Friday, September 23, 2022

The concept of the "Firstborn Son" from the past to these days

In the argentinian society for one reason or another, still remain the concept of the "Firstborn Son", that one who inherite the throne. 


In the Bible, let's remember Herod, king of Judea (sponsored by the Romans), sent to kill all baby boys in Bethlehem because of the decisiveness by greater ingenuity did by the Magi to save JesusChrsit. Herod ordered a massacre in order to kill the baby JesusChrist being afraid of Jeremiah's prophecy.

Matthew 2:16–18 — New American Standard Bible: 1995 Update (NASB95)

16 Then when Herod saw that he had been tricked by the magi, he became very enraged, and sent and slew all the male children who were in Bethlehem and all its vicinity, from two years old and under, according to the time which he had determined from the magi.

17 Then what had been spoken through Jeremiah the prophet was fulfilled:

18 “A voice was heard in Ramah,

Weeping and great mourning,

Rachel weeping for her children;

And she refused to be comforted,

Because they were no more.


In the last century the world has been changing this concept and the "Absolute Progeniture", in which sex is irrelevant for inheritance, has been implemented in many kingdoms. 

An example to point out is the Succession to the Crown (2013). The act replaced male-preference progeniture by Absolute Pregeniture for those in the line of succession born after 28 October 2011, that means the eldest child, no matter the gender, procedes any siblings. 

The line of Succession. SOVEREIGN

1. The Prince of Wales

2. Prince George of Wales

3. Princess Charlotte of Wales

4. ...

Link related:

In Spain monarchy and Monaco monarchy, they still use male-preference primogeniture, meaning that a son comes before a daughter, regardless of age.


The fifth book of the civil and commercial code of the Argentine Republic that corresponds to the transmission of rights by cause of death, holds the following articles regardless of the sex and the age of the heir. They are: 

1) The forced heirs

2) Non-forced heirs

3) The testamentary heirs

Link Related:


Nicolas Sourivongxay has been affected by this movement. In one hand, feminism movement was strongly revitalized in the last decade in positive, in defense of women with less rights and less opportunities in life. Let's remember Nicolas published his saga "El Joven" in 2015 writting events about violence against women in some pages remarking sexual violence 





In one another hand, there are many women workiing and getting so much money in the system. Let's remember Nicolas has been excluded from the job market since September 2013. And economically he is less than women who got a degree in International Trade like him. 

Nicolas says that when he was at school, young rebel men used to bother him not women, however. women's behaviour changed presently.


'Sometimes I see people don't respect me at all. The teacher is not there for helping me like in the school. Now, I'm living the life of adults, and there are no teachers to control them. It's like a jungle. And those adults' behaviours are like those kids and like those teenagers' from the past' Nicolas Sourivongxay

Nicolas thinks Femenism is part of the ideology used in politics to manupulate him. It's not normal that Nicolas is less economically but not intellectually than many women and men in the system.

Most of owners of companies and leaders of organizations are men with power of decision.

Most of professionals in Human Resource department are women, Nicolas was excluded from universities and women got unfair higher marks than Nicolas. Nicolas doesn't have a job, but many of them do. And the Cyberespionage of the "secret society" is an important issue to take into consideration. 

'Having a hacker is like having your companion watching your exam while you are taking that exam at the school' Nicolas Sourivongxay


Of course, the problem goes beyond the gender with the aggregation of nationalism, the perfect combination for ethnic concern. When women get that level, they accept some men for nationalism. 


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