Monday, July 15, 2024

A Deadly Year in Politics 2024

Destiny is turning extremely dangerous for some politicians nowadays.

🇺🇲 The United States of America. Donald Trump. Right Wing.

The recent event occurred on Saturday, July 13, 2024 while the Ex-President and former candidate for the presidential upcoming election in the USA this year, Donald Trump was giving his speech in Pennsylvania.

The young shooter 

On Monday, July 15th, 2024. Donald Trump appeared again before thousands of people. 

🇮🇷 Iran. President Ebrahim Raisi. Right Wing. 
He died in an helicopter accident on May 19th, 2024. 


🇨🇱 Chile. Sebastián Piñera. Right Wing. 

He was president of Chile twice. He passed away due to an helicopter accident on February 6, 2024. 

🇲🇽 Mexico. There were many politicians killed in different ways such as shots with guns, crashes, among others.. There is a real extremely violent conflict in politics in Mexico. This is the list of death politicians up to this moment..

  • Esmeralda Garzón Campo. Left Wing. June 7, 2024
  • Yolanda Sánchez. Right Wing. June 3 2024.
  • Israel Delgado Vega. Left Wing. June 1st, 2024
  • Jorge Huerta. Left-Right wing. May 31st, 2024.
  • José Alfredo Cabrera Barrientos. Centre -Left wing. May 29th, 2024
  • Lucero López Maza. May 16th, 2024. 
  • Aníbal Zúñiga Cortés. Centre-Left wing. May 16th, 2024.
  • Santos Moreno Cabada. Centre-Left wing. May 16th, 2024.
  • Mauro Hernández Velin. May 3rd, 2024. 
  • Francisco Sánchez Gaeta. Left-Right wing. April 27th, 2024. 
  • Alberto Antonio García. Left wing. April 19th, 2024. 
  • Noé Ramos Ferretiz. Righ wing. April 19th, 2024. 
  • Julián Bautista Gómez. Centre - Left. April 9th, 2024. 
  • Gisela Gaitán..Left wing. April 1st, 2024. 
  • Jaime González Pérez. Left wing..March 23rd, 2024.
  • Joaquín Martínez López. March 19th, 2024. 
  • Humberto Amezcua. Centre-Left. March 15th, 2024. 
  • Diego Pérez Méndez.Centre-Left. March 14th, 2024. 
  • Tomás Morales Patrón. Left wing. March 12th, 2024. 
  • Alfredo González Díaz. Left wing. March 3rd, 2024. 
  • Armando Pérez Luna. Right wing. February 26th, 2024. 
  • Miguel Ángel Zavala Reyes. Left wing. February 26th, 2024. 
  • Yair Martín Romero Segura. Left wing. February 10th, 2024. 
  • Juan Pérez Guardado. February 7th, 2024. 
  • Jaime Vera Alanís. February 1st, 2024. 
  • José Alejandro Naredo García. Centre Left. January 27th, 2024. 
  • Guadalupe Guzmán Cano. Centre Left. January 24th, 2024. 
  • Marcelino Ruiz Esteban. Centre Left. January 24th, 2024. 
  • Samantha Gomes Fonseca. Left wing. January 14th, 2024. 
  • Miriam Nohemí Ríos Ríos. Centre Left. January 11th, 2024. 
  • Sergio Hueso. Centre Left. January 5th, 2024. 
  • David Rey González Moreno. Centre Left. January 5th, 2024. 
  • Giovanni Lezama Barrera.. Right wing. January 4th, 2024. 

From Ethnic Justice 

Sunday, July 7, 2024

The Performance of the Argentine President

The President of Argentina still doing a disaster in the country with very low performance but helped by national media and international media, taking photos  with relevant people like Alex Soros, another Jewish man often does on his Instagram account  . 

Let's remember these articles: 

Cruelty & Selfish

Inflation, salary, and DNU in March 2024

One of the sensible measure the current government touched when presenting the 'Ley de Bases' was the Monotributo Social, a special category for poor people letting them to pay minimum taxes to keep their micro or small businesses alive in the system.

After the review, the Congress deleted the article #100 that ordered the removing of Monotributo Social, even so, they gotta increase the price to pay.

July 2024. Poverty reached 54.6% according to relevant statistics of Universidad Católica Argentina 

May 2024. Industry fell down 14.8% according to INDEC 

April 2024. Economic Activity fell down to 1.6% according to INDEC

The current surplus of commercial activity of Argentina in international Trade is due to the low of commercial activity movement. 

The last president Alberto Fernández (socialist), shared a photo on his Twitter Account 

Let's remember the 3 moments in economy according to Nicolas Sourivongxay shared on May 10th, 2022 on YouTube and published on his  book "Braining Insania: The Spanglish Book of Nicolas Sourivongxay". 

Ethnic Justice 

Wednesday, May 22, 2024


Telling the sad truth. The deepest from the darkness of the soul of people towards Nicolas Sourivongxay.

It's 3:50am. Nicolas uses to wake up with his feelings. He can't forget bad events, there's too much pain and sorrow deep inside. 

Ethnic Justice

Monday, May 20, 2024


Nicolas Sourivongxay got tired of fighting against Cyberespionage, he got tired of police harassment, he stopped fighting against to many evil things, he realized there is no solution. A society lost, and the selfishness of the societies in other countries but mainly from international organizations in charge of spreading the words about human rights but feeding themselves with their own words. Selfish Human Rights Organizations. Tired of finding a decent job since 2013.

When did the Police become Bitches? Let's remember mostly male police officers than female police officers telling Nicolas after being persecuted, "I don't know you. Who are you?"

The police officers have been bitches in Argentina. Bad and evil people mistreating Nicolas, persecuting him, doing harassment on the streets, forcing him to legal questioning. Trash and excrement like Nicolas said to express his anger. 

Singers just fighting for money. Is there satisfaction by using Nicolas Sourivongxay to make money? To get the power in Political elections? To climb for positions somewhere else? 

Nicolas Sourivongxay is still being less economically in Argentina. Let's remember the Justice System, the mistreatment by the Justice System. 

Ethnic Justice 


Sometimes Silence of innocents makes Gaslighting stronger but sometimes not.

In the case of Nicolas Sourivongxay, there is a kind of non physical "violent attraction" as we saw harassment with clear evidence shared on the internet. 

'If you hurt someone, you don't love him. You can't hurt him and later say, you did it for love. I mean, I hurt you to manipulate you, so you get what you want. I hurt you to "keep you safe", I hurt you "to push you to get a job". That's not love, those are illegal acts and they should be punished in a way even the Justice System doesn't work well..." said Nicolas Sourivongxay 

In the last article, it was shown the madness, particularly, about the people living in Buenos Aires where Nicolas Sourivongxay lives. 

On May 17th, 2024, Nicolas shared a tweet calling the UN Secretary Antonio Guterres, 

The path of Nicolas Sourivongxay finding the truth in his country. Justice System got burned, Police Institution got burned, Educational Institution also got burned, as we all know Political Institutions and the Media, and new technology are more vulnerable to get burned. So, the question is if there is solution or Nicolas Sourivongxay gotta be kept below in the system until disappearing while savage people take and lift themselves up in an unfair manner. 

Last week, Nicolas Sourivongxay received an official Diploma of Business Intelligence from the Government of Mexico  associated to the Foundation of the billionaire Carlos Slim. The Diploma was awarded to Nicolas in the year 2020. Four years later, his Diploma was recognized by the Mexican government. Even so, Nicolas' claim didn't change despite of getting more than 280 certificates from institutions worldwide not only in Mexico. Instead, argentinians used Nicolas for politics while their salaries increased up as the income of owners of enterprises as well. Not only argentinian Enterprises but branches of important companies from other countries. 

Since September 2013, Nicolas Sourivongxay has been less economically than the rest. It's about exploiting,abuse like the word he uses so much to express his feelings but no one cares how important and serious the abuse is. 

Is he still with resentment about his past, his present, his unpromising future in Argentina? 

Day by day as time goes by. 

And some immigrants grew up with those kind of jobs which are also required in main countries such as Canada, The US, and countries from Europe. They come from Central and south America to live in Argentina. Nicolas Sourivongxay was born in Argentina but he is still less than them, than other argentinians. 

The mistreatment is high like an iceberg even so, Nicolas tries once again and again to get in. 

United Nations as an organization failed in Uruguay when Nicolas was there desperately asking for a decent place and job. In all America Continent Human Rights Organizations dismissed his case. 

Is he still with resentment or he needs a decent job? 

Let's remember his parents passed away one in every presidential transition in Argentina, in every November. 

Is he still with resentment or he needs a decent job? 

"Psychological abuse involves the regular and deliberate use of a range of words and non-physical actions used with the purpose to manipulate, hurt, weaken or frighten a person mentally and emotionally; and/or distort, confuse or influence a person’s thoughts and actions within their everyday lives, changing their sense of self and harming their wellbeing. "  SAVE LIVES 

Ethnic Justice

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

CRUELTY & Selfish

More cruelty in this short period of time of the presidency of Javier Milei in Argentina. 

Climate change events, and the last one was Ciclogenesis as signals.

Fortunately, food inflation decreased in main countries with high inflation according to World Bank.  Even so, unfortunately Argentina is in the 2nd position behind Zimbabwe.

Argentina Food Inflation


Dec: 11%


Jan: 40% 

Feb/March: 42%

April: 28%

In Argentina there is Hard inflation exaggerated from public services such as Power and Sewer/Water.

One of the main purposes of President Javier Milei is dollarization. The main country on top list of inflation is Zimbabwe. They already tried the dollarization however, they failed increasing their inflation to the top of the world. 

The question is if Argentina needed a crazy president in order to get a good administration. The real reaction of the President Javier Milei was to delegate some of his important responsibilities and duties by the DNU (National Decree of Emergency). He attempted to introduce his projects at the Congress in order to give benefits to the private sector and to leave the public sector with less power.  Cutoffs at public administration., high inflation are combined for the economic phenomenon STAGFLATION. This involves delay in giving support to vulnerable people. 

In the case of Education, the government gave a social benefit to parents of children and teenagers in medium class to help them to afford their payment of private schools with the program Vouchers Educativos. 

Who is the President Javier Milei

He seems to be aligned to the ideology of Nayib Bukele and Donald Trump.

Photos from Wikipedia 

This type of leaders are dangerous in terms of decision making implementation by force and with the tend to not respecting some human rights and giving less importance to vulnerable people. 

There is a kind of phenomenon with candidates who promise something during their campaign but when they get the power, their masks fall. 

In the United States of America, George Santos had won the election for the Congress by lying about his background. 

By the another hand in terms of democratic process, some people from the other side turned selfish when they got a lot money by inflation increasing the gap. Recently, millions of people spent their money for the holidays during Easter breaking a record in tourism.

Employees are still asking for more money in Argentina in this economic phenomenon STAGFLATION. 

Labour Unions  are still playing for themselves since Nicolas Sourivongxay left his last dependent job in September 2013. 

Photo Wikipedia 

Nicolas is still getting police persecution on the streets while the Justice System give him their back. While the traditional media also give him their back. 

Who are you? 

It is rescued the theme of the lyric of this song, 'Selfish'. In the middle of narcissist people, sociopath people, and psychopaths who hurt the others, they are seen/not seen on social media.  
Justin Timberlake sings 'Selfish'. 

Ethnic Justice

Friday, March 15, 2024

Inflation, Salaries, and DNU in March 2024

The money is really important to survive.  What's going on the promising progress in Argentina?  Let's remember the article Economy against Socialism in Argentina 

Signals from heaven such as big storms, insects, mosquitos are not enough to aware the behavior of decision makers in the country. 

The most important thing for mobility is the Money. Even salaries are increasing up while inflation of prices do the same, international companies penetrating the Argentine market seems to be not enough for please the needs of vulnerable people. 

Nicolas Sourivongxay has been finding a dependent job since 2013 due to the lack of income gotten from his independent business. In January 2024, he asked for a salary of $300,000 Argentine pesos (around $346 American dollars). In March 2024, the salary he has to ask for is around the double of quantity, around $600,000 (around $690 American dollars). 

This is according to INDEC. A family of 4 people need $690,902 Argentine pesos to be above the line of poverty. (February 2024)

Let's see how inflation increased since Javier Milei has been in the presidency in Argentina. He is the current President of Argentina and he is an economist. 

He started the presidency in December 2023 with really inflation of food. After that, it is seen in the chart, it is decreasing up to 13,1% of the basic food basket and 15,8% for total food basket. Even so, they are still high. 

Another surprise worldwide is the imcrising level of prices according to world bank. 

Let's remember President Javier Milei began his government on December 10th, 2023 . 

In just 21 days Argentina got increased the inflation up to 40% in food according to World Bank from January 1st, 2024 until January 22nd, 2024 becoming the worst country in rate inflation in the world, that was 29% more. 

And here it is surprise. On March 5th, 2024, the World Bank informed Argentina increased up inflation up to 2% more reaching 42% 

The President Javier Milei's attempt for the DNU (National Decree for Emergency) at the Congress, was rejected by the Senate. 

The most relevant speech was given by the Senator  Jose Mayans (Union por la Patria-Partido Justicialista-Formosa Province) who adequately pointed out the legal rights invoking the Argentine Constitution over the DNU of the President Javier Milei. 

Let's remember the Theory of The Economy of Exclusion created by Nicolas Sourivongxay from his last Book 'Braining Insania: The Spanglish Book of Nicolas Sourivongxay' available on Amazon Books

Ethnic Justice 

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

March previous Easter: Climate Phenomenon

An awful week in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Storms, rain, and wind. 

Monday 11 - Friday 15. Storms with lightning.


In Spanish language 

The TV says storms will continue until Friday 15.


Ethnic Justice 

Sunday, March 3, 2024

Easter 2024: March 28-31

Let's remember Easter 2023 . Now, it's time for Eater 2024 by remembering past events 

Nicolas Sourivongxay tweeted like this: 

"This year #Easter #Pascuas is in March. Some evil Argentinians attacked me by using Justice System in early March 2023 ending up on March 29, 2023 by dismissing the case & by mistreating me with GASLIGHTING.

Evil argentinians stole my $ in January 2024. It's a call to repent."


"I was a kind of teacher, helping children to study through my @NSComex . After the trial, for me, escaping to Uruguay to ask for @Refugees status was like my legal death as an Argentine citizen. I returned to Argentina due to housing & no jobs opened, that was my resurrection"


"Oct 7, 2023 I officially launched my Xmas song #UnPaisajeNavideño for the birth of Jesus,@Pontifex .The date coincides when the war started among Palestine & Israel due to Hamas attack.
#Easter #Pascuas is about the death of Jesus Christ & his Resurrection"

Past articles about miracles and para normal science 

Predictions of events that means to see the events before they happen, the capacity to hear voices of people alive in real time inside his head, and to see their faces in his mind. All of them, not easy to prove with evidence because it is not controlled by Nicolas Sourivongxay, events come to him. 

Ethnic Justice 

Tuesday, February 27, 2024


Recent phenomenons in Argentina and let's remember also those directly related to Nicolas Sourivongxay 

Recent days in Buenos Aires there was an invasion of mosquitoes and specialists say it is due to the last rains. 

In addition, the underground of Subte A was invaded by insects 

The climate allowed insects and mosquitos to bother people. It's still summer in Argentina. 

Beyond these natural phenomenons, they have nothing to do with the para normal events from the mind of Nicolas Sourivongxay. 

Let's remember the Power Mind of Nicolas Sourivongxay related to the world events, pandemic and wars. 

The rain and the storms that Nicolas says he can't control that they come from within. 

The faces on the clouds and the manipulation of dreams. 

Predictions of events that means to see the events before they happen, the capacity to hear voices of people alive in real time inside his head, and to see their faces in his mind. All of them, not easy to prove with evidence because it is not controlled by Nicolas Sourivongxay, events come to him. 

Ethnic Justice 

Monday, February 19, 2024

Women & The Police in Technology

On January 8th, 2024 someone stole money from the debit card of Nicolas Sourivongxay. His card was cloned somewhere. 

Nicolas Sourivongxay is thinking of the guilty people but he doesn't know exactly who they were. 

On his personal Twitter account, Nicolas explode revealing the reason of the unlike appearance of his Twitter account. He told Mariah Carey & an Argentine TV program called 'El Ejército de LATAM' about four attacks related to TECHNOLOGY he received in less than two months during the year 2024. 

1- Debit card cloned. The enemy of Nicolas stole almost USD 40.- ($37,014 Argentine pesos).  That money was part of the unique and legal subsidy from the death of his father..

2- Money stolen by the bill. The company of Energy: EDESUR' stole almost USD 2 dollars ($1,185 Argentine pesos) for changing the name of the bill. That process is for free according to the web


3- Weird Emails. The Organization that controls EDESUR sent Nicolas many weird emails and some of them asking for money. Fortunately they were all solved for Nicolas in February 2024. 

After checking the news, the revolution came from medium high class in Argentina. The Government increased up the bills Up to 150% in February.

4- A fake Twitter account appeared in January 2024. Nicolas Sourivongxay claimed Impersonation to Twitter administration but they rejected the claim.


Police Corruption (Men & Women) or Criminal WOMEN.

Nicolas Sourivongxay is not sure. Maybe the police officers that persecuted Nicolas on January 8th, 2024 were at fault of stealing his debit card or maybe not. 

By analysing the article 'Fraud/Scam in Technology' , it is read the impressive quantity of  TECH crimes committed by WOMEN in Argentina. Of 13 cases, 6 of them were committed by YOUNG WOMEN, and the rest involves WOMEN commiting crimes.

The mix of Criminal Women and Police Corruption make Nicolas doubt about the guilty people. 

Education: WOMEN & The Police (Men & Women)

Nicolas Sourivongxay has had problems in studying at universities since he got his Degree at a Private University in December 2013. 

Universidad Abierta Interamericana (2016): He studied to be a professor. He dropped out in less than 3 months. His mind was not prepared for politics. Professors gave high marks to women. 

Universidad de Lomas de Zamora(2019-2020): He studied to be an Accountant. During the quarantine 2020 in the middle of Cyberespionage, outages, and a restrictive quarantine with deficiency in teaching performance by professors. He was banned for two years for claiming for a fair treatment. Nicolas Dropped out with 12/36 courses approved. During his path in some courses there were preferences for women. 

Universidad de Avellaneda (2022): To be a Lawyer. He never took classes due to Police persecution on the streets. 

Universidad Provincial de Ezeiza (2022): To be a Software Developer. He never took classes due to Police persecution on the streets. 

Universidad de Buenos Aires (2023): To be a Lawyer. Nicolas Sourivongxay only took one class. After that he dropped out due to Police persecution on the streets and he didn't like the environment. 

Universidad FASTA (2022-2023): To be a professor. It was virtually. He passed three courses successfully in December 2022. He was studying for his exams for April but The Police/French Embassy/ Justice System forced Nicolas into a legal questioning that fortunately it ended up dismissed at the end of March 2023 but with gaslighting that is more abuse. Inevitably, Nicolas Sourivongxay dropped out the virtual University before March 2023. 

In Argentina. 6 out of 10 graduates are women. The gender database provided by the Ministry of Education of the Nation to @Chequeado goes from 2011 to 2020 and shows that in that period 471,631 men and 752,732 women got Degrees. That is, 61.5% women.

And there are more WOMEN than MEN working at the Educational System. 

The case of Nicolas involves also ideology of in or out, entrepreneur or employee, not only the Orthodox feminism. Even so, the main historical phrase in every country related to employees is 'They come to take our jobs'' applied to Refugees whose many people think they have a debt for receiving social security from the government. And in this, Men and Women may be considered equal in quantity. 

Most of professionals in Human Resources are women. They rejected Nicolas Sourivongxay who is finding a job since September 2013. Most of owners of enterprises are men.

Ethnic Justice 

A Deadly Year in Politics 2024

Destiny is turning extremely dangerous for some politicians nowadays. 🇺🇲 The United States of America. Donald Trump. Right Wing. The recen...