Friday, December 23, 2022

The Freedom Market of NSComex

The statistcs of the little store created by Nicolas Sourivongxay was published on the website:

Let's start analysing what happened with NSComex. This is the season 4(four) of  this little store opened again in December 2022 because the people with power of decision, power in money in charge of organizations and companies didn't hire Nicolas since 2013.

Everything is said and done on his social media accounts already, so this would be easy to analyse. The period of time showed is the legal period, that means with all legal requirements in the market. 

1st season: in June 2017 he left the market due a trademark attempt for his brand Yooloper when he was trying to develop that brand in the industry of clothes, mainly scarves and handkerchiefs. Nicolas didn't have enough money to fight for it against Topper from the  company Alpargatas. The INPI (Instituto Nacional de la Propiedad Intelectual) was also at fault in the decision, so Nicolas withdrawed his project from the market and also he left it with NSComex.

2nd season: It was due to the quarantine due to Pandemic Covid-19. The restrictions not only affected the store of Nicolas, but also other stores in the market. In September 2020, Nicolas left the market because he had almost nothing of sales. He used to go to the houses of clients to teach children and young students. 

3rd season: In December 2021 Nicolas said goodbye to the market upset and tired of the police persecution, the harassment, and bullying of security forces, in addition to the claim of low income, and excess of cyberespionage. Nicolas took the decision when he experienced bad moments in his last vacation at the coast in Buenos Aires, in Mar del Plata. It was supposed to be his vacation. That was paid by him and part by using the government program called Previaje. Previaje paid 50% of the bills. 

Let's remember What happened at Christmas and New Year's festivity in Buenos Aires 2021 by clicking on this link :

The bad events in Mar del Plata during his holydays was, overall, the last straw for the decision of leaving the market. 

4th season: Nicolas once again is in the market trying with NSComex in december 2022. Nicolas has been doing a great effort in Markeing strategy by improving his service and by launching his first original Christmas song called 'A Christmas Landscape' locally and internationally in the music market. The image that security forces left to NSComex was bad. Clients are afraid of hiring Nicolas to give classes in their houses due to the fear of police persecution on the streets, and some others think Nicolas is a thief. Nicolas is trying to recover the market.

And let's remember the claim of Nicolas with statistics in his Portfolio



Art.141. It will be punished with imprisonment or imprisonment from six months to three years; who illegally deprives another of his personal liberty.


Paragraph 1. If the act is committed with violence or threats or for religious or revenge purposes.

Paragraph 2. If the act is committed in the person of an ascendant, a sibling, a spouse or another individual to whom particular respect is due

Paragraph 3. If there is serious damage to the person, health or business of the offended party, provided that the act does not matter another crime for which the law imposes a greater penalty.

Paragraph 4. If the act is committed simulating public authority or order of public authority.

Paragraph 5. If the deprivation of liberty lasts more than one month.

Paragraph 3 is due to the neck pain suffered by Nicolas due to psychological pressure when he walks on the streets because he must be in alert in case a police patrol car catches him, and due to the sustained persecution over time when he walked to and from his clients' houses in NSComex, his personal business. Nicolas left the market with NSComex in December 2021. 

Paragraph 4 is because in the complaints made by Nicolas Sourivongxay, uniformed people without police identification appeared but they acted as security agents in the process of harassment during the journey of his departure, finding them on the streets or on public transport.

  • The right to privacy is the right of the individual to have a secret sphere of life, from which he has the power to keep others away.
  • The right to honor, protected by criminal law, is given by the consideration that third parties profess towards a certain person and by the person's self-esteem towards himself.
  • The right to one's own image consists of the right of every person that their i

From Ethnic Justice

Thursday, December 22, 2022

Football Celebration in December 2022

Let's remember the consequences of FIFA WORLD CUP. Did the Grinch take this Christmas' month? 

December is a month of high temperature in Argentina that could modify the behaviour of people. They turn more aggressive. Football World Cup 2022 in Qatar gave argentinians a kind of landscape to avoid an intense activity of protests and violence. The World Cup was also a benefit for The USA due to political elections in addition to Christmas eve for a landscape. 

Christmas values and Football World Cup have not similar feelings. Historically the Christmas Truce between soldiers of England and Germany turned effect due to a war. Nowadays, the feelings of the Football World Cup is about nationalism that there are positive feelings of reunion of citizens, or bad feelings such as discriminatory comments and discriminatory behaviours. 

Christmas values are good and positive but sometimes is also bad when you don't reach the perfect family, when you realize you are lack of things or you miss someone, or you don't have someone, compared with the others who celebrate with joy, perfection, and happiness at christmas night. And during the celebration maybe the stupidity or ignorance concerning the use of fireworks or how to open a bottle of champagne bring physical damage to the victims. 

Let's remember during QATAR FIFA WORLD CUP there were two international days promoted during the game: December 10th, Human Rights' day, and December 18th, Migrants' day. 

And during the game the winner, Argentina, shared the message 'Education for all' in a partnership with UNESCO,


Let's the see the consequences of the FIFA WORLD CUP 2022 affecting the behaviour of argentinians in Argentina, in Qatar, and in Spain.

1) A disaster at the Obelisc (Main city of Buenos Aires), people out of control, violence, and destruction


Television Espanola (Spain) shows the incidents

2) The journalist Javier Alarcon from Mexico shows incidents, the violence, discrimination, and crazy people of Argentina due to the celebration of the world cup.  
  • Two fans fell down from a bridge, one of them didn't make it, but he continued celebrating on the stretcher.
  • Fans fell down from walls
  • They destroyed traffic lights
  • Fans fell down from a pickup car
  • At risk at the edge of the Obelisc
  • Problems with Traffic
  • 18 wounded, 17 hospitalized, and 1 dead
  • A Woman completly naked walking on the street
  • They stole wheels of cars at the parking lot

3) 4 (Four) argentinians arrested in Qatar

4) 3(Three) argentinians arrested during the celebration in Madrid, Spain for climbing the christmas tree of Puerta Sol.

5) A Christmas tree in Tigre, Buenos Aires Province decorated with fans (Argentina)

6) An argentinian found by Interpol 

7)  Homophobic and racist behaviour

8)  Argentina Goalie UNDER FIRE For Vulgar Gesture With Trophy After Winning World Cup In Qatar

9) The day after the celebration (Argentina)

And finally the original song 2022 of Nicolas Sourivongxay created for Christmas called 'A Christmas Landscape'

And the song sung by Faith Hill from the christmas movie 'How the Grinch Stole Christmas' in 2000. The song was written by James Horner / Mariah Carey / Wilbur Jennings

Where are you Christmas?

Why can't I find you?

Why have you gone away?

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