Sunday, November 13, 2022


It was heared from the population in Buenos Aires, another stigma from the people with kind of resentment, envy, and more. It is sometimes connected to racial discrimination + refugee cause in order to push Nicolas Sourivongxay out of the system or in order to inferiorize him, and it has to do with AGE. 

As it was said by Nicolas, there are many ways to exclude someone from the system, sometimes associated to race, sexual orientation, physical condition, influences, or mental health. People can invent fake stigmas like bipolar, schizophrenia, cronic depression, madness, drug addict, among others. All of them belong to the set of stigmas awarded to Nicolas while he defended himself with evidence against the evil people who shared those rumors. 

We live in American Continent and the main influence comes from the European Continent due to history connection. What argentinians are not acknowledged from Asia Continent is that there are a lot of asian people aging more slowly. They look young but they are adults, they work for companies and organizations but they look young, some of them like toys. 

When Nicolas was 28 years old, a ticket seller of a dance club in Argentina asked him for his ID to check if he was minor or not. Nicolas was born on January 13th, 1984.

Nicolas Sourivongxay, photo 2021/2022 for United Nations Global Compact for Business.

And there is a scientific explanation about why some asians often look younger than their true age, why some asians age slowly. 

According to Jennifer Hu, a scientist who works for , says: 
  • Melanin protects against skin photoaging (wrinkles and discoloration).
  • Face structure is simply different — the way the soft tissue sinks and sags will not look the same in an Asian face, and if you’re not looking for the right things, you’ll miss them.
  • East and Southeast Asian skin tends to photoage by developing colored spots rather than wrinkling. Again, your internal age-detecting algorithm might simply ignore those cues because it’s used to judging white people.
  • In non-East Asians, low brow ridge, low nose bridge, and epicanthic folds are lost in adulthood, so they are considered youthful or childlike. In East Asians those are just normal face features.
  • Male pattern baldness is much more prevalent in Europeans and Mediterraneans.
  • Asians more actively shield themselves from the sun due to different beauty standards and societal expectations.

Asian skin has a thicker dermis than white skin, meaning it contains more collagen. To know more about skin race, asian people, black people, hispanic/latino/latina, read these articles:  

Nicolas Sourivongxay 2020 for United Nations 75th Anniversary

Even so, it's true that Nicolas was born different than his sisters. Nicolas speaks different, he was the only one with a College degree in his family, and he ages slower.


Being young doesn't mean he can't get illnesess.  His father got Ischemic Stroke in april 2019 and the damage is irreversible, his mother got Hemorrhagic stroke in november 2019 so she passed away. 
One of the causes of Stroke is personal or family history of stroke, heart attack or transient ischemic attack. 

Nowadays, there are studies about the rise in stroke cases among young adults 

Case of Stroke in Argentina,  26 years old

Case of Stroe in the USA, 35 years old

Cases of Stroke in Argentina affecting children and young people

Case of Stroke in The USA at 16 years old

Nicolas fights as he can to keep the equilibrium of his mental health in Buenos Aires. Nicolas says that if he was an old man, he couldn't resist it, that means that if Nicolas got old, he would die due to this kind of illness because of the pressure of argentinians against him and his frustrations in life. 


As we all know, Nicolas continues studying so much and that's unfair in the system. Too much studies and less experience with unfair income.


Courses completed with certificates issued:
Total Certificates: 241
+LatinAmerica & Caribbean (International Banks, Colombia, and Argentina) 77
+Mexico 65
+ASIA (Japan,ASEAN) 30
+The United States of America 20
+United Kingdom 19
+Oceania (Australia & New Zealand) 7
+India 4
+United Nations 2
+Egypt 1

And of course, he has more studies and certificates before March 2020 that shapes his full resume. 

Nicolas took courses from institutions woldwide and that certificate 'Diploma in Development of Digital Learning Strategies' was well awarded to Nicolas by the foundation of the mexican billionaire Carlos Slim. Different methodologies of learning, evaluations types. And he knows their intentions, sometimes the student fails the exam, but sometimes the professor is at fault. In the last case, some organizations make bad questions in exams because they are, in fact, selling other courses, other organizations make bad questions for showing superiority. Even so, most of the evaluations on the internet courses worldwide were made correctly with precision. 

And of course, Nicolas learned a lot of things on the internet, and his main purpose has been to get a job. And it was like that from the beginning more than being a collector of worldwide certificates. And he learns based on many types of ideologies, and he is not stupid, he is a worldwide thinker. 

Sometimes Nicolas must play a role in the system for a job, for the money, to survive. Sometimes, other make decisions for him ruining his life.

Let's remember what happened to Nicolas in this article: When education is not enough
And in this article: Manipulation & Ethics 


Finally, let's enjoy the moment with music by Pop Tops 'Oh Lord, Why Lord'. Pay attention to the lyrics. 

Ethnic Justice 

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