Saturday, October 29, 2022

The Worldwide CyberKey

The Worldwide CyberKey in Technology. How Technology affects people like...?


By analising the history of Argentina, it is found argentinians timeline periods as lifecycles: birth, development, peak, declining, death. After chaos, argentinians are promt to dictatorships and how they lasted depended on the people's will who recovered democracies. Most of the problems had to do with money, as always, the economy affecting all the other sectors by using politics.

Dictatorships in Argentina 1930, 1943, 1955, 1962, 1966, 1976. 

The last one was a global agreement due to the Pandemic of Covid-19 in the year 2020. The quarantine was a kind of dictatorship to stop the worldwide chaos triggered by technology revolution and economy.


In democracy, there were two remarkable period of times in Argentina history: the economic and political crisis of 2001, and the transition of the presidency of Cristina Kirchner to Mauricio Macri in 2015. Nowadays argentinians are still having sequels of that transition that later the power was recovered in 2019 with the current presidency of Alberto Fernandez.

Reading some behaviours of argentinians by listening how they speak, they give orders to hurt innocent people and they act like wolves or monkeys with anger. Their speech is imperative, and they like that. They say they are against dictatorships, but what they say and what they do show dictatorship, to hurt others or for keeping the order into the system, to control.

To avoid abuses Nicolas Sourivongxay found the way to show evidence of abuses and crimes by using technology, photos, video recordings, streaming live, emails. The justice system didn't accept the stream live videos of Facebook as evidence, even the evidence was clear and in real time. Nicolas had to fight to make them understand and to accept the evidence proved by using new technology as a legal resource. 

Years later, on  July 8th, 2022, an argentinian legislator of Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires presented a proyect to show evidence on social media against police abuse. It is tipically what Nicolas had been doing against police harassment



TECHNOLOGY Implosion/Explosion

In times of techonology revolution, there is a kind of battle for giving the power to the tech companies or to the governments with security forces, or to the people. The right of Privacy has been violated in many ways and the law turned vulnerable sometimes useless: the personal rights (Personal security, personal liberty, and private property), crimes against the honor, crimes against the freedom, discrimination of all types, violations of secrets and privacy, intelectual rights. 

And it carried bad consequences by implosion (for example suicidal acts by bullying in the forms of physical contact, words, or more subtle actions., by types of harassment, by persecution). How many people died due to the new technology on the internet including children?. There are a lot of news articles about this sad issue worldwide. 

And bad consequences by explosion, maybe shootings, and other violent acts. 

Read 11 Worldwide Events to Remember:

Read More Signs in the last decade: 

However, as it was said before, the quarantine was a kind of strategy to calm the rebellion of the societies in the world. 


According to Nicolas Sourivongxay, Cybersecurity is a business. There are many engineers specialized in technology speaking on the media about virus and how protect tech devices but for Nicolas, they are just defending the internet and the technology. There are things in the cyberspace that humans never controlled yet to guarantee security in privacy to the worldwide population, that's why social media and email companies change/d their policies many times.

The consequences of being target including the outages and the cut of internet connections, that fortunately Nicolas found the way to stop the argentinians, to tell them to stop of hurting his mental health with those actions. 

Even so, cyberespionage is stil running, and Nicolas knows that. No matter if you are a professional hacker or not or a professional in computer science or not, and no matter if you are rich, medium class or poor, you all can do cyberespionage that belongs to the secret society. Why do you think the movement of Hybrid work in labour market has been promoted since the quarantine by companies? 

The problem with this is when you are a target and when they violate your rights beyond the roles of the people in societies, it means, politicians, sellers, artists, etc., those who seek for money, fame, and power.

Nicolas woke up in the mornings and when he turned on the light, suddently outages occured. How are neighbors able to control the movements inside Nicolas's house? What kind of technology was provided to the civil population to do that by violating the property of a person? What kind of technology have they been using beyond Pegasus spyware, Dropoutjeep, RCSAndroid, Exodus, or P6-GEO? How can simple young neighbors do that?

This kind of technology in wrong hands turns it into ABUSE, BULLYING, HARASSMENT, etc., with bad intentions. 

Nicolas Sourivongxay lives with anguish inside his house due to cyberespionage, and he remembers the outages (Crime of Torture) and the cut of the internet connection without his permission. Outside, the harassment of the police and other securrity forces also affect his mental health.  Let's remember the vice of the will "intimidation" affecting the normal life of Nicolas as well.  


Internet provider:

+Error, fraud, violence and intimidation are traditionally called #vices of the will that harm the subjective conditions for a correct exercise of the autonomy of private will...


In history, the population used the telephone line to bother others, later the cellphones. Some people or politicians blame the Secret Security Agencies in order to not legitimize the crimes of the people. Even so, some mobiles can identify spam calls or other cellphone numbers to stop joke calls or commercial ads calls. 

Let's go to the superficial field where you can see because it is visible in the cyberspace.

Google & Youtube:





Other companies:

The commercial war to take advantage of others no matter the limits of the terrotory was also a problem, and it had to do with the cyberespionage made by the secret society. 

Let's remember Race + Refugee make Nicolas "the cause" in addttion to other interests, so people around him get benefits from that to satisfy their own ego, to get power, fame, money, promotions, among others. 



They also have access to devices, they can send indirect messages through the tv machines no matter if it is a smart tv or not, and through radio machines, and no matter where you are.



It is very well known the intention of the Ex-President of the Untied States of America, Donald Trump concerning internet shutdown.


These are the impact as consequences of shutting down the internet according to the World Economic Forum:

And this is the view of the United Nations Human Rights Council:

Nicolas doesn't hack, doesn't cyberspy, he knows that's not correct. The key is education in rights and to respect the will of each other. And one another worldwide key is to control that thing in the cyberspace that humans didn't learn how to control yet, that cyberspace in which where the secret society- no matter if you are a professional hacker or not or a professional in computer science or not, and no matter if you are rich, medium class or poor- can access.

Ethnic Justice

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