Sunday, November 6, 2022

Justice System Development

Focusing on Argentinian Justice System, Nicolas Sourivongxay has his own opinion judging people of the argentine history. His sees beyond the news articles, educational books, and television shows in the country. Let's get started in this journey. 

An argentine movie was released on September 29, 2022 and it is called 'Argentina, 1985' . The story of how a public prosecutor collected evidence based on "witnesses testimonies and victims declarations" for the trial 'Juicio de las Juntas Militares' against the performance of militars in charge of Argentine country since March 24, 1976 until 1982. The crimes involved are kidnapping, torture, murders, disappearances of people, threats and other crimes against human rights.


The judgment was made based on "witnesses testimonies and victims declarations" without physical evidence so, there is a kind of benefit of the doubt according to Nicolas. That "because they say" probably turn the people into a Salomon Ash Syndrome. The movie shows the Justice System as an independent organization focused on itself but not considering the other two main organizations in the country in the time of collecting evidence based on "witnesses and victims", it means, presidential office and the congress in representation of the people. And that's a mistake of the Justice System in not consideting the whole country in that specific moment in time. 

As it was shown with evidence and said by Nicolas Sourivongxay, in the field when the police persecuted him, they did harassment and kind of "bullying". There were police officers with own interests in bothering Nicolas, others with complicity with the civil population for example owners of commercial stores, people involved in politics from the two sides centre left or centre right, human rights fighters, haters due to the consequences involved around Racial discrimination + Refugee cause, in addition to his exclusion from educational system and exclusion from labour market. This means, politics, security force, the media, people in insitutions and other organizations, the civil society are not 99.9% innocent. 

In the last of book of  Nicolas 'Braining Insania: The Spanglish Book of Nicolas Sourivongxay', people in the last decade were unreliable, the words were questioned. Police officers only accept claims at the Police Station if you have witnesses, but the word of witnesses are being questioned because they lie due to different kind of interests and the challenge in this is to find out if witnesses tell the true or not.


In the movie, only the family of the prosecutor had security that later it was rejected by that prosecutor. His little son walked on the streets freely without any security control.

Maybe some of the "witnesses and victims" were not affected by Salomon Ash Syndrome, maybe the cases were real, maybe the cases were manipulated by the own society (the police, human rights fighters, politicias and its followers, the civil society) in the time of collecting "witnesses testimonies and victims declarations" or/and in time of 1976 to 1982.

Were considering the vices of the will in the case? Error, fraud, violence and intimidation? 


It's was a long transition in order to go away from the last militar government and to get into a democracy system forever. Argentinians didn't want militars to come back to take the power after every economic chaos.

Dictatorships in Argentina 1930, 1943, 1955, 1962, 1966, 1976.

That bomb in Plaza de Mayo was made by purpose, that means, maybe politics was involved in this, other organizations,  or the civil society as well. 


The movie shows the helpers of the prosecutor received threats by telephone line. Did they have identication number machines? Where were the calls come from? What were the intentions? Why were the stalkers not arrested? 

The trial was approved because of the quantity of "people testimonies and victims declarations" but without physical evidence. 

Nicolas told the internet audience about bad experiences in his past such as:

  • Two men tried to kill Nicolas with knives at the bridge of the train station 'Gerli' in Buenos Aires Province around 8pm after taking a psychology session in 2010. (Nicolas tried to fool them, so he escaped but they stole his Wilson backpack with nothing in there).
  • Nicolas and his mother were into a Remis (a kind of Taxi car) taken at the walkside of the train station in Monte Grande, Buenos Aires Province in 2002, but another car, a red car, crushed that Remis behind, so the Remis crushed a light post in Colon St and Pedro Dreyer St, The red car escaped from the scene. They didn't get hurt, Nicolas, his mother, and the Remis driver came out unharmed. 
  • Nicolas met someone around 2006 who made him a psychological experiment. That person hit the head of Nicolas with keys until blood, that was the mark of the experiment and that hit was also the ticket entrance to the labour market, Nicolas got his first formal job in 2008 and he left that person in 2008. But in 2013, another presidential transtition was running, so the messages of the games of "The Art of Living" organization set Nicolas' mind. In the process of leaving the private organizations, Nicolas' brain connected the surgery of the head of the president Crisitina Kirchner with the hit he had during the experiment in 2006 and 2007, the indirect message. 
  • Nicolas remembered events during his childhood. He remembers that one of his sisters arrived at home naked with red eyes due to sexual violation of argentinian men. Also another sister was hit and abandoned when she was pregnant by an argentinian man, and Nicolas remembers her purple eyes due to physical violence that she had to cover with sunglasses. Another sister was sexually touched by an argentinian man when she was minor. The police, the cases ended up in nothing. The movement of the feminist against sexual crimes was not stronger in that time, the movement didn't exist.  

And more bad experiences already told on the stream live videos Nicolas told on Facebook and Youtube, however, is there any evidence more than his testimony and declarations? 

Nicolas learned how to take profit of the new technology provided for his defense. Nowadays, Nicolas takes photos that includes dates and his name (Motorola mobile) , video recordings, and streamming live videos provided by Facebook and Twitter. 

Even so, presenting physical evidence to the Justice System, he had to fight to make them understand they had to accept this new type of evidence. A phrase such as "no acepto la prueba porque Facebook es una red social" (I don't accept your evidence because Facebook is just a social media). Emails sent with evidence since 2019 not stopping, almost everyday with police/security harassment continuing in 2020, 2021, and 2022. Nonetheless, the justice system rejected all Nicolas' claim. The worst rejection was the Habeas Corpus that Nicolas claimed for his defense so, from that moment on, Nicolas got emotional crisis until sending emails to kill the police officers who persecuted him, emails asking worlwide authorities to kill the argentinians. Naturally a psychological effect due to harassment/persecution/intimidation/kind of bullying, the no respect of his will, of his rights. 

It's also unfair the new technology provided in this last decade was not implemented in 1976 until 1985 and the following years until the appearances of them. In 2015, Facebook and Twitter were not high technology like in 2019, 2020, 2021 or 2022. 

Facebook was launched on February 2004 and Facebook Watch (Stream live video available to the public) was launched on August 10, 2017. There is also Instagram live.

Twitter was launched on July 15, 2006 and Twitter Stream live was launched in 2015 but discontinued in 2021.

Youtube was launched on February 15, 2005. Later, Youtube Steam live. 

Is the Justice System prepared to improve the quality of judgment by accepting new technology services in crime cases as evidence? Are they also mentally prepared for that? 


And let's remember the 13 Concepts of Justice created by Nicolas Sourivongxay

First part

Second Part

Read the following articles: 

Actions speak louder than words

Penal Law

Identifying Types of Stalkers

What's the limit between security and freedom? Which crimes are involved?

The Worldwide Cyberkey

Ethnic Justice

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