Thursday, January 18, 2024

World Economic Forum 2024

In Davos, Switzerland, the World Economic Forum is being celebrated. 



Let's remember the article written for WEF 2023.

The topics were: 

  • Economy: Caution Optimism considering inflation and rising debts
  • Ukraine: Still dealing to find a peaceful solution in the war. 
  • Trade: Concerns about policies
  • Climate Change: Transition.Oil prices vs Clean Energy
  • Technology: Layoff of employees globally. Cost pressure.
  • China:Reopen for business
  • Inflation: Reduction act such as sovereignty fund.
  • Financial Services: Pressure on Central Banks due to Inflation, geopolitics, and cybersecurity


  • Artificial intelligence and jobs
  • Denaturalization (Nicolas Sourivongxay)
  • Cyber security 
  • Carbon fuels prices. Energy transition.
  • Natural Phenomenons: Global Heat Record,
  • Russia/Ukraine war
  • War Palestine/Israel affecting Gaza. 100 days.
  • Iran, Syria.
  • Misinformation & disinformation.
  • Bipolar governments. Geopolitics 
  • Financial regulations
  • Argentinian Libertarian, Javier Milei for businesses supported by Elon Musk in contrast with socialist, the Prime Minister of Spain, Pérez Castejón.
  • Billionaires increased up their fortune 
  • India surpassed China in population.
  • Inflation


The World Economic Forum was subjugated by the message of the UN Secretary, Antonio Guterres about 'Rebuilding Trust'. The basic principles of trust are transparency, coherence and responsibility.

In the Secord and the third day, it was notable how the  business speakers used 'Rebuilding trust' focused only in the benefits of Artificial Intelligence, fortunately world political leaders of organizations such the UN Secretary Antônio Guterres and the European Commission President, Ursula Von DER Leyen put a limit to their speeches.


According to WEF, the word used for 2023 was 'Polycrisis' that means, 'the simultaneous occurrence of several catastrophic events." . However, the question relies in the new word chosen for 2024, the word 'Permacrisis' that means, "an extended period of instability and insecurity resulting from a series of catastrophic events. 

According to Nicolas Sourivongxay, his words chosen were: 

2023 were: 


✓Abuse of Authority/Society



2024 are: 

✓ #Dehumanization

✓Misinformation & Disinformation, gaslighting 


✓Abuse of Authority/Society/Ctrl....

Nicolas Sourivongxay put a focus on Dehumanization:

But also he agreed that Disinformation & misinformation could affect his bad situation in Argentina. No one leaves questions to him even Comments have been always opened on his active social media accounts, inbox private messages, including s form on his personal website to send him messages. Let's remember that in March 2023, Nicolas Sourivongxay faced an innecesary questioning at the Justice System in Argentina that was finally dismissed at the end of the month in March 2023..

Nicolas Sourivongxay asked his viewers to ask him questions on Twitter 

Another issue about Torture related to his last Tweet

Torture: Modern ways 

More words to be considered. 

3) Statistics

Chart 1

4) Phrases of Nicolas Sourivongxay

5) Best Speech

President of the European Commission, Ursula Von DER Leyen 

United Nations Secretary Antônio Guterres 

6) Crystal Awards


The United Nations shared this photo that coincidence in period with the decade that Nicolas Sourivongxay had been displaced in a manner. 

He has been claiming his last depending job ended up in September 2013, and he got his Degree at a Private University in December 2013. More than a decade finding a decent job in the market, more than s decade finding a depending job with a salary.. independently, he got an humiliating income for someone with a Degree graduated. 

In his 20s his social mobility ⬆️
In his 30s, his social mobility ⬇️

On January 13th, 2024, Nicolas Sourivongxay celebrated his 40th birthday.  

In this photo, marked in red, two ex- Refugees passed away, one in every Presidencial transition in Argentina, both in November in the respective years in 2019 and in 2023.  The mother of Nicolas Sourivongxay 

Let's remember, Nicolas Sourivongxay almost ended up the year 2023 as a Refugee in Uruguay.. In July 2023 he asked for Asylum status

8) Bill Gates

The number one at this moment in Artificial intelligence, Bill Gates, says something about the bad guys and the good guys. He was not at the World Economic Forum but let's listen to his words in 2023

9) Financial System

European Central Bank, Christine Lagarde says something about efficiency and security

Mary Callahan Erdoes of JP Morgan says 90% of US clients are in digital bank. 


The original rock song of Nicolás Sourivongxay, Phone Calls Slow from his EP Rock Album 'Phone Calls To Shine' about Cyberespionage

Ethnic Justice 

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