Sunday, October 1, 2023

Argentine Presidential Election 2023: The RESUMES

Let's see the resumes. 

On September 30th, 2023, Nicolas Sourivongxay complied the ten years of exclusion from Job depending market to be considered Ostracism. His last depending job was in September 2013. 

Virtual Portfolio/Resume

Nicolas is not a candidate for President of Argentina. He never joined a political party officially. 

Let's see the Resumes of the five presidential candidates: 


El CV de los candidatos'. La Nación Portal News 

CV Miriam Bregman Infobae

Wikipedia Schiaretti

Please also read what happened with Las PASO on August 13th, 2023. Las PASO means "Concurrent and mandatory open primaries" (Primarias Abiertas Simultáneas y Obligatorias).  It's the previous step for the General Election that will be in the next October 22nd, 2023.

First of all, the last winner, Javier Milei

And here it is his interview with the American journalist Tucker Carlson about Liberalism

The next candidate belongs to the current government of the President Alberto Fernández. He is Sergio Massa

The next one belongs to the Political Party Pro. This political party won the election 2015 and the president was Mauricio Macri. This time, it comes with Patricia Bulrich

The following candidate comes from the Cordoba province, Juan Schiaretti. 

And the last candidate belongs to the left party. She is Miriam Bergman 

Who will win the upcoming presidential election on October 22nd, 2023? 

Ethnic Justice 

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