Thursday, March 30, 2023

Racial, Alien, Immigrants, Refugees' Political Cause

Concerning the last article published here 'Latest racial news about discrimination in Argentina':

The most remarkable moments when reading were the following: 

2019: The Chileans accused of terrorists are artists who traveled to Córdoba for the Congress of the Language:
The artists accused of terrorism were authorized to return to Chile
They had been arrested and charged for leaving a suspicious artifact in a hotel in Córdoba

What happened with Nicolas Sourivongxay? 

We all know his story. And the drawn methodology of submission that is abuse. All his claims dismissed at Justice system, the absence of politicians in his favour. 

In early March 2023, Argentina started to attack Nicolas. By using emails from the French Embassy, the Police and the Prosecutor's Office in Buenos Aires Province, started to attack Nicolas irrationally. 

The accusers alleged 'Pubic Intimidation' for sending private emails to the French Embassy telling them to kill the argentinians. In addition, a tweet saying to kill argentinians.

Nicolas pleaded the name of the case has nothing to do with the facts mentioned. The term 'intimidation' is not correctly applied to the case since the meaning and the concept are not related to the facts. 
Secondly, They were private emails sent by Nicolas asking for help due to lack of dependent job since 2013,  low income and rejection at the market due to police persecution on the streets, Cyberespionage, but most of all pressure due to Police harassment so, Nicolas asked the French Embassy and other institutions to do that. So, there's no crime. 
Thirdly, idue to institutions values, missions, and functions, they would not kill anybody unless they were criminal organizations. For that reason, there is no crime. 
Fourtly, Nicolas doesn't have any authority to order an institution to commit a crime. 
And point Five, about social media. Nicolas has many Twitter accounts because when Nicolas crossed the line, mostly during a police persecution, Twitter banned him. The Tweet is deleted as a condition to restore the account later. On Facebook, they can also do that verbally because Nicolas used to broadcast live by using Facebook Watch. Definitely, social medias are self regulated with their own rules about expression. So, there is no crime, either. 

The process had bad intentions, Nicolas wrote: 

+ 2 policemen on the sidewalk of my house,
misspelled notice,
+ Cause that does not coincide with the imputed fact.
+They send me to an interview to the Morgue
+Via a prepotent Municipality of Esteban Echeverría, my word was not respected with the intention of moral damage to my relatives.
+ One last persecution until Nicolas' House before the verdict 

Finally, the demand against Nicolas was dismissed, but in a bad manner telling Nicolas' words were  delirious. 

We know on the internet, social medias Nicolas' behavior. There are photos with date and time, video recordings, but the most important evidence are the cameras live of Facebook Watch. The claims of Nicolas sent to the Prosecutor's office in Tribunales de Lomas de Zamora were also published on social medias. The bad events sequentially in space and time very well evidenced by Nicolas. 

2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023. 

When was it dismissed?, a day after Nicolas posted he was going to drop out the universities. 

Nicolas dropped out the university. FASTA University officially on March 30th, 2023 and University of Buenos Aires on April 5th, 2023. So he won't be a College Professor, and he won't be a lawyer. 

When one of the universities asked for the reason why to drop out, Nicolas answered like this: 

"...Reason: personal problems unrelated to the university.
I presume that certain people in Buenos Aires, not in Mar del Plata. When they found out that I was taking a teaching career, they began to harass me judicially, power outages, advertising about it education by the national government intervening on YouTube and Spotify, persecution and harassment by the police and the municipality of Esteban Echeverría in the streets, all because of submission to force, which I consider abuse.
Regarding the judicial, once I posted on LinkedIn saying that I would abandon my teaching career, including Law at the UBA, the judicial system stopped harassing me and handed down a judgment of dismissal of an irrational case invented against me. Plus I hate overprotection. Everything is abuse.
I believe in free agreements between organizations and the employee, without previous experiments. Freely layering is normal for me. Since 2013 I am still without a dependent job, and when I did freelance work they threw me out of the market 4 times.

At an academic level, I have already abandoned the following universities due to political manipulation:
2023: FASTA University, University of Buenos Aires.
2022 University of Avellaneda, Ezeiza University
2020 University of Lomas de Zamora
2016 Abierta Interamericana University.

The will, how important it is to respect the will of a person, however, political manipulation and with intention, I presume, for racial reasons+ refugee child+ male child, which makes me less than Argentines because I do not consider myself internally Argentine despite Being born in Argentina ruins my life..."

He also wrote like this: 

"...There is a problem of concepts in the judiciary. They should go back to college. How can there be personnel who determine that way?
I believe that Argentine society deserves better justice with better quality of professionals, serious justice, and an improvement in operational processes, perhaps more investment because it is clear that the previous investigation to reach the verdict is not concise because they did not take into account all my evidence that's why the psychiatrist determined delirium.
What they have done, in this whole process, was harmful. I hope it does not happen again in another innocent person and victim of a kind of "police and legal bullying"


In 2019, Argentina used Muslims and Chileneans in the presidential transition Mauricio Macri( Centro Right) to Alberto Fernández (Centre Left). 

In 2020, Democrats in the United States of America won election due to racial cause,  freedom, against abuse of police officers, and the cause of the death of a black man killed by the police, George Floyd, during the quarantine. 

During 2020, Nicolas was active on social media in Argentina fighting against police persecution on the streets. Medium intensity in 2019,  high intensity in 2020, 2021, and in 2022. And medium intensity in 2023 ending up with a judiciary demand against Nicolas that was finally dismissed by the Justice system. 
So, in 2023, during a previous presidential election in Argentina that will be in October. They used Nicolas due to racial discrimination+son of Refugee+ male person. 

What happened in February 2023? 

During all the years of persecution by the security forces against Nicolaa, he analyzed the behavior of the police patrol cars, as he called "Synchronizing in time" (police persecution that surprises you at the corner of a block), persecution of the bus that he takes, This is when the patrol car uses parallel streets to the normal route of the bus, another way is when Nicolas gets into the bus there is a police officer inside, or interception at the bus stops. In 2023 a new methodology appears on the scene, the bus to take, Nicolas being at the stop , the bus arrives guarded by a police vehicle. It does not happen with other people. At the Cementerio 13 stop in front of the train station there are many busses stops, the only one busses that came under guard were Nicolas'. Another example, the same thing happened at the 164 bus stop (February 19, 2023), many buses also passed by on the sidewalk, but only his was guarded.

On February 23, 2023. He arrived from the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires due to the renewing of his ID at RENAPER, he arrived in Monte Grande. At the Cementerio 13 bus stop in front of the train station, he got on the bus, he paid the ticket, he walked backwards, but HE SAW A PATROL CAR BEHIND THE BUS. He got off immediately, the patrolman noticed him and got in front of the bus, He had time to take a photo because the traffic light was red, it happened at 1:17 pm (Photo: IMG_20230223_131730_774.jpg). He had to walk back home.

The report emanated from the DIARIO SUR in Monte Grande in where the facts about buses happened in the city in where Nicolas lives, the news was spread to other national media, including TN, Clarín, among others. The news about a policeman who killed a criminal at the bus in Monte Grande who robbed passengers. The news was shared on February 23, 2023 and the fact says that it happened on Thursday, a few days before. The name of the officer does not appear, nor the offender, nor the victim, nor the names of the witnesses, nor the name of the driver, nor precise information of the bus line, no photos, no evidence. 

Ethnic Justice 

Monday, March 27, 2023

Latest racial news about discrimination in Argentina

Nicolas Sourivongxay, asian descendant, son of Refugees, male, has been passing struggle specially since 2013, and in 2023 he is fighting back more in his defense for his rights even alone, even being absent and living in shadows. If those bad events including the bad behavior of security forces against Nicolas are found not guilty, the fight for justice against discrimination still prevails. 
Nicolas remembers one awful phrase of a police officer inside the Argentinian International Airport in Ezeiza, "What will it be?, they were here before me/ Que va ser?, estaban ellos antes que yo".

The argentinians only let Nicolas to work dependently with high income for five years in all his life, after that, not getting so much money independently, his little store was destroyed four times, that is, argentinians pushed him out of the market four times. ( The Freedom Market of NSComex)

Read all the articles in this blog. 

Let's take a look at the latest ethnic cases of discrimination in Argentina. The news articles are in Spanish language so, use Google Translator on Google Search or any other useful easy translator. Is your country in the list? 

A) Muslims

2022: Discrimination: he is 6 years old, he is a Muslim and at school they wrote "terrorist" on the poster of his overalls:

B) Black people 

Afro-Argentines were denied by the educational history designed by the Argentine State itself:

C) ASIAN people 

2020: Coronavirus: Being Chinese in Argentina, discrimination and "quarantine" to avoid grievances:

2020: COVID-19 increases xenophobia and racism against Asians around the world

“This will give them strong visibility in society, but as they become more integrated, certain prejudices and stereotypes linked to their hygienic guidelines and eating habits appear, as well as ridicule them because they do not speak Spanish well," said the researcher:

2020: Serious: complaints of racism and discrimination grew by 45% during the quarantine :

D) Latin America and other ethnic 

2019: Chileans accused of terrorists by mistake: 


2023: An American tourist is stabbed in the head and a Korean streamer is assaulted in the middle of the street Corrientes:

2023: He is a tourist and he met two women who seduced him, drugged him and stole everything:

2017: An American tourist was seriously injured with ten stab wounds to the chest when he was attacked by two criminals in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of La Boca and moments later one of the suspects in the attack was shot and detained by a policeman a few meters from the place:

Let's remember the Qatar FIFA World Cup 2022
 Argentina was the winner and racial discrimination in football was relevant:
Here Argentina discriminating France and Homosexuals. 

Ethnic Justice 

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