Sunday, October 2, 2022

Revealing Modern Slavery in 21st Century

How can Nicolas deal with his mental health and the pressure he recieves everyday? When words are just words but actions are considered invisible in order to cover the true?. Actions should speak louder than words. Only because someone hears someone else speaking louder, that doesn't mean he/she has the true because actions are more important.

Since September 2013 until September 2022, Nicolas Sourivongxay reached ten years of exclusion and misfortune in the labor market. 

As it is said before on the article:

Nicolas quit his last job as a dependent in labour market in September 2013 so he got his precious degree at the University in December 2013. After that nobody hired him, the presidencial transition from Cristina Kirchner (Centre-left party) to Mauricio Macri (Centre-right party) was starting, the revolution on the internet of social medias and start ups was climbing the level in the market affecting all societies in the world. Ideologies in the middle, theories and experiments. The peronistas were fighting for the democratization of justice and later they approved a congress resolution of double compensation for workers if they got fired in the labour market, they also were desperated in recruiting people to get into the police force.

The double compensation was like a barrier to protect workers, but also to avoid new people to get in. As we know, group of workers create their own rules in a company, and they push out companions they don't like in the group, like a comunist group. In a company, you have the side of the worker , and by the other hand,  the side of the owner of the company.

Nicolas created a blog expressing his opinion about democratization of justice- that he deleted that forever months later- because the president Cristina Kirchner encouraged citizens to do that in universities, in everywhere. Nicolas said he was against the democratization of justice defending the three separated powers in the system (Presidency, Congress, Justice)

Unfortunatly, Nicolas got into a political game, and what Topper(Alpargatas) did against Yooloper pushing Nicolas out of the market was the perfect example to point out concerning this ideology. Nicolas fought as he could legally, but there was not help at all in Justice system. Was this an experiment of Peronistas?

'After all is said and done. I have problems. The major error in the system is when you get poor. It's not easy to find justice according to justice system. With lack of money, justice is just a priviledge for those ones who have enough money to claim.' Nicolas Sourivongxay

He continued claiming before the Court. In addition, about police persecution, Justice didn't work at all. Justice doesn't exist at all for Nicolas, but for other people with so much money, relevant people or with privileges, justice exists.

Nicolas recieves many attacks from argentinian institutions or organizations. Nicolas was just one boy against Topper(Alpargatas), against the Universities, against security institutions, against other entreprises and institutions, against political parties, and so on. Why do people think Nicolas is allowed to defend himself from those attacks? Nicolas has no defense, and all the attacks during these last ten years were for free. The law are words, just words and Nicolas learned only the idea and to fight into a fantasy life in which some actions are real but not words. 

The use of the police in politics is bad when the institution uses just one boy as a target because they violate individual rights and police officers forget or never learned that a civil person walking on the street is a person subject of rights, that person has rights which protect him/her from abuses including in a fantasy sphere. In Argentina, the person representing the police for peronistas for Cristina Kirchner and Alberto Fernandez is Sergio Berni and Anibal Fernandez (centre-left), and the man representing the police opponent is Cristian Ritondo for Mauricio Macri (centre- right).

The transition of the presidency of Cristina Kirchner to Mauricio Macri around and in 2015 coincided with the revolution on the internet about social media and start ups, and Nicolas was the key as a politician called him, "the key", to put him the responsability of his actions and no matter what the consequences for the country and beyond the limits. The key who had to create his own job. The ideology of slave or entrepreneur. The idea of closing the mind or opening the mind. The idea of to be punished or to be a punisher. 

The idea of punishment is relative because when Nicolas went to school and universities, Nicolas never felt like he was being punished, maybe with the quantity of homework like it was already proved during the restrictive quarantine Covid-19, but if he followed the rules he didn't feel the punishment but only those ones who didn't study felt like punished, those who had bad behaviour. 

At work when he worked at private companies since 2008 until 2013, most of the time he never felt punishment at work, maybe a little bit due to the quantity of tasks for him. 

On social media, Nicolas Sourivongxay said something about experiments that set his mind before entering the labor market and for leaving the labour market of dependent jobs. 

The first experiment occured in 2006, 2007 and at the beginninng of 2008. Nicolas met someone, a bad relationship who treated him bad. That person controlled him, pushed him to put his head down, the game of slave and master, that person told him things coming up in his life after ending up that relationship. That person was from Rada Tilly, a city years later promoted by the argentinian news channel C5N. That person told him to be an accountant not to study International Trade, and that person liked comunists. The favourite book of that person was "Enfermos de Poder". And one day, that person hit Nicolas head with keys until Nicolas got blood. The relationship ended up in 2008 and 2009 with the help of a psychologist, so Nicolas replaced that person by joining a group of people who played Hockey and that worked. 

Nicolas Sourivongxay got his first formal job in labor market in 2008.


In 2013, Nicolas took the second experiment, a course called "The art of living" , there were games with implicit messages and Nicolas realized of that but he said nothing. He never thought some of thoise games were going to be applied in the field in real life. Those games set his mind and pushed him out from the market, too. 

On the media, in 2013 as well, for one reason or another, the mind of Nicolas connected the indirect message of the brain surgery of the president Cristina Kirchner with the hit he recieved with the keys to remember what that person had taught him, to put his head down, to shut his mouth.

Link Related:

About slavery, during that period of time, there were people appeaing in the news. 

November 2012, 2013...:


BSDM is used to convince people to change their mind in ideology, it's also used in politics. Master or slave.

The point of view of Nicolas has nothing to do with that. He believes in contracts respecting the will of the people. There are jobs that requires managing people and jobs that requires to be obedient, even so, they are people subject of rights. It's no necessary experiments to get into the labour market or to leave the dependent job market. There are roles to play by agreement but not by force. 

A person should be encouraged to be the best in what he/she does, not to push down the person by force with violence. 

To be a slave or to be a master, slave or to be the owner of an enterprise, to be punished or to punish. freedom or prisioner, What's that ideology in the sociey? Why? The most important thing is the will of the person and the agreement between the parties without wrapping the person before to determine his/her decision, without the submission by force. 

The Media

In 2013, 2014, 2015, the media sent indirect messages to Nicolas. The media can do that on TV machines and not necessary through smart tv's. Nicolas remember he had not a smart tv, just a small tv machine of 14 inches in that time.

Link Related:

"Taking care"/"Cuidar"

This doesn't mean Nicolas is stupid, he has his will. The system is challenging and he needs to take risks to make progress in life. 

What does "taking care"/"Cuidar" mean for you? destroying the businesses of Nicolas like NSComex, Yooloper, Nina Andromeda Galaxy Milkyway? Cyberespionage to protect or to cybersteal from Nicolas taking advantage of him?  Not to show himself on social media anymore? Not to study at university anymore? Not to go to work at enterprises anymore? Not to go out of his house anymore? What kind of society are you creating for Nicolas Sourivongxay? Not to talk to anyone? Not to have relationships, no friends? Not to touch? Not to breathe?

Modern Slavery in Argentina:

Modern Slavery United Nations:

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