Monday, October 3, 2022

The Target

The behaviour of pointing at Nicolas Sourivongxay as a thief or like someone who commited a crime is not new in the behaviour of Argentinians. 

Nicolas remembers one event that occured when he was a teenager at his end-of-year trip in 2001. He went to Bariloche, Rio Negro Province, Argentina with a group of companions as a traditional trip for those students who ended up secondary school in public sector. 
On the road inside the bus, Nicolas got sick due to the smoke of cigarretes that his companions were smoking.  That trip was a kind of liberation for them, some of them were rebels. In some parties, they got drunk so much and some women appeared naked on the stage at discos.  

Nicolas used to wear a big jacket even he was a small teenager. One day, still sick with bags under his eyes, inside the hotel, a police woman accompanied with young boys lowered down the zipper of Nicolas's Jacket without his permision. She found nothing, so she raised up the zipper back. Nicolas was so innocent, he said nothing but when he got older, he remembered that day.

In public secondary school, the winners were not the silent obedient students, but the students who spoke louder and expressed their opinions. Having an opinion and speaking louder, that made them stronger.

Why to put Nicolas at the level of rebels or potential criminals? Why are security officers still suspecting of Nicolas during 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 finding nothing to criminalizing him? Is it only because Nicolas doesn't have a job? Why of the obsession with Nicolas? The answer is politics and the target. 

During the restrictive quarantine, neighbours went to supermarkets to check if Nicolas paid or not. At the pharma, close to the Monte Grande City Square, a man near to the cashier got stared at Nicolas while Nicolas was paying for his medicine. Also outside the restaurants he used to go to have a coffee when the restrictions allowed it, some men were waiting for him outside. 
Nicolas said that on his streaming live videos on Youtube, on Meta, and also writing on Twitter. Were they doing that to help Nicolas in case Nicolas couldn't pay for the things at the stores? Nicolas never unpaid things in stores.

Let's do a sum of events: 

Nicolas never unpaid things in the stores since 2020 when neighbors started to check if Nicolas paid or not


People checked if Nicolas paid or not at the stores 


Police persecution


Most of them are people from medium class and low class


Other young people smoke marihuana, drink alcohol and other substances


People/Authorities cyberspying Nicolas


When Nicolas goes out of his house the police and the cars of the municipality rapidly appear


Those who do harassment at the walkside of  Nicolas' house are just young men but the police and the cars of the municipality don't respond, even when those young people do parties with music loud late at nights, even when they smoke weeds on the streets. They are free, but not Nicolas. They don't recieve harassment but Nicolas does. 


Rich people didn't give him a job, they used Nicolas to get money, power, or fame and they think of Nicolas as a promising man while he is getting pain in the field.


People had bad intentions and targeted Nicolas including to target him as thief to hurt him by putting him at the level of a thief or to subject him at any other criminal issue. They don't want Nicolas to continue growing up in the system economically, resentment, ignorance, politics, that's targeting, that's nationalism. 

The first male baby born, asian traits, not a refugee status but the consequences triggered from that refugee status as it is said before, public sector vs private sector. Refugges were helped by public sector so they get rejection from private sector, but in public sector there is also nationalism. In terms of economic level in the system, poors get in jealous, medium class get frustrated dreams and resentment, and riches remain sometimes absent with ego and superiority thinking of Nicolas as a charitable cause that gives them benefits by creating speculation or pressuming however, Nicolas never grows up economically.  And once the people learned how to cyberspy, they turn to abuse. 

September 2013 and September 2022, a decade finding a dependent job because in dependency, Nicolas would get more money than independently. 


Ethnic Justice

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