Friday, March 24, 2023

History of some political systems

The ideology of left-centre-right in Argentina remembers some sad stories in other countries

1) Laos
Laos used to be protected by the French government but they lost control when the japanese people interviened, later there were three factions: Conservatives (Pro-American allies and Laos monarchy), neutralists, and Communists. 
In order to stop the civil war, Laos became the country most bombarded in history of the world by the United States of America. 

Finally, the communists won the war, Pathet Lao. Communists allies are Cuba, Venezuela, China.

The current King of Laos lives exiled in France and the name is similar to Nicolas' last name. The king is called Soulivong Savang, and the surname of Nicolas is Sourivongxay due to the mix with Thailand. 

In communist system Justice System is interviened by the communist government, including telecomunication, that is, TV, Radio, Internet. The security Force is used for political purpose. 

In the case of Thailand, the Kingdom was an ally pro American, but it was not colonized by the British, the USA, or by the French.

In this blog, it was compared workers with communists, or with some Peronistas or left party who are for employees. So seems like employees won the war by pushing out the owner of the company, and finally the employees took control of the company by saying "It's a recovered company or like the argentinians say 'Es una empresa recuperada''". 

The current government of Argentina (President Alberto Fernández) is peronista for employees, mostly for employees in public sector and allies in private sector. 

In 2022: Due to the economic situation from pandemic and nationalism 22 International companies left Argentina territory:

In 2023: Due to the uncalmed and not easy behavior of argentinians who make complain about economic situation and all the bad consequences it triggers, the untrusted work of the police, argentinians sent militars to the capital city of one of it's Provinces, Rosario-Santa Fe:

In 2023: In Buenos Aires Province, the governor who blocked Nicolas on Twitter, asked for another force to be in charge of the security in the province:

2) The United States of America
In times when the country was divided in two, the north was known as Free States against the south called Slave States. The civil war ended up when the Slave states were included as Free States, so Abraham Lincoln ended Slavery. 

There was a bi-nation ideology. Nowadays, there is a political dispute by national elections between two most predominant political parties Democrats vs Republicans. 

In Argentina, the word 'Grieta' started in 2013 during the presidential transition of Cristina Kirchner to Mauricio Macri in 2015. Kirchneristas vs Pro. The left party sometimes are for Kirchneristas (centre-left) but sometimes against. The transition triggered the behavior of the police to calm almost a light civil war in that time. Police officers everywhere with horns, some of them with tendency to abuse of power, specially against young people. In 2018, they started to persecute Nicolas. Later, the pandemic performance. 

Nowadays Nicolas is fighting at Justice system to stop police harassment against him arguing abuse. Read here:

Coming back to the point of to be an employee or not. There's a law against discrimination concerning political ideology at work, and it is a human right. If Nicolas asks for a job, it doesn't mean he is communist, maybe he is conservative or neutralist. Of course, communists workers create their own rules and they decide who to reject or who to include, some of them with the thought "They come to take our jobs" about immigrantss, refugees, or immigrants; and refugees already nationalized argentinians; or sons of immigrants born in Argentina or sons of Refugees born in Argentina. 

Also owners of companies are decision makers. 

Ethnic Justice 

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