Saturday, July 1, 2023

ABUSE OF POWER: Gaslighting

Nicolas Sourivongxay has been saying interesting and remarkable things to point out. 


According to the result of the Justice System in March 2023 due to the trial of  The Police and The Justice System involving the French Embassy against Nicolas accusing him of Public Intimidation that finally was dismissed, the feminist psychiatrist said Nicolas said delirious and that he was extremely dangerous. 


There were many errors in that trial. The Justice System said that was a Questioning when in fact, that was a trial violating the vices of will called "Fraud". The last words of the psychiatrist fit into the term "Gaslighting". 

The Cambridge Dictionary says that it is a form of Psychological Abuse . It's the action of tricking or controlling someone by making them believe things that are not true, especially by suggesting that they may be mentally ill.

And the dictionary gives this example: Her gaslighting was a deliberate attempt to convince him that he was losing his grasp on reality.


This process was a continuing act of abuse in addition to the acts of abuse from the police that Nicolas has been facing since 2018, 2019, with strong levels in 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023. 

Let's remember the Law violated by the Justice System and the Police, and also Peronistas participated in that abuse against Nicolas. 


Let's remember the awful process as well: 






The psychiatrist called Laura Bertolem used a methodology of gaslighting to inferiorise Nicolas and to defame him violating the CRIMES AGAINST HONOR: Arts. 109 to 117 bis of the Argentine Criminal Code.







June 2023. Recently news says that the Ex President Jair Bolsonaro from Brazil was banned by the Justice System for the next political elections due to ABUSE of Power


It was a surprise to know that Legal Figure exists. The difference between cases is, among others, that the case in Brazil involved massive quantity of Brazilians so they got that legal figure successfully. In the case of Nicolas it's just one person, even he tried, everything was dismissed by the Justice System. If there were a massive quantity of people with the same problem Nicolas faced, the international news would say, President Alberto Fernández is a Dictator, and probably the legal figure of Abuse of Power would be applied successfully in Argentina. 

In December 2022, the Vice President Cristina Kirchner was condemned by the Justice System due to Corruption. 
Argentina’s Cristina Fernández sentenced to six years in $1bn fraud case:

Meanwhile, Donald Trump in the USA  faced charges of financial fraud found guilty in December 2022 and on March 30th, 2023 he was indicted.

Photo from PhotoFunia App


1- As you could see in the last list of photos, the main responsable for the country in Argentina, Alberto Fernández didn't face charges, but the Vicepresidente Cristina Kirchner did. 

2- It's very known that centre right parties faced charges like Donald Trump and Jair Bolsonaro, however the question relies on why Cristina Kirchner from centre left party. 

Like the question why Cristina Kirchner (Centre Left) was almost shot with a gun when in the world the Prime Minister of Japan, Shinzo Abe (Centre Right) was killed in 2022, and the President of Haiti, Jovenel Moïse (Centre- Right) was killed in 2021. 

3- The common thing between Donald Trump and Cristina Kirchner is the nationalism. 

4- Nicolas presented charges at the Court against Abuse of the Police, against Abuse of politicians, and against Abuse at the Justice System,  but ended up in nothing. 

Nicolas started to use this photo on social media in protest.

George Floyd was used for politics in 2020 for the presidential election in the United States of America, as a consequence the current President Joe Biden (Centre-left) won. The theme was racial discrimination 'Black Matters' , against the Police, and with an implicit cause of freedom against the quarantine/Pandemic. 

In Argentina, Nicolas has been fighting against police abuse, against police persecution. 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023. 

The difference is: George Floyd  (Black) was a death body but Nicolas Sourivongxay(Asian descendant) is still alive. 

The LAW Of the Media

Nicolas wrote that the Law of the media is different than the law of the Criminal Code and some human Rights. 

If a famous person can't go out of his/her house, his/her rights from the criminal code and human rights were violated. 

Ethnic Justice

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Targeted: Psychology, Youth, and Commercial War

The following list are just rumors without evidence collected and  extracted in the field to show. It about comments in the air from people affecting the reputation of Nicolas Sourivongxay. 

Even there are not facts to collect as evidence, these kind of rumors should be considered to pay attention about because these rumors create behaviors and attitudes in people and if these ones are massively, that's a big problem.

1) Psychology and Disability.

First thoughts in the society to inferiorize, exclude, or discriminate against, is about "Asperger' and 'Autism'.

Many people, including some professional psychologies in the field, don't understand what Asperger means. And famous people in the media has been attributed 'Asperger' to Albert Einstein, Brittney Spears, and to many other famous people just to appear different from the rest for marketing purposes.  

Including not famous people such as some mothers believe their children have Asperger without knowing what Asperger is.

Is Asperger in the list of pseudoscience like Climate Change, COVID-19, UFO's, Aliens, Telepathy, and more?

Sometimes Asperger is close to Autism. When, for example, a singer gets deep notes such as Mariah Carey, they say she has autism, when in fact, she is not. 

Let's clarify how a person with Autism is by watching this video: 

And in some cases when you get out of control due to the actions of heaters, they would probably say, you have a mental disorder, bipolarity. 

Psychologies found the solution with emotional control, particularly promoted in business as "Emotional Intelligence". 

All of these diagnosis are frequently used to EXCLUDE people or to control them by manipulation. 






In the case of Nicolas, rumors were related to a very famous character from Hollywood Movies that was, in that time, played on tv as a serie starred by Freddie Highmore and Vera Farmiga on 'Bates Motel'. Rumors pretending to compare the character behavior with Nicolas' behavior specially due mothers death. The Mother of Nicolas passed away of hemorrhage stroke in 2019. The Character of the serie 'Bates Motel' or the character of the movie "Psycho", killed his own mother. Those fictional characters had 'Asperger' or 'Autism' according to some people.

And one another stigma to target Nicolas Sourivongxay is about 'Disability' when in fact, he has not a disability. This another stigma used to exclude, discriminate, or to control a person by inferiorizing him. And as a kind of "Golden Child", people are watching and expecting to find errors on Nicolas desperately with evil purposes. Every error, as simple as it is, counts for evil people, so they use 'gas lightning', and many other types of comments for that purpose.  

The result of the justice system telling Nicolas said 'delirious' things, and that he was potentially dangerous for the society, also didn't help in cleaning his reputation. It was the Justice System giving the statement against the criminal law concerning CRIMES AGAINST HONOR: Arts. 109 to 117 bis of the Argentine Criminal Code.


2) Youth

Nicolas looks young on social media despite of being 39 years old in 2023 and 29 years old in 2013 when the exclusion started. 

Police officers have the tendency to go against young people, specially rebels and thin like the mind of animals in the jungle, the big one or the strongest one against the weakest one. Probably to please the others by showing they are doing their job. 

Mothers comparing Nicolas with their sons and daughters who are still in high school. 

Appearing Young, sometimes is a weakness or sometimes is a strength, it depends on the purpose.

Nicolas was born like that. Let's read the Bible, so it's history.

Photo from

Now, due to his defense and claims on social media, when Nicolas uses to make protests and when he expresses himself emotionally, in addition to his Youth, some rumors compare him with a famous character from Hollywood Movies, 'The Orphan". 

3) Harry Potter

This comparison doesn't hurt Nicolas as an Adult. When he was a child, a Nerd with glasses, was a kind of stigma object of bullying at school. 

4) Hiroshima and Commercial War

When Nicolas was promoting his business 'NSComex' on social media, he received indirect comments from people from the United States of America related to Hiroshima. They compared the commercial audacity of Nicolas with the commercial war between The United States of America and Japan that ended up with an Atomic Bomb in Hiroshima. 
These comments appeared on social media from the beginning sporadically since 2015 and before the destruction of NSComex because of the Argentine police in Argentina. 

Also during the Trump Administration in the USA, the propaganda of the commercial war against China affected Nicolas' business and his personal progress. In 2020, due to the blame against Wuhan, China for COVID-19 also affected Nicolas' economically progress and academically progress in Argentina.  

In Argentina, they don't like Nicolas to appear on the media, or to reach the top, due to nationalism. Argentinians don't want Nicolas to attract asian people to America Continent, specially to Argentina.

There is a problem of illegal fishing at the Argentine sea. And they don't want also to attract new refugees. 



And let's remember the administration of the current President of the United States (Left party) won the election by using the theme racial discrimination and by going against the police in 2020. Now, compare that with Nicolas'case.

Ethnic Justice 

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