Thursday, September 22, 2022

What happened at Christmas and New Year's festivity in Buenos Aires 2021?

There were many events when Nicolas Sourivongxay was discriminated in Buenos Aires in two jurisdictions, Buenos Aires Province and Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires. We all know, Nicolas lives in Monte Grande, Buenos Aires Province. The scope of such police action remains to be determined since the cities involved are: Monte Grande, Canning, Luis Guillon, Ezeiza, Ezeiza International Airport, Lavallol, Temperley, Lomas de Zamora, Banfield, Lanus, Avellaneda, Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires, and Mar del Plata. 

The distance from Mar del Plata City to Monte Grande City is around 414.4 km (257 miles) via Autovia 2/RP2. 

He went to Mar del Plata twice alone. His first vacation paid with NSComex's income (his little store)  was in 2020 before the quarantine. It was the beginning of Covid-19 and the racial discrimination was focused on chinese people and the President Donald Trump was spreading the word loudly. Nicolas had to wear sunglasses on the streets to avoid some comments from young women, young men, and old women concerning that issue. Fortunately, the police didn't persecute him during his first vacation alone in that year. 

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BUT IN 2021... 

His last vacation was in there during christmas time and according to his social media, Nicolas was persecuted by the police in that place when walking on the streets and inside a Shopping Mall. Other young people were not being persecuted nonetheless, Nicolas was the only one persecuted by the police on the streets. People sent him security in restaurants.  

Let's remember the insanity behaviour of the people by checking if he paid or not to the cashier at supermarkets or at pharmas near his home in Monte Grande and Luis Guillon since the restrictive quarantine in 2020 according to Nicolas words shared on his streamming videos on Youtube and on Meta.  

Ongoing in Mar del Plata, in compliance with his blog, the claim started on December 23th, 2021 and they never stopped bothering Nicolas. They continued with surveillance and harassment on the following days until December 28th, 2021, that means, this included Christmas day. 

Link related with more details:

The vacation was paid with his savings gained legally at his small business NSComex and with the help of the National Government Program "Previaje" that gave him 50% paid off. 

For Nicolas Sourivongxay, one of the worst days was on December 27th, 2021 when police officers intimidated him by appearing at the Balneario San Sebastian seating on chairs after he arrived there. 

He went there three times due to the peaceful and calmed place, however that was interrupted by the police on the last visit. Nicolas recorded videos like this at the beach by using an app and he was listening to music, mostly Mariah Carey 's soft songs while cnmtemplating the sea.

And one another wost day was on December 28th, 2021. His last day in Mar del Plata when he was going to come back home. The level of police harassment was strong and it was remarkable with clear evidence taken by the camera in photos and camera live by Meta. Nicolas was not in danger. The stream live showed people were not hurting him at all, but only the police were around him doing persistently harassment. 

That was his last vacation and he said he didn't enjoy his stay in Mar del Plata. He was taking a holyday, a time to pause from his problems, but the police persecuted him far from his house, they ruined his vacation, He couldn't relax, his brain was not pacified. He carried bad memories from that place. 

When he arrived home, in Monte Grande city, he took the decision to leave the market with his little store NSComex because of police persecution that never stopped affecting his emotions, his work in the field, his freedom, his individual rights.  So, since december 2021, Nicolas hasn't gotten a formal job yet. 

In that Resume you'll find a kind of job called 'Managment and Custom Practice' in 2022 but that was just an informal job, not usual, not remunerative agreed between the parties involved. 

The police never stopped the persecution and harassment until these last days, even when he left the market with NSComex formally/legally in December 2021 and he announced that on January 12th, 2022.

On New Year's eve, Nicolas gave notice of the Worldwide Fireworks Competition at Nina Andromeda Galaxy Milkyway celebrated since 2018. The argentinians cut his internet connection of his house since December 30th, 2021. Nicolas was fighting back against the internet provider 'Telecentro SA' until January 6th, 2022

Link Related:

For Nicolas, the income getting from NSComex was not enough and he had economic disadvantage compared with his colleagues with a degree gained at university and according to his full portfolio. Nicolas is still thinking he deserved a better vacation that should be upgraded if he found a job with a better income. 

By reading this article, the questions unsolved are still 'Why do people check if Nicolas pay or not at stores? Why is still the police around him? Why do the government send him their local police? Why is he treated like a thief when the real thieves have freedom? when do the people smoking or taking drugs are having freedom but not him? If he writes like a crazy boy on Twitter paying the attention of politicians who have power of decision, why is Nicolas not still changing his life economically for better since 2013? 

Nicolas use to have a coffee in restaurants trying to find a cozy place to reflect and to enjoy, but the police ruin the moment before and after. Why all these years? 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022?


It's based on a real story about a family who escaped from authority persecution in Nigeria and went to live to Greece. There, they didn't want to get the refugee condition therefore, they needed to show evidence of their residency, however, when working on the streets, the police of Greece persecuted them. The three young brothers fought for becoming NBA champions in order to help their family economucally. The story of the famous NBA players Giannis Antetokounmpo, Thanasis Antetokounmpo, and Kostas Antetokounmpo produced by Walt Disney Production and released  on June 24th, 2022. 



My Rights violated: Work dependently (Exclusion from job market) & independently (Police persecution, low income, excess of cyberespionage), to Study at universities in person (includes Police persecution), to have Justice, Freedom of expression, Privacy, Walk on streets, Reunion, Better health... 


+Error, fraud, violence and intimidation are traditionally called #vices of the will that harm the subjective conditions for a correct exercise of the autonomy of private will...


+Article 14 of the Argentine National Constitution.- All the inhabitants of the Nation enjoy the following rights in accordance with the laws that regulate their exercise, namely: enter, stay, transit and leave Argentine territory; ...


I) That the National Constitution protects the rights to intimacy and privacy -protected by articles 18, 19 and 75 paragraph 22, National Constitution (C.N.); art. 11 inc. 2nd and 21st paragraph 1 of the American Convention on Human Rights (A.C.D.H.); art. 17, paragraph 1 and 2 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (P.I.D.C.P.), art. 12 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (D.U.D.H.)-, and art. 52 and cc. of the Civil and Commercial Code of the Nation, guaranteeing a sphere of personal freedom excluded from the authority of state bodies.

III) That, as this Court has indicated, the protection of the area of ​​privacy is one of the most precious values ​​of respect for the dignity of the human being and an essential feature of differentiation between the rule of law and authoritarian forms of government (arg. “ALITT”, Rulings: 329:5266, among others).

IV) That the right to privacy and the consequent guarantee against their injury act against any arbitrary or abusive “interference” or “interference” in the private life of those affected (conf. art. 75, sub. 22, of the National Constitution ; art.12 of the U.D.H.R.; art. 11, subsection 2, C.A.D.H., and 17 subsection 2 P.I.D.C.P.).

VIII) The furtive obtaining of personal data or sensitive information that is not based on a judicial investigation, the preparation of merely “preventive” records, the disclosure, trafficking or trade of the data obtained based on an originally lawful purpose, the threat or The blackmail derived from the possession of intimate data that is not conducive to the clarification of a crime, must not only be prevented and punished by law and subsequent jurisprudence, but must deserve the maximum social repudiation, since they constitute an attack on the public trust.


The right to privacy is the right of the individual to have a secret sphere of life, from which he has the power to keep others away.

The right to honor, protected by criminal law, is given by the consideration that third parties profess towards a certain person and by the person's self-esteem towards himself.

The right to one's own image consists of the right of every person that their image is not captured or reproduced by any means.

By Ethnic Justice

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