Tuesday, January 30, 2024


This should be considered the worst company in Argentina due to its past and present.

Let's remember how it worked torturing the society no matter which government it had in front. 

Headquarter: San Jose 140, Zip Code 1076 II, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires.

This company helped in the presidential transition from Mauricio Macri to Alberto Fernández (2019) not only with outages but also by increasing up the price of bills in exaggerated numbers that later the current governor Axel Kicillof ordered to decreased the price. 

Read for more details: Transition Part 3 

In the transition Alberto Fernández to Javier Milei there was a problem with the last bill before the presidential election in 2023. The first date for retired people of IPS (Institute of Social Security) to receive the pension is the before last working day for the first group of retired people and the last day for the second group so, they are September 29 and September 30. 

In September, the company EDESUR couldn't resist the temptation to hurt people. The first date of overdue was September 26, so that's impossible to pay that bill for retired people. When Nicolas paid the bill of Energy of his father's house, he paid the second price.

Read for more details: Transition 2023: Water & Energy 

Since then, the company has been billing before the end of the month.

In both last governments (Mauricio Macri & Alberto Fernández), outages were used to torture people reaching the Congress sueing the company EDESUR.

In the personal case of Nicolás Sourivongxay, outages were implemented in a way of personalized in response to some events. E.x in response if Nicolas didn't send an email to Justice System arguing after a police persecution on the streets; after zoom when he was taking online courses at Universidad de Lomas de Zamora during the restrictive quarantine in 2020; after rejecting a client on WhatsApp; among other events. This company not only did Cyberespionage but also used the source to judge and to torture the victim.

Nicolas Sourivongxay has been using the source of United Nations related to Climate Change remarking the advance in the production of renewable energy in Argentina to reinforce Energy efficiency. 

Read the blog: NSCOMEX Climate Change

During the presidency of Javier Milei, the bills are still being issued before the end of the month, and the behavior of this company is being analised. It's the beginning of the government of the current President Javier Milei. 

Up to this moment inflation is real. 

January 2024

December 2023


In response to the threat of the current President Javier Milei to the governors saying " Los vamos a dejar sin dinero" , politicians from South Argentina said they are able to respond by turning off all the energy production of the country due to the large quantity of production come from South Argentina.

Ethnic Justice

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