Saturday, October 1, 2022

Ethnic Status Difference and Economic War

On television, when Nicolas made a claim about racial discrimination, he remembered a tv presenter pointing out the acceptance of immigrants coming from Venezuela, and that's true they got jobs in Argentina because Nicolas visited stores in Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires and in Buenos Aires province. 

The current President of Argentina, Alberto Fernandez said, "The Mexicans came from the Indians, the Brazilians came from the jungle, but we Argentines came from the ships. And they were ships that came from Europe"

Link related:

The thing is that coming from aborigen family or from europe, they are more in America Continent and more acceptable in terms of race.

It's not a surprise that in the United States of America, the affirmative action was/are being applied at universities to guarantee a percentage of racial diversity. 

However, what's the difference of Nicolas Sourivongxay's social status and the other asian immigrants?

The answer is simple. Chinese people came to Argentina as immigrant status to get maybe nationalization in the country, and they created their jobs like supermarkets, dry cleaner's, restaurants, and others. In the case of refugees, they came from wars or other kind of severe conflicts in the origin country. A refugee status triggers the statements Nicolas has experienced in life, not only nationalism issues but also the stigma of public sector vs private sector. A refugee that was helped by the government gets stigma, and including inside public sector when it turns nationalist. 

The bad acts of argentinians lead to the stigma of Refugee+Immigration. Nicolas is not a refugee because he was born in Buenos Aires, even so, he carried the stigmas since he was a child, and his parents are not from China, Japan or Korea but from other countries in Asia.

That's why Nicolas posted on his Linkedin Profile like this:

Why to clarify this now? because of the intention of police officers in letting Nicolas understand it's not about racial discrimination. In the last police persecution and harassment, Nicolas was going to get into in the Chinese Neighborhood in Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires, but police officers with motos were waiting for him at the entrance trying to show sympathy for chinese people, so Nicolas turned right on the street by purpose and when he came back to the entrance, the police officers had gone. 

Check blog on September 29th, 2022:

As it was said before, about chinese people, in addition to that, they also creates strong communities like the chinese neighborhood. 

During the pandemic due to Covid-19 that according to some people the outbreak started in Wuhan, China, even there was confussion on the press saying that the virus started in Italy or in other places before. Diiscrimination of asian people during 2020 was relevant. And there was also a weird campaign against chinese supermarkets. Supermarkets were vital, essencials for people during pandemic, so they were full of people, even so the press showed chinese supermarkets as declining and some of them, really were closing their doors due to the discredit of the press in economic war.

March 2020 at the begining of the restrictive quarantine in Argentina: Link:
Let's remember what happened with Nicolas in 2020 related to racial discrimination in Argentina due to Coronavirus and Police persecution: 

And let's remember his exclusion from University as well as power outages, interrruptions of internet connections, and cyberespionage to take advantage of him (to use him). persecution:

As it was said in this blog 'ACTIONS SHOULD SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS'. Argentinians denied the true, they cover the true, like people covering crimes. Imagine someone covering and cleaning the evidence of a murder or leaving the victim he/she crushed with his/her car.  

Nicolas Sourivongxay is victim of social experiments and politics ideology. 

Nicolas is still finding a job, but will he get really a job? Indenpendently, he can't due to police persecution, and he has cyberespinage if he worked at home remotly. Dependently, the police persecution and the persecution from the cars of the municipality of Esteban Echeverria, or other forces pretenting to follow Nicolas by purpose of harassment would affect the performance of Nicolas in his job, and would he arrive at the workplace? Nicolas never called 911 on the streets. Is that really security or harassment to incitement to commite suicide?

About the house, this is another point to clarify. The place was a forest in the past, and his family got legal papers for that as his neighbors also did. Why is the stigma focused on Nicolas family but not to be focused on his argentinian neighbors? How do you think his neighbors got their houses? 

Nicolas wrote this tale published on his book 'Cuentos de la Nueva Generacion', 2018 @Copyrights.

"The House"

Once upon a time there was a boy who was raised on the outskirts of a community, his origin nobody knew but the townspeople nicknamed him with two possible adjectives of nationality. His way of expressing himself was different, his voice sounded like a woman's.

They noticed him and laughed at him and that intonation made him stand out from the rest of the children in his age, made it more conspicuous to be the discharge object.

The boy was an artist, his passion was painting and writing, he learned to develop that with few resources abroad, however, his mother, a poor peasant very hardworking, supported and encouraged him to fulfill his dreams. That child did not told his mother what was happening to him, it was embarrassing to tell her that, and he preferred to keep it or bury it inside his heart so no one would know.

He was walking down the street, very correct and polite, while he was running errands, he had to achieve his goal, that was the most important thing, what happened around him did not matter and shouldn't react or the situation would get worse, most of them were men and a few women accompanying him on his way.

Arriving home, the boy exhaled and took off his armor, began to run through the rooms of his house looking for his mother to deliver what he had bought.

Minutes later, the mother was cooking while the child sat at the table drawing. Suddenly, a sharp blow was heared. The mother told her son not to worry about because they were just stones that sometimes the children of the neighborhood threw on the roof to have fun. Later, another stone was felt but it was very big and that sound had touched the heart of the mother then she grabbed a rolling pin and went to the opposite window and saw there was a crowd of neighbors gathered in the street, some were acquaintances of the mother, she and he used to chat with them. The mother left her house and the neighbors reclaimed her land, that land that was legally granted to that mother and that child. They wanted her and her son to leave but the mother, like a lioness protecting her child, with that rolling pin began to fight against all the neighbors. She grabbed a neighbor by the hair and threw her to the ground, then a man came up and she hit him in the back with that rolling pin. Soon it was heard the siren of a police patrol car and the crowd of neighbors began to dissipate little by little, only the leaders remain. The mother had to show legal papers to a police officer, it was then that the neighborhood leaders apologized to her, in front of that policemen, that desperate mother.

An hour later, the mother entered the house and ran to hug her son so strongly, with all her heart opened towards him. That child, so fragile and innocent and so talented but with so little success with the crowd.

Time healed the wounds even if the memories were not erased. That child became a young man and then into an adult and although those around him continued telling him words in the air from time to time, it wasn't as violent as before and the words bounced back like it was nothing. 

Mother and son, fighters of life, constantly thanked God and cried out to Him saying:

`Forgive those who offend us and lead us not into temptation. Amen`

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Ethnic Justice

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