Thursday, August 3, 2023

The Fountain of Life: Water

Water: Case Solved. ReadWater from the Wells of Salvation 


This is vital for life and without this element and primary element, humans can't exist. It's water. Location: Esteban Echeverría, Buenos Aires Province 


Link United Nations about Argentina, Uruguay, and Chile:

Nicolas Sourivongxay made a claim in January 2023 related to lack of pressure of water. In many parts in Argentina people fill water pumps with water extracted by using an electric motor machine.

Nicolas thought he was the only one with this problem because his neighbors in the square didn't have any problem like that. Nicolas made a complain before AYSA and the Municipality of Esteban Echeverría.  To fix the problem, Nicolas' family had to spend a lot of money.  It was finally repaired.


Everything was working very well until the Municipality of Esteban Echeverría started to work over one of the streets near Nicolas home doing a 'Red Cloacal' . Once again, pressure was not enough to fill the water pump. He gotta make complains before AYSA and before the Municipality of Esteban Echeverría in the next days, maybe. 

In this live video, Nicolas was arriving home in the last part. The municipality of Esteban Echeverría guarded their job at the corner of Nicolas' house

July 6th, 2023 Link:

July 5th, 2023. And in the last part of this stream Live video, it is shown the job of the municipality over Ortega street (Ortega st  and Santa Fe st ) :

Others had problems with water and it was visible on the news. Let's see what happened.

MARCH 2023

Problems with outages and water in some places of the district. Without electricity, people can't consume water.


MARCH 30th, 2023

The left party created a movement called 'Protest for Water' . 


APRIL 5th, 2023

Neighbors of the Police neighborhood, also known as Santa Lucía, of Monte Grande, in the district of Esteban Echeverría, had been without water for a week, it started on March 29th, 2023, so the company ABSA started to fix it one week later.


APRIL 11th, 2023

The municipality of Esteban Echeverría and the company Agua y Saneamientos Argentinos (AySA) presented the works to expand the sewerage network in that town. So, the main head of the company AySA was in town.


MAY 5th, 2023

The left party once again on the streets with the second 'Protest for Water'



It's Presidential Election time in Argentina and anything can happen for good or for bad. 

Is there with the problem of water bad intention? Once again in the scene, poor people from left party, the police (Barrio Policial), and the municipality of Esteban Echeverría workers. 

Water 💦 is one of the most and vital important source for life. Without water, life doesn't exist. We need water for mobility. 



What's going on in the World?

From Ethnic Justice

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