Friday, October 20, 2023

Justice, Bombs, Election October 2023

Some news a few days before presidential election on October 22nd, 2023.

Promoting this article, Nicolas Sourivongxay launched his original Rock music album called 'Phone Calls To Shine' in February 2023, and this one of his songs called 'Phone Calls Slow'

JUSTICE SYSTEM: Birds of a feather flock together

There was an election at the Argentine Justice System, specifically, at the Magistracy Council where Nicolas Sourivongxay sent emails making complains about the justice system because they don't apply the law by dismissing the claims of Nicolas concerning police abuse, the bad intention of the process in March 2023, among other issues. 

The new president of the Magistracy Association is Andres Basso, the same judge who condemned Cristina Kirchner for a case of corruption (Vialidad). 


Members of the justice system voted. The peculiar thing about the winner is that he belongs to the justice political party 'Lista Bordó', the same justice political party of the controversial and famous judge Federico Hernán Villena who judged Nicolas in March 2023. 


Let's remember what's inside the prosecutor office who accused Nicolas in March 2023 that fortunately it was dismissed due to a very strong defense made by Nicolas: 

There is a dichotomy between two main political parties there. One judge in common, Federico Hernán Villena related to the case of the expensive travels of Martin Insaurralde (Mayor of Lomas de Zamora for the current government of Alberto Fernández-Cristina Kirchner) .


Marano is a lawyer of the opponent political party called Pro (Mauricio Macri), he denounced Insaurralde for his travels. Marano is defending the man who attacked Cristina Kirchner with a gun. The judge in charge to judge Insaurralde is Judge Federico Hernán Villena, the same judge who judged Nicolas in March 2023 by dismissing the claim of the Police. 

The office of the judge Federico Hernán Villena has a "friendly " relationship with Insaurralde according to the press. The ex wife of Insauralde works there.

Let's remember one car of Ministerio de Desarrollo of the Municipality of Esteban Echeverría (current government of President Alberto Fernández) interviene during the process in March 2023 by treating Nicolas in bad manner at the gate of his house.

Bomb Threats: Phone Calls To Shine

This source in politics was used for decades. 


Israel Embassy and USA Embassy received bomb threats last Wednesday and the first information came from the Police. 

October 2023 Link:

After listening to this news, it's not easy to believe in the police and the news due to the analysis of the behavior of the police and the press on this blog by creating fake news like in the movie 'Nightcrawling' . 

Let's not forget the real case of Amia bombing in 1994. 


Like 'bomb threats' at School in Tucuman Province, Argentina

August 2023. Read:

2016: Bomb Threats at schools in Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires due to the transition of the presidency of Cristina Kirchner to Mauricio Macri


2017: Schools received three thousand fake bomb Threats at schools



August 2023: Fake bomb Threats at train



October 2023. Read:


"Los oficiales evacuaron la zona del preembarque nacional, requisaron las instalaciones y volvieron a controlar a todos los pasajeros y sus pertenencias, como así también fueron inspeccionadas las aeronaves y sus bodegas, arrojando como resultado negativo ante la presencia de explosivos."

May 2023: Bomb Threat at International Airport in Ezeiza


To end up this article, let's remember the bombs at Plaza de Mayo in 1955.


Let's remember the primary election in August 2023. 


"They say: 'Don't look back or you won't progress in life'; but the sad and the harmful events are repeated". Nicolas Sourivongxay 

Ethnic Justice

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