Wednesday, September 28, 2022

The odds to belong to the establishment

One of the phrases of Nicolas Sourivongxay is, "When I see everything upside down I feel anguish, I should be upstairs and they downstairs, I'm downstairs but they upstairs, how unfair when I complied in good law. Prisoner of them, powerless to climb. It's a kidnapping". 

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He quit his last job as a dependent in labour market in September 2013 so he got his precious degree at the University in December 2013. After that nobody hired him, the presidencial transition from Cristina Kirchner (Centre-left party) to Mauricio Macri (Centre-right party) was starting, the revolution on the internet of social medias and start ups was climbing the level in the market affecting all societies in the world. Ideologies in the middle, theories and experiments. The peronistas were fighting for the democratization of justice and later they approved a congress resolution of double compensation for workers if they got fired in the labour market, they also were desperated in recruiting people to get into the police force. 


Nicolas reached a decade of exclusion and economic disadvantage through humilliation in September 2022. And he is still finding a job as we all know what happened with his little store NSComex (police persecution, excess of cyberespionage, and lower income), and Yooloper (destroyed by the INPI -National Institute of Intellectual Property- and Topper from Alpargatas). 

About the secret society, there are many excuses invented by the people to exclude Nicolas Sourivongxay from the labout market to ruin his life: 

As it was writen before, in the last article, pointing at Nicolas as a drug consumer, most of them come from young men and poor people.

Excuses about mental health can come from everyone no matter the economic level in the system. Sometimes mental illnesses are used to exclude people in the system such as schizophrenia when, in fact, people really bother Nicolas; Bipolar when people ruin your day, you are sad because you are human with feelings, but not controlling your feelings in the society makes you weak, so evil people take that excuse to exclude Nicolas. 

Some women tried to target Nicolas as a person with disability, so he can't get a job. Other say, he has Asperger, even it is not well defined in the society what really Asperger is including professionals in psychology still have confusion. So, because of Nicolas trying to defend himself from attacks, people say he has Asperger. 

About Management of pressure. Nicolas was warning on social media about reaching the levels of pressure due to police persecution on the streets, even so, they ignored him, so he sent emails asking other authorities and important organizations to kill them in his defense. 

Empathy is not easy to get by Nicolas Sourivongxay. He has been dealing with his problems for 10 years and that obeyed him to look back in his life by sharing his story since childhood times. A person that had to be included in the system but people reminded him about his ethnic traits in everywhere, sometimes inside, sometimes outside. And the peculiar thing to point out is that not educated children sometimes remark that sporadically in generational matter.

One crazy thing about this, is the comparison that famous people do excusing themselves thinking of Nicolas life as similar as theirs. And this is another thing people crazy for the media say 'porque sos famoso', considering the person as a product/object but not as a person subject of rights and as it was seen in the field, some policemen looses in the game as well. 

The immigration problem is an historical issue affecting all the countries in the whole world, so it is beyond the famous people problems, specially when the famous person living in America Continent has near blood european decendancy. 

Let's remember the real persecution from the Police with the methodology called by Nicolas as 'Synchonizing in time" began in 2018 when Nicolas uploaded a video on Youtube telling the public he noted police cars persecuting the bus he took while getting to Boulevard Shopping in Adrogue, Buenos Aires Province to get his bracelet for the Youth Olympic Games on August 30th, 2018 that was planned to take place in Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires in that year. Nicolas re-uploaded the video on Youtube on October 10th, 2018. 

Link related:

Nicolas Sourivongxay is still giving so much for free, and if not, it is stolen by the people by cyberespionage. 
With regard to Ethnic Justice, this is a must watched movie about a person who was discriminated by his race, so he has to give much to belong to the establishment

Men of Honor (2000)
Cuba Gooding Jr., Robert De Niro, Charlize Theron

Ethnic Justice

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