Sunday, November 27, 2022

The Necessary Evil

Let's remember what happened with Nicolas Sourivongxay about the word FIADO, the Concept of Justice, and the Salomon Ash Experiment. 

It's time to confess that during the three seasons of NSComex, the independent job Nicolas created for his own, never lost money in sells ad honorem, but only in just one case. And it was in season #2 of the little store when a desperated mother knocked the door of Nicolas Sourivongxay asking for help to teach his son with tears in her eyes. She was one of the first clients in the first two seasons, but she got problems with money, so he had to resign to receive money just from one class because that mother disappeared with his son from the neighborhood, so Nicolas didn't see her in the #3 Season of NSComex. She pressured her son so much, she wanted her son to learn everything in just one hour before the exam, so that was impossible and Nicolas tried to do his best with his student, so the student finally passed the exams at school. She was the only one case in NSComex business history.

In Argentina there is a word called 'FIADO', it is a promise of payment clients do to the vendor -mostly in a week or maybe in a month- without a written contract, just by word. This is a risk for sellers. It happens mostly in supermarkets, or other small markets. 

Nicolas remembers the year 2020 when people suddently appeared at the supermarkets cashier sector just to watch if Nicolas paid or not, and some people outside the supermarkets waiting for him by checking if something wrong happened at the exit. There was a restrictive quarantine during 2020 and Nicolas went out to the pharma to buy medicine at the centre of his city, sometimes he went to restaurants to have a coffee when government policies allowed that, the same thing, people waiting for him at the exit, they were just checking if something occured there, probably checking if Nicolas had problems with money or not. In supermarkets also ocurred in 2021 and sometimes in 2022. Nicolas never asked for FIADO in his life.

Nicolas realized that he was not at fault. There were people asking for 'FIADO' at the supermarkets. In one of the supermarkets that closed this year, Nicolas saw a woman saying 'Hey, I buy this, I will pay you this later by a fintech app (MercadoPago), bye!'. Maybe that was one cause that chinese supermarket left the market. 

When a person is really desperated, specially in this category 'Food', sometimes vendors do this kind of sacrifice to keep the business up. 

Let's remember in 2019, Nicolas' family, mother, father and him had to ask for 'FIADO' to a store that the owner was Nicolas' sister. Nicolas didn't manage the money of the house and he had not full control of the house, either. Many people thought like that, that Nicolas had the control. His mother passed away, so Nicolas got control of the house and as a good administrator, he paid all the food debt (FIADO). 

He is a very good administrator. And after saying that, some people will get probably bad behaviour and maybe they gotta ruin the life of Nicolas in order to put Nicolas at their level. Very common behaviour of some evil groups in Buenos Aires. 

People treated Nicolas as a thief, police officers all over the places persecuting him on the streets, bullying him, doing harassment, and sometimes inside restaurants. Nicolas' mind control, he remembers, and the police officers used that to bully him on the streets, that's why of the precision of the time of events written on emails sent to other authorites claiming to stop them and for justice. They never took into consideration to calm Nicolas' mental health, they were police criminals, and not only police officers, there were other security officers in complicity with the civil society. It was like bullying the nerdy guy at the school as well. 

Concept of Justice

Concept of Justice created by Nicolas Sourivongxay

Concept of Justice #4 : "If Suspicion turns to a verdict, I ask for compensation..." 

Concept of Justice #6 : The Mirror, when the victim is guilty but the guilty is innocent. Nicolas is the victim and some people say he is guilty, but, in fact those people are really guilty but Nicolas is innocent.

The Salomon Ash Experiment

One question to think about the behaviour of the majority in the population. Has the person not following the others Syndrome of Asperger? Just for telling the true? Does he have to live with that stigma so organizations reject him not allowing him to get into the job market, not having money like the others? What does Asperger mean to you? Do you really know what Asperger is? 

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