Wednesday, November 9, 2022


Let's analyse the behaviour of people in the system. Manipulation of the body, mind, and the deal with ETHICS. 

Manipulation: to control or influence someone often in a dishonest way so that they do not realize it.

Oxford Dictionary:

Ethics: the study of what is morally right and wrong, or a set of beliefs about what is morally right and wrong.

Cambridge Dictionary:

Will: the ability to control your thoughts and actions in order to achieve what you want to do; a strong and determined desire to do something that you want to do

Oxford Dictionary:

1) To be honest, Nicolas Sourivongxay is really different from those who follow him. It's been like this since he was a child. An introvert kid in silence, not too much words. At school, the rebel jokers paid the attention of the class, made laugh, and they received punishment due to their behaviours. 

Nicolas was obedient including at a job in private sector. One of his bosses had a kind of intention of pushing Nicolas to reaction to go against him. Why? To dare Nicolas to give more?

Was it manipulation?

2) Another case is when Nicolas created Yooloper destroyed by Topper around 2018. Nicolas fought for justice when he realized that he had no enough money to get into the justice system, so he created one of his memorable phrases : 

'After all is said and done. I have problems. The major error in the system is when you get poor. It's not easy to find justice according to justice system. With lack of money, justice is just a priviledge for those ones who have enough money to claim.' Nicolas Sourivongxay


In 2013, Nicolas expressed himself on social media saying he was against the Democratization of Justice System. Seems like the word of Nicolas was important for some people. The President Cristina Kirchner encouraged all citizens to speak out to share their words at universities, at squares, in everywhere. Meanwhile, that "Grieta" was running in the system. The population didn't respect each other for having their own opinions.

In 2015, the kirchneristas lost their power, so Mauricio Macri was elected as President 

The question is, putting Yooloper out of the market and putting Nicolas to fight in justice system utopically, the merely action, was it manipulation?


3) Nicolas quit his last job in September 2013 and he got his College degree in December 2013, however he was chosen by the argentinian population to push him to create his own job. 

Was it manipulation against his will? 

4) The process of humilliation such as higher income as argentinian employees against the miserable income Nicolas got from his little store 'NSComex'' by helping children and young people to study, in music no Likes, no people in shows, and finally in Books, just a few sellings. 


Has it been manipulation? For What?

5) In meritocracy, this is what Nicolas did as he could with lack of money. As we all know, money gives more opportunities, to study in better universities, to invest, money gives freedom in this term. 

There are many people not only women but also men- employees or money makers - working and making a lot of money. Beginners in one side and people permanentely working in the system with a lot of years in the market in the another side. Nicolas has been out of the dependent labour market for ten years, a decade, and independently at NSComex, just for almost three years in the market with low income, lower income than those who received Government Economic Social Assistance
Has it been manipulation?

Continuing with meritocracy, Nicolas is the only one in his neighborhood with a degree in International Trade. The 99% of people just got primary school diploma or not, secondary school diploma, some courses, and most of them are working. Why not Nicolas?

6) Nicolas in action in the field knowing he was the first one working with a Government organization in a process because their behaviour betrayed themselves, at the final Nicolas arrived the office waiting for the final inspection, suddenly a woman appeared in the building minutes later with the same process. The inspector called her first before Nicolas. 

Was it manipulation?

7) In his family, women got more advantage in money than Nicolas. Some sucessfull business ideas came from Nicolas. 

Has it been manipulation?

8) The outages with intention by second, minutes and hours, the cutting of internet connections by the internet provider 'Telecentro' against the will of Nicolas, the harassment/Persecution of Secutiry forces against Nicolas on the streets. For many reasons, to give more, to stop the quarantine-pandemic, to go against the government, to go against the private companies, to go to trial, to pay less money in services, political parties orientation, ideology orientation, among other interests. 

Has it been manipulation? 

9) In the transition of the presidency of Cristina Kirchner to Mauricio Macri in 2015, the revolution of social medias, start ups was happening. Nicolas got into social media, while the people in the system got economic benefit from him, they took ideas by cyberespionage, by learning from him behind his back. How Nicolas interacted on the internet? that was/is interesting for them.

Nicolas got 241 E-certificates from worldwide since the last Pandemic March 2020, even so, Nicolas didn't get a dependent job yet. 

Has it been manipulation? 

10) The psychological experiments already said in previous articles in this blog. The hit of Nicolas' head with keys in 2006, 2007 so, the ticket entrance to the dependent labour market, and the opposite experiment to set Nicolas mind, the games of the 'The Art of Living' to leave private sector dependent labour market taking effect in the transition of Cristina Kirchner to Mauricio Macri around 2015 until these days. 

Let's watch some manipulations while thinking about ethics in every society.

Milgram experiment, in 1961 at Yale University, where Stanley Milgram studied obedience to authority

Let's remember the Stanford Prison Experiment, a psychological experiment conducted in the summer of 1971 to study behaviours at Stanford University.

The Third Wave experiment involved the use of authoritarian dynamics similar to Nazi Party methods of mass control in a classroom setting by high school teacher Ron Jones in Palo Alto, California in 1967

Ethnic Justice 

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