Tuesday, August 8, 2023


Let's understand what has been happening in the life of Nicolas Sourivongxay. The evil strategic plan to move Nicolas towards one wing to another one for Political purpose, towards centre-left (represented by Left Party, Kirchnerismo, Peronismo of centre left, Radicales of centre left) or towards centre-right (represented by Political Party Pro centre- right, Radicales centre right), or centre (All political parties aforesaid except the left party)

Let's start with this graphic drawn by Nicolas Sourivongxay who is the victim defending himself trying to protect his individual rights from external attacks. 

Seems like Civil Society, Political parties, Feminism, Big companies, The Media, Education probably attack him indirectly by using three (3) main sources: The Police, the male boys who like Cumbia-Reggaeton-Trap, and the cars of the Municipality of Esteban Echeverría. 

The direct attack come from those Three sources but mainly by the Police(Police of Buenos Aires Province, Regional Police, Gendarmería, PSA airport). Excepting Military activity because Nicolas doesn't care of Military activity in the field because he thinks that if he notices a militar doing harassment in the field, that is an error due to the democratic and republican system running in the country or in the province only affecting just 1 (one) person. If the national government send militaries to a massive people, a province, that's a consequence of a massive problem.

Link: https://ethnicjustice.blogspot.com/2022/10/identifying-types-of-stalkers.html

Nicolas got upset with the Justice System twice in reception office due to the delay in solving his claim to stop police persecution since 2018 until these days, so the Justice System got upset too and they attacked Nicolas by sending someone to his home. The last attack was in March 2023 with a questioning that was like a kind of "trial" with bad behavior, in bad faith that finally was dismissed at the end of the month.

Link: https://ethnicjustice.blogspot.com/2023/05/marchapril-2023-vaccine-flu-trial.html


Let's understand how the Argentinians have been playing this political game that hurts people. 

In the following drawings there are two scenarios. In the first scenario Nicolas was attacked by police officers by harassment and /or persecution. And he publishes evidence on his social media mainly on Twitter and on Facebook. Later on, he sends his evidence to Justice System by email and he sometimes publishes his emails for everyone to see due to the delay in Justice System response. Politically, Nicolas against the Police and against Justice System give benefits to the Centre Left Wing due to ideology. Sometimes the police is being influenced by others but sometimes they act by their own initiative. 

The peculiar thing is that we know about police persecution in north east of Buenos Aires Province including Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires but it was weird the behavior of Police officers at the South East part of the province, at the coast near the beaches, in Mar del Plata. 

Link: https://ethnicjustice.blogspot.com/2022/09/what-happened-at-christmas-and-new.html

In the second scenario, young men who like Cumbia-Reggaeton-Trap as music style, bother Nicolas late at nights with loud music and making scandalous on the streets. Some of them say they defend the Police and some of them have family working at Police institution, however their natural behavior show they break the law, the ordinance of not noise late at nights, they drink so much and they smoke so much late at nights on the streets, particularly at the walk side of the house of Nicolas, the place they chose for their meetings. Nicolas against them give benefits to the right wing. 

Link: https://ethnicjustice.blogspot.com/2023/08/young-male-neighbors-reggaeton-cumbia.html

The dichotomy between those scenarios has been repeated for years during  the period 2018-2023 

In the next drawing, Nicolas connects the first scenario with a third scenario.

Nicolas told on his social media profiles about this behavior and he warned the Justice System about it. Seems like the Police had an agreement with the Municipality of Esteban Echeverría. They play with their cars to persecute Nicolas. One day, you see police officers persecuting him, the following day, there are not cars of the police at all, but just cars of the Municipality of Esteban Echeverría. 

The dichotomy between those scenarios has been repeated for years during  the period 2018-2023 but with less frequency because it is also noticed a kind of contrain in the relationship between drivers of the Police patrols and the drivers of the Municipality of Esteban Echeverría patrols, some of them don't get on well. The interesting thing is the Municipality of Esteban Echeverría is centre left wing and they recruit Police officers. Has the Municipality been wearing face masks? 

Link: https://ethnicjustice.blogspot.com/2023/07/refugee-status.html

While playing with dichotomies, maybe people in each scenario think they are correcting Nicolas ideology. That works to show the result to the others, but Nicolas is a human person not a machine for that kind of correction. Nicolas receives double pain. E.g. From the first scenario (The Police), and from the second scenario (The young men who like Cumbia-Reggaeton-Trap).  As consequence,, that's not a correction for Nicolas, it's for the others but not for him, he received pain twice. 

And there is a fourth scenario. There were days when Nicolas was being judged in his own house. After a Police persecution, if he didn't send the email to Justice System explaining what happened, Argentinians provoked outages to Nicolas' house believing Nicolas was guilty, when certainly he was mentally affected at home not being capable to write an email to look back in his memories by using his evidence. 

Let's analyse the next figures in this problem

Justice System: as aforesaid in this article

Big Companies/SMEs: they excluded Nicolas from the depending jobs since 2013. Suggestions on the internet to create his own job, a banned labour market for him, politics ideology, the forgetting ideology. 

Small companies such as stores also participated in Nicolas Police persecution. Nicolas told that in his social media and he sent emails to Justice system saying that. 

Humiliating economic growth since 2013 for someone who got a degree at university. 

Companies and other organizations from both sides Owners decision makers and employees decision makers. Employees decision makers create their own rules inside companies and in other organizations. 

The Media: the traditional media (TV, radio, Graphic) it's connected to commercial war and nationalism, also with the law of the media that is different than the criminal code and some articles of human rights. 

Link: https://ethnicjustice.blogspot.com/2023/06/targeted-psychology-youth-and.html

Link: https://ethnicjustice.blogspot.com/2023/07/abuse-of-power-gaslighting.html

Link: https://ethnicjustice.blogspot.com/2023/04/statement-about-media.html

The internet hold Nicolas evidence on social media. And famous people and internet companies extract money or use Nicolas for money. 

The media affects the mind of a person or a group of people in the system by creating news by manipulation with consequences they consider it's right to provoke pain in other humans for the marketing or for the media. 

Feminism: excluding Nicolas from Job market and from universities by using Cyberespionage. His sisters grew up economically since 2013 except him. 

Education: attacking Nicolas with low marks. Public sector against private sector(Nicolas got a degree in private sector). 

The University of Lomas de Zamora had really mean behavior by pushing Nicolas out of the University with sanctions during the restricted period of the quarantine in the middle of the year 2020. Cyberespionage and outages. 

Humiliating economic growth since 2013 for someone who got a degree at university. 

Civil Society: due to Nicolas parents, many people point at him towards the public sector. Nowadays, he just receives money from the retirement pension of his father, from public sector. 

Those in private sector rejected him in depending job market. 

Nationalism, refugees stigmas, ethnic discrimination, racism, ideologies, psychologies theorists, in or out, LGBT, among others. 

"Nicolas doesn't have money, let's check if he pays or not" "Let's call the Police" "Nicolas is a thief"

And the excuses, there is always an invented rumor or excuse to send the Police to him.

Political parties: centre left, centre right. It's complex to explain in just a few words. Protection or freedom, LGBT, internet transition or not, security protection or not, government or private sector, independent job or dependent job, and so on. Nicolas is not a Human Right fighter, he is just defending himself while expressing his thoughts aligned to human rights. 

Let's add Religion: some people think Nicolas is their saviour, to save poor people when in fact, he is not, he is just defending himself from manipulation. 

It's abuse. 

Last events Nicolas Sourivongxay tried to escape from Argentina. 

May 2023: Destination: The USA. How?: VISA Lottery. Result: Rejected. 

June 2023: Destination: The USA. How?: VISA Tourism. Result: Rejected. 

July 2023: Destination: Uruguay. How?:  Not requirements. Result: Accepted. 

He was accepted in Uruguay, he asked for Refugee Status however he returned to Argentina. Nicolas Sourivongxay was an Asylum Seeker. More details at: https://ethnicjustice.blogspot.com/2023/07/refugee-status.html

From ethnic Justice

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