Sunday, March 19, 2023

Justice System and Sad Transition 2023 (Part 6)

Let's compare Nicolas Sourivongxay versus the people surrounding him. There is manipulation and there are no ethic experiments done in Argentina society.

Let's compare the ideology of the current government versus Nicolas. 

1) Democratization of justice
The democratization of justice was the topic trending in Argentina triggering the transition from the government of Cristina Kirchner (Centre- left) to Mauricio Macri (Centre-right) who was elected in 2015 as president. 
Nicolas believed in the separation of the three powers, Justice system, Congress, and Presidency. 
Another remarkable topic that determined the changing of the government was the death of the prosecutor Alberto Nisman. 

2) Yooloper 
After that, we all know the story of Nicolas who had a problem with one his brands called 'Yooloper'. The brand Topper related to Alpargatas company didn't let Yooloper to get into the market. The INPI( National Institute of Intellectual Property) rejected Nicolas'brand under bad argument. There is another brand of clothes called 'Galloper' and it was registered, however Nicolas attempt with Yooloper was not successful at all. And that's the cause of the fall affecting the another brand of Nicolas due to administrative cost in June 2017. 
(click in the photo to zoom it)
During the process fighting for Yooloper, Nicolas created his memorial phrase ' After all is said and done. I have problems. The major error in the system is when you get poor. It's not easy to find justice according to justice system. With lack of money, justice is just a priviledge for those ones who have enough money to claim.' Nicolas Sourivongxay

Was it the beginning to prove that justice is just for few? Was it an experiment? 

3) Impeachment 
After returning to power as vice president, Cristina Kirchner with President Alberto Fernández began to go against justice. And this is the topic trending in this new presidential transition in 2023. 

Due to police persecution, Nicolas has been fighting for justice at Justice System, even so he has been rejected by many judges, including his Habeas corpus.

So, here we can see a coincidence or manipulation. 

Let's remember the left party doesn't like the Police Institution and some educators think political manipulations like this is ethical to learn or to forge the character in democracy, when it fact, Nicolas suffers afflictions. 

4) Cristina Kirchner guilty due to Corruption 

Argentina’s Cristina Fernández sentenced to six years in $1bn fraud case:

That was around December 2022. In December 2022. There was a problem with water at Nicolas' house:

And also a virus started to consume the screen of the notebook of Nicolas Sourivongxay. It was a Chromobook System from Intel that finally was consumed at 97% in March 2023 . Nicolas wrote on his Twitter account like this: 

"My marriage with @Google Chromebook got broken. Google warmed me about my temporary files days before. The attack started in Dec2022. And it was 97% into dark screen  two  days  ago  just right when finishing writing my article 'Emotional Abuse' on Mar 7th, 2023".

Related to the Trail that Cristina Kirchner lost. 
Nicolas fight at Justice System reached the Court. 
The Embassy of France received emails of Nicolas asking them to kill the argentinians, so the Division of Cybersecurity of the Argentine  Police accused Nicolas via the Office of Prosecutor of Lomas de Zamora of Intimidation. 
Also about some tweets, saying "kill the argentinians". 

Nicolas told Defensoría Federal NRO 1 Lomas de Zamora the following: 

"Finally, I had to testify and I did it personally at the Federal Defender's Office NRO 1 of Lomas de Zamora, Secretariat 16. .

The cause related to my emails sent to the French embassy in which I asked for help on cyber espionage, lack of work since 2013 (Rejection of the dependent labor market), and exclusion from independent work due to police persecution and continued despite the closure of my business In addition, due to pressure from police harassment since 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and before the refusal of the instances in the judicial power, and in rejection of the Habrás Corpus in April 2022, in the emails I asked the French Embassy to kill the Argentines .

They say that the emails were sent by the French Embassy to the Cybercrime section of the Federal Police, and that through the Lomas Zamora Prosecutor's Office, the charge of public intimidation against me was requested.

In addition to some Tweets in which he sent to kill the Argentines.

Clarify the inquiry of Public Intimidation is incorrect from a legal point of view because there is no crime in my emails. They are private emails sent to a government institution, and also I do not have the authority for an embassy to act against the Argentines, that can be done by a President and the National Congress, a matter of political diplomacy.

Public intimidation is another concept that has not to do with the case. What to do with the facts, sometimes rival freedom of expression, of protest. Absolutely, that does not match the facts.

On the other hand, the Tweet about killing Argentines directly Twitter blocks me for a while and is deleted. That tweet that the prosecutor didn't show me was deleted. Both Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn are self-regulated under rules, and if I cross the line, they quickly block me, that's why I have several Twitter accounts. Also, on Facebook, they can not only block accounts for written posts but also for verbalizing them in videos.

It was clarified that my reactions are mostly due to pressure from street police persecution, demonstrated before live cameras, videos, and photos with date and time. Persecution since 2018 followed by 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023. There is economic damage for my independent business.

In addition to the lack of work, the rejection since 2013, regarding dependent work.

As you can see, my rights were violated, and I cannot forgive them.

In addition, there is cyberespionage and I said that it is a global problem, that Argentina cannot control it except through education. I don't hack, I don't read other people's WhatsApp, I don't cyberspy however, young neighbors do it, the same policemen, among others,

The cause is in bad faith, my cause that is in the Council of the Magistracy is superior.

So, both the Federal Cybercrime Police together with the Prosecutor's Office denounce me in a psychopathic way, with dissociation, narcissism, who does not admit guilt and seeks a victim to submit to.

Below is another email. And they sends me to the Forensic Corps of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, attacking my mental health. It's crazy what they do. Of course, I rejected it.

It is too much pain that Argentines have caused me since 2013, when the word "Grieta" began to circulate, the year of my last job in a dependency relationship, and the year in which I graduated from the University. Persecution under the "Synchronizing in time" modality since 2018.

It's a nightmare. Emotional and psychological abuse, as in a "cold war" that includes power cuts at times, and that affects physically through cervical pain, economic damage at work, and university academic damage. Violations of my elementary rights,"

The process was really aweful. Already published on the social media about the persecution of the police against Nicolas, so many claims at Justice System about it, the Office of Prosecutor sent two police officers to Nicolas:house for the first legal notice. Adding events to the traumatic mental health of Nicolas. 
And later Nicolas was sent to the Morgue located in Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires that Nicolas rejected. 

The case is also at the Judiciary Magistrature (council of the magistracy) due to such horrible process. 
Reminds also when a Banfield (location) court requested a socio-environmental report and a woman went to Nicolas's house and was attended at the gate. She cared more about talking to his sisters than with Nicolas. The connotation of the questions tended towards feminism and made Nicolas appear disabled and unable to fend for himself.

In Buenos Province the Justice System is obsessed Nicolas to find a lawyer. And the last event accusing Nicolas obeyed him to find one that finally was provided by the own Prosecutor' Office for his defense. 
For All claims against the Police and claiming for a dependent job, Nicolás acted in his own right, going through all the judicial instances in the judicial system until he reached the Supreme Court of Justice.

What the police and the Prosecutor Office did hurts Nicolas Sourivongxay 'reputation. Adding intimidation provoked by the police 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023. In that letter sent to the Supreme Court, Nicolas says what they did was lmade in bad faith to push Nicolas to commit suicide. 

So, here we found another coincidence related to the case of Cristina Kirchner trial. 

5) Questions
Is it a revenge of Peronistas related to the current government that is losing the surveys of presidential election?was Nicolas a Target? 
Is it manipulation of Peronistas and Left party to make Nicolas feels what Cristina Kirchner passed at her trials? 

Is it a revenge of some judges at Justice system for the Nicolas claim at the Supreme Court affecting them due to the bad performance of the judges and prosecutors? 

Federico Villena, the judge who forged ties with all governments and who suffered his hardest setback:

Is it the opposition, like political parties of Mauricio Macri or Radicales, liiberals against Nicolas thinking Nicolas is kirchnerista? 

"...ese chico era intocable..."

Is the police institution no admitting their errors like psychopath and nationalism related to Nicolas 'case? 

The attack was from the Police Cybersecurity Office in combination with Prosecutor's Office. 

6) Who is really Nicolas? 
Nicolas career was made in different way  contrary to his father. Nicolas career was made in private sector: 

It feels like an orthodox therapy conversion. Against Nicolas' will. How important is the will..To respect the will. 

Nicolas doesn't like crowded places
Nicolas is not Nationalist. 
Nicolas speaks and writes in English
Nicolas is not feminist
Nicolas doesn't like cumbia or reggaeton. 
Nicolas doesn't cyberspy, doesn't hack, doesn't like Cyberespionage. 
Nicolas doesn't like overprotection when it breaks his private and civil rights. 
Nicolas was a Golden Child and his Portfolio/Resume shows that. 
Those who commit crimes are free, who do illegal Cyberespionage, who consume drugs on the streets, are free with complicity of the police. The police do illegal cyberespionage, they do harassment against Nicolas. 
Nicolas is not free, but criminals are free. 
Nicolas is still finding a dependant job since 2013, while workers have been getting high salaries since then. 
Many of Nicolas Sourivongxay's rights have been violated and not even the legal system recognizes it

Ethnic Justice 

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