Saturday, November 26, 2022

I Can't Be Thrown Out Here On My Own

CASE SOLVED on September 18th, 2023. Read: The Professional Interview with the Divo: International Trade Degree 


On november 15th, 2022, Nicolas Sourivongxay went to leave a letter at the US Embassy in Argentina located in Av. Colombia 4300, Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires. That was a letter for the Ambassador Marc R. Stanley concerning a problem with a company called 'StarMaker' (Legal name 'Skyline Interactive Inc.',  located in 2181 Greenwich St, San Francisco, California Zip 94123) because they didn't respect his right to delete the content he made on that app by singing a karaoke of the song of Irene Cara 'Out here on my own'

According to Nicolas, that was the first shot and Nicolas says he sang out of tune so he was ashamed for that because he always try to sing perfect, but most of all, the problem relies on not letting him to access to his account to delete it, and what's worse, even when he sent them emails with that request many times, they didn't delete the video.

March 1959 - Nov 2022
Photo from Wikipedia

Nicolas downloaded the Karaoke app, so StarMaker gave him the profile number #62145543629. He sang that song of Irene Cara, and then he removed the app from his mobile. Later on, he downloaded the app again however, when he wanted to access to his profile, StarMaker gave him another profile number #62145567685. Consequently,  he tried another way by using his Facebook profile account but StarMaker gave him another profile number #62145992021. Then he tried with another Gmail account but Starmaker created another profile number #62145567528.

The formal claim by email began on January 6, 2022, the company does not want to delete the video. The company does not respect his Habeas Data and his will.


About the communication with the US Embassy, the guards wanted to receive his letter but without acknowledgment. Nicolas had sent emails as well, however they never answered. 

The US embassy guard who spoke to him outside - the young one not the old one, the old one seemed to be good- told him that if Nicolas took a selfie to prove he was there due to lack of acknowledgment for that letter, they might suspect of him so they would arrest Nicolas for some questions. Under that threat from that US Embassy Security officer, Nicolas finally took a selfie IN PUBLIC SPACE at the square in front of the Embassy. All the security officers at the entrance of the US Embassy were argentinians.

(A curious behavior. A police officer of Argentina walked on the walkside saying 'Hi' to the US old guard while Nicolas was waiting at the entrance of the building. That police officer walked alone and maybe he was behind Nicolas trying to "gossip". Check the camera in that morning!

After that, Nicolas' reaction was not good, he opened his Twitter account and shared his letter by leaving comments on the Twitter accounts of the Ambassador Marc R. Stanly, the US Embassy in Argentina, The White House, @Potus, the vice president Kamala Harris, Michelle Obama, Barack Obama, Ivanka Trump, Donald Trump Jr, Ted Cruz, and the famous singers Mariah Carey, Justin Bieber, Rihanna, Taylor Swift, and others, also the FBI, CIA,  NSA , and many more because no one wanted to read his message. He said, it felt like abuse, when someone takes something from your body without permission, without your will, because his face, his voice were in the video. 


Last Screenshot on that day

And this was the letter shared to the USA. The photo taken just a few meters from the embassy seating on a bench alone, sooner sending those tweets.

The coincidences

1) Hours later, the ex- President of the United States of America, Donald Trump announced he was officially running for president in 2024. 

Even so, that was just a coincidence. seems like Fox News knew that before the day:

2) And another coincidence is saddest news that Irene Cara passed away on November 25, 2022. Some people used to connect the passion of doing things of Nicolas with the famous song of the movie 'Flashdace' called 'What a feeling...' . 

Coming back to the point, the song involved with the main problem is 'Out here on my own' written by Lesley Gore and Michael Gore for the movie 'Fame'. 

We're always provin' who we are...
Always reaching for that rising star
Sometimes I wonder where I've been,do I fit in.
I may not win but I can't be thrown,
Out here on my own...

Ethnic Justice

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Jobs Timeline

There is no signal of inclusion in Argentinian society based on Nicolas Sourivongxay's claims for a dependent job and justice. Scarce jobs callings for interviews that someone is able to count them with only just one hand in Argentina. Zero jobs callings for interviews from the rest of the world. It's been a long time, and Nicolas is still believing that by studying someone gets far in life however, this seems not to be his case.


In the following Timeline it is observed that Nicolas tried to get a dependent job since September 2013, so it is running a decade finding that dreamed job for a competitive salary, for a better life, to prolong the life, for building a future. This demostrates there were lapsus of time as opportunities to hire Nicolas even when he was working as an independent worker.

Click in the photo to zoom.

Nowadays, Nicolas doesn't have social security, this means, private health insurance- the public health system is not satisfactory- , and he has not been giving money to his retirement payment, etither - for a retirement payment the worker should have worked for thirty years legally-. 

Let's remember that independently, Nicolas created NSComex that gave him low income, excess of cyberespionage, and police harassment on the streets. He didn't enjoy his last vacation during 2021 during Christmas and New Year's eve. 

Read: What happened at Christmas and New Year's festivity in Buenos Aires 2021?

Sometimes Nicolas gets upset so much, frustration, anger. He wonders if anything positive gotta happen in his life in the next days, weeks, months. Seeking for real happiness, plenty moments of joy far from harm, disgrace and misfortune.

Many people had time to take advantage from his bad situation, a decade by leaving him apart. So much money opens doors for better colleges, for better health, for better things, for better vacations, and maybe for long human relationships because with so much money, you are "someone" with economic stability, so you don't have to be worry about some problems emanated from money when you live at the edge at a low level in the pyramidal system.  

Read: The SALARY

Read: The Target

Read: Manipulation & Ethics

Read: The Saddest Academic Decision

Read: Rumors

Christmas is coming, another christmas day with chocolates to defeat depression. And new year's eve is coming, the magical fireworks shows that countries perform for the world, the beautiful things that Nicolas likes. 

His ambitions, what he wants, his expectancies, his wishes, his projects, his way to see the world. How unfair is his current situation! Talent, ability for nothing for him.

To finish this article, the chosen song is 'Anyone' written by Badriia Bourelly / Dayyon Alexander / Demetria Lovato / Eyelar Mirzazadeh / Jay Vincenzo Mooncie / Sam Roman.

Nobody's listening to me, nobody's listening,

I talk to shooting stars but they always get it wrong,

I feel stupid when I pray

Why the fuck am I praying anyway?

If nobody's listening

Ethnic Justice

Monday, November 21, 2022


Days ago, it was written in this blog about Manipulation & Ethics. And the question is if Stanley Milgram with his Obedient to Authority experiment in 1961 from Yale University went to prison or not due to such unethical experiment. 

Milgram argued that “illusion is used when necessary in order to set the stage for the revelation of certain difficult-to-get-at-truths.”, that means, the people who were supposedly receiving the shocks were confederates and only pretended they were being shocked and hurt, thereore, no real shocks were delivered during this experiment.

Photo from


And about Stanford Prison Experiment by Zimbardo from Stanford University to study the saddistic behaviour of the guards and its consequences in a prison, no one went to jail or ever sued after the experiment because participants agreed with ethical guideliness. For this unethical experiment, Phillip Zimbardo is called "psychologist of Evil".

1933-Current alive
Photo from Tedx Talks 2012:



On Twitter, the problem of Newsfeed was at the beginning around 2015, but later it was fixed, but not the Trending Topics because some people send messages through the Hashtags Trending Topics. Purpose: influence.

Written Messages on newsfeed of Facebook/Meta. The feminism showed harmed women photos on newsfeed. There were explicit sex content videos, women alone and a couple,  on newsfeed sometimes but the first reaction of Nicolas was to deny them because of the impact of the images. Purpose: political and ideology influence, or to leave social media. 

Instagram newsfeed about political influence, feminism showed harmed women photos, and photos from police to intimidate.

Youtube messages of religion, politics, and other ideologies through the ads. Newsfeed messages and it includes a vagina. Google also has its metodology by using Google Search. 

LGBT Therapy Nicolas Internet Investigation

1) I discovered that "I don't know who" are doing that while you are watching gay porn, suddenly they put some straight porn videos to make a confusion. 

2) And some interviene Grind, Badoo, Hornet, Happn, Facebook Dating. You make appointments and after that when you get there, that place doesn't exist or he had a problem so you come back home, so that damage gay community relationships. Political parties or the Police can also interviene those dating social apps, so sometimes they ruin relationships and the opportunities to have a relationship.


3) And finally, another way is by creating fake profiles on Facebook/Meta by purpose, so they play with your illusions and feelings, so you can't make contact with people on Meta because you don't know if they are real or not, so that damage gay community relationships or the opportunities to have a relationship.

Therapy Conversion

United Nations:

The United Kingdom:

The USA:

Religion vs LGBT:




Parody of The Milgram Shock Experiment.

Now, a funny dialogue written by Nicolas Sourivongxay parodying the Milgram Experiment: 

Professor: - And the next planet to the Earth is Mars. 

Student:- Is that all? I think it's not enough for the exam, could you pls give us more?

Professor: - I already told you what College program is, two books for reading with more than one hundred and fifty pages each. Why are you asking for more?

Student:- Maybe we need practicing to be more prepared when graduated. 

Professor: - Well, in page sixty four of the have excercises to do. 

Student:- Would you add an extra class for us? 

Professor: - I am fraid not, the system doesn't pay me for one more day, but you know what? I gotta give you the test right now. 

Student:- I didn't study yet.

Professor: - The question is, What's in the centre of the universe? options are: the Sun, the Earth, or Saturn.

Student: - I didn't have time to study. Maybe, the Earth. 

Professor: - Have you ever met Mr. Milgram? 

Student: -Who? No, surely not.

Professor: - Me, neither. Wrong answer. Take 300 volts of electrical shock, masochistic student!. Ah ah ah ah ah!

Student: - I survived. Another question, Mrs Professor. 

Professor: - Who was the President of Argentina in 1915?

Student: - I don't think that's geography.

Professor:- So, take it, 400 volts, Ah ah ah ah ah!

Student: - I don't wanna take this exam anymore. 

Professor: - Show respect. I am the superior here. This Honorable College told me to do that. The Greatful System chose me. Do you want one more question?

Student: - No, I gotta go. Bye. 

Read: When Education is not enough

Read: Juventus, the eternal student

Read: The Saddest Academic Decision

Ethnic Justice

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