Friday, January 6, 2023

The Ironic Job Interview

The Hilarious & Ironic Job Interview:


👨‍💼Where Did You Hear About This Position?

Me: - On @LinkedIn , @indeed , @ZonaJobs @bumeran ...

👨‍💼What Prompted You to Apply? 

Me: -The administrative position in person, not remotely. At an office.

👨‍💼Do You Think You’re Overqualified for This Position?

Me: I have diversity on my CV, but I am not perfect in everything, sometimes I am lack of experience or knowledge so I need to be trained. That would be easy, I am a fast Lerner, I got 271 certificates.

👨‍💼How Do You Handle Pressure/Stress?

Me: ....well ...I believe in respect for agreed purposes for the organization. I think this kind of pressure is different than the pressure I experienced on streets by harassment & bullying from the police so I sent to kill. And I won't have to be worry about cyberespionage because it's an in presence work, I won't be at home. The environments are different. One thing is in your organization but one another is what happens on the streets. I DON'T LIVE IN BUENOS AIRES ANYMORE. the security outside affects my mind and probably my performance inside your company but my strategy is finding good private transportation to get work when I get enough money. That will help to avoid them. And I am not living in Buenos Aires or Ciudad Autónoma anymore.this is my way out, I don't see any other way to manage pressure/stress. And I gotta take those free coupons for the Gym from your company.

👨‍💼Are You More of a Team Player or an Independent Individual? 

Me:- Both. I can handle it. For projects I am good as Team Player, too under a contract.

👨‍💼What Is It That You Particularly Like About This Company?

Me:- I didn't think about company so much, I just want a job to work 4 u.

👨‍💼Would You Be Willing to Relocate? 

Me:- Of course, desperately!

👨‍💼What Was the Last Book You Read? Is that important? I read the news at Coffee stores. I am a writer, too, but if I get the job, I won't write anymore, I want to be focused on the job.

👨‍💼Could You Explain the Gap in Your Employment History?

Me:-Why of my last dependent job in SEP 2013? It's a long story. The argentinians have been mean ppl, they chose me for a purpose in the market, there're many excuses u can hear, but the real and honest one is on Ethnic Justice

Click in the photo to zoom it

👨‍💼What Was Your Previous Boss Like? 

Me:-I haven't got a boss since SEP 2013. Previous that, I always worked with my bosses directly, owners of companies.

👨‍💼Why Were You Fired?

Me:- In one of the companies since 2008 to 2013. I got fired because I needed time to go to bank for my personal fixed-term deposit that was going to overdue. In that time there're long queues & restrictions at banks. Nowadays, it is easier by homebanking or app. And I needed time to finish my degree at university, so I might get higher salary, a better job, more progress. I wanted to upgrade the apartment I rented, to change it for a better one or to save $ to buy one personal house for me. I had no future there.

👨‍💼What Are Your Salary Expectations?

Me:- The argentinians got increased their salaries so much these days. And the inflation ctrl of President @POTUS gave them that benefit in $ exchange. I think your company gotta treat me well. I hope so.

👨‍💼Why Should We Hire You Over Other Candidates?

Me:- Well, because they are not me. I think I can do a better job. The mother fuckers had time to hack me, to take their conclusions about me. 10 years since 2013. I think it's my time. For common purposes.

👨‍💼Where do you see yourself in five years?

Me:- Working at your company while I am making progress in my life.

👨‍💼Why are you leaving your current job? 

Me:- I am active at NSComex , I can't stop or that will affect the qty of years 4 my retirement. If u hire me, I gotta stop that business just to work for u. My income was under the minimum salary gap, the police persecuted me, Cyberespionage.

👨‍💼Do you have any questions for me?

Me:- Actually not.

👨‍💼 Thanks. After reviewing your application we decided to pursue other candidates who better fit the position. We encourage you to apply for other offers from our company. Best Regards.

Me: -Fuck you, stupid Orthodox feminist.

👨‍💼Most are women but I am a man

Me:-Fuck you, too


The Freedom Market of NSComex

Ethnic Justice

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