Friday, December 16, 2022

Dialogues Memories at Christmas and Football World Cup

It's time to show some behavior of stupidity around Nicolas Sourivongxay. December is a month of high temperature in Argentina that could modify the behaviour of people. They turn more aggressive. Nowadays, the Football World Cup 2022 in Qatar is giving argentinians a kind of landscape to avoid an intense activity of protests and violence. The World Cup is also a benefit for The USA due to political elections in addition to Christmas eve for a landscape. 

Christmas values and Football World Cup have not similar feelings. Historically the Christmas Truce between soldiers of England and Germany turned effect due to a war. Nowadays, the feelings of the Football World Cup is about nationalism that there are positive feelings of reunion of citizens, or bad feelings such as discriminatory comments and discriminatory behaviours. 

Christmas values are good and positive but sometimes is also bad when you don't reach the perfect family, when you realize you are lack of things or you miss someone, or you don't have someone, compared with the others who celebrate with joy, perfection, and happiness at christmas night. 


The following cases are representations of the real thoughts of people

1st case

Two argentinians talking...

A: -Nicolas is watching a movie on his computer, the movie 'Kill BIll', he is gotta kill someone. He is upset, he gotta revenge.

B: -How do you know?

A: -I am hacking his computer. 

B: -Call the police

2nd Case

Two argentinians talking...

A:- Nicolas is searching for hotel rooms and prices of tickets planes. I'm hacking him right now. 

B:-  He is gotta spend the money of his family. Tell our political party.

3rd Case

Two argentinians talking....

A:- Nicolas is selling again. Let's take his money. 

B:-But he started this month his business. He had no dependent job. He lives at the edge.

A:- He has money.  Obey him to have debts like us. 

4th Case

Two argentinians talking....

A:- Nicolas went to the teller machine to extract money. 

B:- It's not his money.

B:- So, let's hack his cellphone and his computer to check.

5th Case

Two argentinians talking...

A:- We are in the restrictive quarantine. He rejected a selling on his whatsapp. She was my sister. 

B:- He won't have money during the restriction. Let's tell him. Cut his evergy. An outage to tell him. Just for a second, you know. 

6th Case

Two argentinians talking....

A:- Write this words on Twitter trending topics for him: Traidor, Forro, Chorro, Ladron, Callate, Sorete, Burro. 

B: -Why? Traitor: he was a traitor because we as, argentinians, we treated him bad so he asked for international help.

Forro:- that's for cyberespionage. Nicolas sent claims against us because we have been hacking so he burns us. 

Chorro/Ladron: - We sent him the police, and the police is for us and against him. He is an immigrant despite of being born here in Argentina. We have to treat him as a thief, too. He must be in left party, he must be with the poors. He is not like us or he is like us. 

Callate: - We can't stand the words of truth of Nicolas. 

Sorete: - We get offended because Nicolas tells the truth.

Burro: - We do cyberespionage, we need to take advantage of Nicolas. We need to use him. We brough him here, so he must pay us the debt even we know he was born here. 

7th Case

Two argentinians talking...

A:- Nicolas must be at home because he is a man. Women should work, women should be over him in money. 

B:- Let's not give  him a job. Since 2013 he has been out of the dependent job market. Women first. Did you hack him to take advantage of him? I did. 

8th Case 

Twitter Policy

A:- Nicolas is tweeting in bad manner, he is a disaster against the police, and he is commenting desperated on Twitter accounts of his authorities. According to his tweets, he is receiving harassment and bullying from the police on the streets. 

B:- No, they are protecting him. That's what argentinians told me, so I agree. Nicolas is doing harassment agaisnt the police, and against the accounts of his authorities. He is also doing harassment to United Nations, and harassment to many presidents in the world by tweeting. If he send to kill, let's ban him.  

A:- He is like fighting a war against argentinians in the field. 

B:- I saw he tweeted about a webpage in Brazil, in Serbia, and internet companies in the USA. He is fighting against everyone. He has asperger. We must protect our clients from him. 

9th Case

Two argentinians talking

A: - Nicolas is watching porn at his home. I hacked him, so I know that. He is a prostitute. 

B: - I think he met people to find love, to find someone in his life. I don't think he made that for money. 

A:- Let's say that, so people talk about him. 

B:- We could hurt relarionships by rumors. And he is just watching porn.

A:- Who cares? Let's burn him. 

B:- Oh, some men are going to the walkside of his house right now, they say they gotta cover him. I don't think that's a good idea. Nicolas understand the Penal law, the privacy law. 

A:- Everybody is hacking. If everybody is hacking so there is no law, because we are more, we, the people. 

B:- But that's against the law. 

10th Case

International people talking

A:- We are hacking Nicolas for our intellectual rights

B:- Oh, yeah, sure. Is there any other intention? 

A:- Let's make him money.

B:- Let's say we are bringing him, that's speculation to obtain benefits from that cause, the cause of refugees. 

A:- If he is competing, let's make him ridiculous. 

11th Case

Two argentinians police officers

A:- If Nicolas goes out, I go with our car to intimadate him. 

B:- I heared he sent claims, maybe that's useful to go against the government. Maybe he deserves money. 

A:- Justice rejected him. They trust us. Who would untrust of the police? Let''s do bullying to him on the streets. He looks young, you are not hurting him.

B:- He looks like dealing with mental health on social media because of our persecution. 

A:- He is an immigrant. We brought him here. He has a debt. Are you argentinian? It's nationalism.

B:- Yes, I am argentinian. 

A:- This kind of kid, turns terrorist when left party is in the government, so we must watch him, like watchdogs. 

B:- Companies and organizations didn't give him a job yet, since 2013. 

A::- Let's put his head down by harassmentr. He must obey and respect.

B:- Maybe it's the left party too, but why didn't the right party let him in?  

A:- He is suspicious. Always suspicious. And he post and tweets on social media, that gives us work, so that's a good excuse to work. Everything is bored and we need an argument to keep our salaries. 

B:- He never called 911 today. And we need a legal permission for an investigation.

A:- Who cares? Let's do it  anyways. 

12th Case

Argentinian Politicians.

A:- I gotta be the next president. 

B:- Nicolas is still finding a job. Our political party failed the first time. 

A:- So, our political party come back again and when we are in the government, let's keep him poor. People gotta believe he has money because the kid is intelligent, he is studying a lot. 

B:- Too many certificates of education but almost nothing of money. Is that your way to dominate him? 

A:- The current president does the same. Since 2013, Argentina got 3 presidents but Nicolas is still in the same lower level. That's domination, and I want him to remain like that. People extract ideas from him and people make progress, people cyberspy him, people make him money, people make him cry to push him to give more, there won't be justice for him, either. No justice.

B:- He will be become a terrorist. 

A:- But I got the presidency. Our ego should me more than Nicolas' ego. 

13th Case

The Media

A:- He is being persecuted by the police becasue he is coming to television.

B:- But I saw him sending emails to make protest on tv due to police persecution, his emails were not responded. I also saw him filling forms to talent shows because he is talented in music and he has no success in job dependent market since 2013, and his income as independent worker is lower than the rest of argentinians. Maybe he would increase his money on TV. 

C:-We brought him for a reason. He is a son of a refugee. We have to ban him. And according to nationalism, he would attract more asian people to our country. They gotta take our jobs. 

A:- Yes, let's play with speculation. And Let's send him a PNT (No Traditional Publicity) on TV programs live through the TV while detecting his TV machine to make him leave the screen or to change the channel. 

14th Case

Owners of companies and employees

A:- He must create his own job like I did. I manage my time. I did it. 

B:- But Nicolas is different. I don't think he can make it. Too much time out with disgrace and misfortune since 2013. He just worked in dependent market for 5 years until we pushed him out when we realized he was a son of immigrants. I am an employee and I want him out, too. He must be independent, I am protecting my job. 

A:- Nicolas must be free or he gotta go to jail. I am in jail with my private security but I have lot of money. I rejected him. He must learn to create his own job. No organization, no Company gotta hire him. He has gone crazy on social media protesting. I hire normal people, not crazy people who can't manage pressure. 

B:- That's another field. There is a confussion. Why is the police putting him down in another field that is not inside of a company? I am free outside, not inside. 

A:- He is lazy

B:- And our Labour Union won't let him in, either. We protect our jobs, specially from people like Nicolas. We don't accept him. There are rules here, and there are not the same rules like yours. 

A: - Of course, you are employees. Why do you create your own rules in my company? It's not easy to deal with your Labur Union Organization. And about Nicolas, being poor is good for him, so he gives more. Let's watch his pain on social media. 

B:- Are you gonna play with speculation again? Since 2013. 

A:- Yes, how much money for him? He looks valuable/ 

B: - That's speculation. Time burns us, since 2013 his value has been zero money. 

15th Case

A:- Nicolas is in error. Send him the Mormon Church.

B:- But he left the church since more or lesss 2010. And he our rules marginalize them.

A:- Go to him when he is down.

From Ethnic Justice

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