology

Fraud and Scams in Technology use in Argentina 

In 2002, the President of Uruguay, Jorge Batlle was filmed accidentally saying bad things about argentinians. Later he apologized respecting his position as President of Uruguay. He cried but not for what he said, he cried when he remembered his childhood living in Argentina. 

Argentina was in a moment in time of economic and institutional crisis. 

However, Cyber/Tech Crimes may exist in everywhere, in every country in the world. 

According to, this is the statistics only for Credit cards in the first world, in the United States of America 

Year Credit card fraud reports

2019 271,708

2020 393,440

2021 389,777

2022 440,666

2023       318,087

1) Record of virtual/Cyber crimes in Argentina. (Nov 2023)

2) Dollars stolen at the Payoneer Fintech APP January 2024. Argentina 

3) Credit cards stolen January 2024. Argentina 

Debit cards cloned, the investigation pointed at the post man. 

4) Debit Cards Stolen (SEP 2023)

The case is known by a nicknamed Julio "Chocolate" Rigau who worked in the Legislature of Buenos Aires Province, who carried out 177 repeated frauds and another 45 attempted frauds, stealing 27 million pesos in September 2023 alone.

The fraud events occurred before the last Presidential Election (November 2023) . He was aligned to the presidential candidate Sergio Massa (Peronismo/Centre). Sergio Massa lost against Javier Milei at the Ballotage. 

5) An employee, a young woman, of a Clothes store at Shopping Mall  stole the card information of the client (SEP 2023. Argentina) 

6) A Young Woman cloned cards and ID's. (Feb 9, 2023. Argentina) 

7) A young Woman (17 years old) stole information of cards and she used them. April 2022. Argentina.

8) Two thieves stole cards in Córdoba, Argentina. January 2024.

9) A Young woman had a virtual problem involving Mercado Pago, Banco Francés, and Ualá. (January 2024. Argentina)

10)  Young people ( Men and two women). The thief bought a fake Fintech App and they stole money. (January 2024. Argentina)

10. bis) The fake Fintech App of Mercado Pago

11) A marriage with a criminal band behind stole cards. ( Dec 2022. Argentina) 

12) A Young woman, an employee of a supermarket, cloned the card of a client. (August 2021. Argentina)

13) A Woman trying to steal money from bank

14) A mediatic dilema. Three  tv women presenters  from the staff of an Argentine TV Program got stolen their credit card. There were two women in suspicious behavior according to this article of Todo Noticias.

Ethnic Justice 

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Because I Remember the Abuse

Abuse against Nicolas Sourivongxay, the victim.

Crimes of abuse of authority, persecution without reasonable doubt, harassment on the streets, interceptions, intimidation, gaslighting that is more abuse by using the Justice System, the use of the media to promote the police activity to hide the police abuse against Nicolas. Lost of opportunities by dropping out the universities, a lot of money damage to his registered brand NSComex, economic damage, and damage to the name, honor, imagen  of Nicolas Sourivongxay, and lost of chances for dependent job opportunities in the market, arbitrary Arrest at home, interruption of his transit, torture

Everything is already written on the criminal law, the Argentine Constitution, the Covenant of Civil & Policial Rights, Human Rights Declaration and its triggered issues.

The period of time was 2019-January 2024. Even in 2018 there was a begining, it was in low level. 

The first attack by the Police was in October 2018

Video uploaded October 10, 2018

And this is the period 

Sergio Berni was the Minister of Security in Buenos Aires Province during the last presidency of Alberto Fernández. He appeared again on tv.
Most of events of police abuse occured in Buenos Aires Province more than Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. 

Here it is his photo from Wikipedia Sergio Berni

When Nicolas saw him on the YouTube Channel of the TV Channel, his eyes turned ironically like the character of Umma Thurman in the movie 'Kill Bill'. It was like saying 'Him again' so, Nicolas remembered. 

In the worst year of Nicolas Sourivongxay, in 2023, they didn't stopped even when Nicolas Sourivongxay's father passed away in November 2023 during the presidential transition of Alberto Fernández to Javier Milei. 

Nicolas said on his social media accounts, the best way to revenge was working abroad and to change his nationality in another country rejecting inside himself the Argentine identify. 

He tried, he escaped to Uruguay to be a Refugee as Asylum Seeker but, doors were not opened in an appropriate way so, he returned to the inferno in Buenos Aires 

Nicolas Sourivongxay can't escape so he is still finding a job in Argentina to get money to survive despite all odds.

Read the article , 'Selfish'

This is the Facebook page he used to use to go live and to upload photos and evidence of police harassment. Facebook Page 

Some relevant articles about Security Abuse


This is a nice message from the United Nations about rules and the norms..

Here are some relevant articles about Justice System bad behavior. 

To end up this article. Poetry with Lady Gaga singing ''Till it happens to You'

Ethnic Justice


Since September 2013, Nicolas Sourivongxay was not hired by enterprises or organizations for a dependent job with a salary while dealing with inflation from the bottom of the social-economic pyramid with bad consequences. 
Let's remember his parents died in the last two presidencial transitions respectively. His mother in November 2019 and his father in November 2023.

This article remarks the article 'The Blessing.Job' already written on this blog. 

Let's see the official information provided by ANSES

Reasons for leaving the market as independent worker

👎November 2016 until June 2017. Reason of leaving: Brand legal dispute of Topper against Yooloper. Expenses in procedures. 
👎November 2018 until September 2020. Reason of leaving: Quarantine. Pandemic COVID 19. Lack of adaptation of clients to new way of learning by zoom, virtual way of payment in the market. Low income.
👎February 2021 until December 2021. Reason of leaving: Police persecution on the streets, police harassment on the streets, police interceptions on the streets.  Low income 
👎December 2022 until January 2023. Reason of leaving: Police persecution on the streets, police harassment on the streets, police interceptions on the streets. 
👎November 2023 to November 2023. Reason of leaving: Police persecution on the streets, police harassment on the streets, police interceptions on the streets. Low income.


In the 3rd quarter of 2023, jobs increased 2.2% year-on-year: registered employees, 2.9%; non-salaried workers, 0.3%; and non-registered employees, 2.9%

Source: INDEC


According to The US Bureau of Labour Statistics 

Total nonfarm payroll employment rose by 353,000 jobs in January while unemployment rate was 3.7 % for the third month in a row.

Job gains occurred in professional and business services, health care, retail trade, and social assistance. Employment declined in the mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction industry.


The main organizations for workers, the International Labor Organization never cared about the claims of Nicolas. Let's remember when Nicolas visited the office of ILO in Argentina. He got rejected due to his INDIVIDUAL claim.

And the International Employers Organization located in Switzerland blocked one of Nicolas Sourivongxay's Twitter accounts due to his quantity of claims for a job.

Nicolas Sourivongxay has been applying for a job since SEP 2013. It's not easy to come back to work for him. It involves Economic/Psychological/Social/Judicial issues to take into consideration. 


Nicolas applied for a job in many provinces such as in Buenos Aires, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, San Luis, Santa Fe, Río Negro, Chubut, Ushuaia, Córdoba, Salta, Mendoza, Neuquén, among others.

Internationally to The United States of America, Peru, Uruguay, Chile, Paraguay, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, Costa Rica, Panama, Canada, The United Kingdom, France, Switzerland, Japan, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, Iceland, Finland, among others. 

It includes main worldwide organizations such as the United Nations, UNICEF, International Monetary Fund, World Bank, International Labour Organization, Mercosur, Inter American Development Bank, among others. 


Among narcissism, Psychopathy, machiavellianism, gaslighting, love crumbling we are living in specially in times of Internet/Social Media & technology, Nicolas Sourivongxay received indirect messages from many rich people however, they didn't respond they right answer to solve the life of Nicolas. 

Read about it on The Guardian 

Let's watch How Richer became richer

Why does the Market loves Selfish People? 

Here Douglas Rushkoff (American writer) makes a difference between the selfishness of sales against Cooperation & Collaboration.


Tô end up this article, Shakira with the song 'Octavo Día'. A song about unemployment. 

"Meanwhile this world spins without being able to stop it and down here a few people manipulate us like chess pieces. I'm not the kind of idiot who lets himself be convinced but I tell the truth and even a blind man can see it." Shakira 

Ethnic Justice 

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