Saturday, June 17, 2023

"The Cinderella Prince 🀴"

The fictional story of "The Cinderella Prince 🀴" by Nicolas Sourivongxay 


The Prince

The Queen and the King

Sister SA, sister RO, Sister SU. 

Country: Argentin.

Town: Big Mountain 

Feminist got in jealous again. His sisters in Big Mountain. There is plot between SA and RO against the Prince.

Sister SA is only interested on the heritage but nothing interested in the health of her dad. She got divorced with bad relationship with her ex, bad relationship with her own daughters. She has a boyfriend.

Sister RO it's almost the same, she does nothing for the King. She is only interested on her car. She got divorced. She tried to abandon her own daughters by applying to another kingdom twice. One of her daughters doesn't live with her anymore due to mistreatment, the 2nd daughter. 

One another Prince's sisters, sister SU is involved with left party deeply and with problems with relationship with her daughter.  Sister SU doesn't have a husband. She has a boyfriend.

What's going on with the relationship of mother and daughter nowadays? Responsibility. Narcissism. One of her is extremely sick of narcissism but she convinces other people she is a good person. Her words are opposite to her actions. 

They went against the Queen and against the King for freedom. The Queen and the King were abandoned by the Prince's sisters leaving the care only to the Prince.

Since 2013 the Prince has been living at his parents house. The Queen passed away due to stress, stroke in 2019 and The King got stroke as well in 2019 but he is still alive. The Queen used to care of RO's daughters. The Queen used to be rejected by SU. 

Due to her divorce,  Sister SA went against the King like a psychological effect. She moved the King from one room to another worse. 

The Prince's sisters left the King care to the Prince including during the quarantine in 2020,2021. In 2022, one of his sisters decided to help the Prince with the care, Sister SU. Now, the King is living at Sister SU's house but the Prince is still managing all related to medicine, diapers, administrative papers, home administration, laboratory, other controls. 

During this period of time, the police persecution not only destroyed the business of the Prince but also he received harassment of the police when he went out for medicine, to do errands, to buy diapers, to do the papers, and other types of medical controls. The Prince fought against the harassment from the police in order to keep the King alive. 

The Prince got tired of fighting so much so he wanted to be exiled to another kingdom. He planned to leave almost the 80% of the care of the King to his Sister SU. The Prince would monitor him remotely. His sisters wanted to send the King to a Nursing Home when the Prince leaves the kingdom.

The plan of the evil sisters failed due to the rejection of entry of the Prince to another kingdom. They wanted the Prince to move out in order to sell the Castle. 

However, evil sisters ran another evil plan the same day the Prince was rejected. Sister SA gotta move to the castle 🏰 in a couple of days. 

Let's remember sister SA went against the King as a psychological effect, she had moved the King to another room, a worse one, so days later the king got stroke. She did that because she got divorced from her husband, due to her bad relationship with her ex. She, the narcisist, abandoned her children to live with her new boyfriend. Now she is a feminist activist.

The worst in this story is that there is another evil secret sister living abroad influencing them because she has a big fortune and she lives in a powerful kingdom, Sister UB.

Let's remember the case of SIster SU. She is involved with left party deeply and with problems with relationship with her daughter. Sister SU doesn't have a husband. She has a boyfriend. 

The Queen and the King started a business equal than the business of their sister. The business store was beside her. The idea of that business was created at the beginning by the Prince but executed by the Queen and the King. Later, Sister SU took the idea because she didn't have a job. Then the commercial war started. The Queen and the King did that believing in family business. Finally, the store of the Queen and the King closed forever. Specially when the boyfriend of Sister SU attacked their store with violence. After that, the Queen used to buy food to her sister.

Sister SU used to reject the Queen by sending her a gun and marihuana asking her to hide them for her.  The Queen was full of doubts of moral behavior. The Queen didn't want to loose the contact to her granddaughter. In the past, Sister SU forbid any contact to her daughter. The Queen made a lot of effort to recover her. 

In addition to the care of her another granddaughters, the daughters of Sister RO, the Queen got tired. In addition to the care of the King who got sick of stroke, the Queen was loosing energy. In addition to political presidential transition in 2019 involving family history, economic problems, the debt in food with the store of her Sister SU was accumulated. The Prince was working on his own business in that time not successfully. The Queen passed away, a few days after the presidential election.

The Prince took the power of the Kingdom, and he paid the debt in food to his Sister SU by month until the last cent of money.

Years later, in 2022  The Prince sends the King to her house for the care, monitored by him. 

Sister SU continued committing ilegal acts just for the cause of left party. She believes that every politician is corrupt even the police, and that by bribing them is the solution for continuing commiting illegal act.  Her followers are young people who use to consume alcohol and drugs on the streets and making noises late at nights. She is for abortion and her daughter was sent to another kingdom, a rich one.  And the rest of the sisters have been suspecting she hits the King in secret. It's a plan to move the King to a Nursing Home again.

To be continued...

Original writing by Nicolas Sourivongxay 🀴

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