Monday, October 16, 2023

Short Summary 2019-2023

The government of the President Alberto Fernández is probably ending in Argentina. Just six days left to the official election on October 22nd, 2023. Period of the government 2019-2023.

The democratic process of the changing of the government of Cristina Kirchner to Mauricio Macri was remarcable around 2015. There, the "grieta" started on the media, and the conflicts were relevant with a lot of complaints from the Argentine society. Police officers were all over, and their dangerous ego started to increase up. 

The police persecution against Nicolas started in 2018 with low activity. Later in 2019,. There was an effort of police officers to concentrate the abuse over just one person, over Nicolas Sourivongxay.. In 2020 year, Nicolas went on vacation alone to Mar del Plata, there were no police officers persecuting him in that time. 

In March 2020, the country closed itself due to the pandemic. During the quarantine, the police persecution increased up but Nicolas didn't get sick.  He fought as he could by sending emails to the wall, to the justice system. High level of police persecution, interceptions, harassment, and abuse during 2020, 2021 2022, and 2023 while the argentinians increased up their money with inflation. 

Saving lives during the quarantine was not  so much relevant for argentinians more than fighting for increasing up their salaries. Police officers, educators, politicians, among others, all of them fighting for high salaries.

The gap between poor people against rich people increased up notability. 

There was also a fight between public sector against private sector that increased up prices giving more benefits to the people on top. 

The creation of IFE, a kind of emergency money help for people with disadvantage was not enough because there were not policies for reduction of taxes for entrepreneurs at the beginning. That IFE only was useful to pay taxes but not for eating food. 

The abuse of educators by overwhelming students with homework while educators just work more or less two or three days a week while they were claiming for high salaries. 

Outages abuse, cutting of internet connection. Protests on the streets. Advance in abortion at the Congress by feminists during the quarantine in 2020. 

Misinformation, fake news, politics with bad intention during the quarantine. 

While Nicolas was crying out on social media due to police abuse in one hand, and by the another hand, asking for a dependent job while the rest of Argentinians in the middle and in upper class were making parties with inflation by filling their banks accounts with more money. 

The attitude of argentinians were disgusting until these last days and it continues that way. 

In the world, pandemic, Democrats won presidency in the USA with Black Lives Matter, war of Russia against Ukraine, high inflation, and war Israel against Palestine. While Nicolas used social media, and LinkedIn asking for job, and while he was sending emails to governments and Institutions worldwide for help, including to the press. Nicolas only received rejection. 

Nicolas could not get into universities due to police persecution. Many universities he dropped out. 

The governor of Buenos Aires, Axel Kicillof blocked Nicolas' Twitter accounts. 

In 2023, the police attacked Nicolas strongly in March 2023, and the justice system managed by peronistas. 

Water, Feminism, police abuse, outages, internet interruption, difficulties in access to universities, Cyberespionage, the pension of Nicolas' father, NSComex entrepreneurship against police persecution, dichotomy war between two ideologies in politics specially economic ideology, manipulation, experiments, justice system dismissing, are words and phrases defining the period of the government of President Alberto Fernández 2019-2023. The President Alberto Fernández was considered by Nicolas Sourivongxay as his personal dictator. 

Nicolas was pushed out to another country. Attempts at the US Embassy ending up in rejection. In July 2023, he asked for Asylum in Montevideo, Uruguay contacting the United Nations. Due to housing problems and the idea to share room with destitute people and homeless people, Nicolas returned to Argentina.

In August 2023 Nicolas got sick again because nothing changed in Buenos Aires.  

In September 2023 he solved a problem with the water affecting only his house.  And he complied a decade, ten years out of the depending job market  considered Ostracism. 

In October, the police still persecute, intercept, harass Nicolas on the streets. 

On Sunday, October 22nd, 2023 is the election for president in Argentina. 

Ethnic Justice

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