Friday, January 13, 2023

Cyberespionage & Kidnapping

Let's take a look to the argentinian Penal Code connected to the argentinian economy, kidnapping, and Cyberespionage. 

Nicolas Sourivongxay wrote this on his LinKedin Profile

"I want to clarify that just because I comply with an obligation of art. 671 of the Civil and Commercial Code, does not mean that I should be locked up in my house. They are simple procedures that can be delegated, even in the main responsibility. It's all a matter of organization. I know that many people who have judged me out of ignorance or for their own selfish interests, feminists in bad faith, or otherwise, have always been wrong. The greatest responsibility began in 2019, therefore, why didn't they hire me between 2013 and 2019 when my parents were in good health? What is heard in the streets of Buenos Aires in Argentina, have no other purpose than to harm me, affecting my very personal rights, Civil and Commercial Code, Art. 52: "The human person injured in his personal or family privacy, honor or reputation, image or identity , or that in any way their personal dignity is undermined, can claim the prevention and repair of the damages suffered, in accordance with the provisions of Book Three, Title V, Chapter 1.” Still looking for work SEP 2013-2023."

Click in the photo to Zoom it

There is always a new excuse for not hire Nicolas. On the media, Nicolas is still receiving messages from people who want Nicolas to be independent, even so, the peculiar thing is,  most of them are employees telling him that. 

Due to cyberespionage hidden by implcit agreement by the worldwide population, Nicolas got pain, depression, anguish. Intellectual rights, knowledge, ideas, procedures were stolen without Nicolas consent and mostly not knowing the cyber thieves because you can't see them, and that's the challenge thing to prove cyberespionage.  

Putting Nicolas at the level of the poor people (Domination by money), ideas of forcing Nicolas to go down to give more. Pressure experiments, and more. 

The Argentine Penal Code Art. 170  says about kidnapping a person by taking benefits from his innocence:

Imprisonment or imprisonment from five (5) to fifteen (15) years will be imposed on whoever subtracts, retains or hides a person for ransom.

If the author achieves his purpose, the minimum sentence will rise to eight (8) years.

The penalty will be from ten (10) to twenty-five (25) years in prison or confinement:

1. If the victim was a pregnant woman; a minor under eighteen (18) years of age or a person over seventy (70) years of age.

2. If the act is committed in the person of an ascendant; of a brother; of the spouse or cohabitant; or of another individual to whom particular respect is owed.

3. If serious or very serious injuries are caused to the victim.

4. When the victim is a disabled person; sick; Or that she can't fend for herself.

5. When the agent is a public official or employee; or belongs or has belonged to any security force or intelligence agency of the State.

6. When three (3) or more people participate in the event.

The penalty will be from fifteen (15) to twenty-five (25) years in prison or confinement if the fact results in the death of the offended person, as a consequence not wanted by the author.

The penalty will be imprisonment or life imprisonment if the offended person's death is intentionally caused.

The penalty of the participant who, disassociating himself from the others, makes an effort so that the victim recovers his freedom, without such result being the consequence of paying the price of freedom, will be reduced from one third to one half.

About Freedom

Art. 141 : It will be punished with imprisonment or confinement from six months to three years; whoever illegally deprives another of his personal liberty.

The argentinian gor increased their salaries , since September 2013 except Nicolas. Let's see the economic growth of Argentina.

Click in the photo to Zoom it

There is a massive problem with cyberespinage. Both Polical parties cyberspy illegally.


The political party Frente de Todos (Centre-left) against Mauricio Macri (centre-right, Ex-President of Argentina, political Party Pro)

Espionage to the families of the tragedy 'ARA San Juan', in which 44 marines died inside a submarine found in november 2018. 





Rodriguez Larreta (centre-right,Major of Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires from Mauricio Macri Political Party) against the political party Frente de Todos (Centre-left) 

The chats of the Minister of Security of Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires were revealed


Police officers cybersoy without legal permission, young people do that in neighborhood and Nicolas ustes to write about that on social media making complaints, no matter if they are experts or not in technology. This kind of cyberespionage has not to do with viruses or the things professionals, engineers in technology say on the media maybe because their minds were set or just for any other kind of interest. 

Let's listen to the orgininal song written by Nicolas Sourivongxay called ' Phone Calls' from his new last album "Phone Calls To Shine" launched on January 12th, 2023. Nicolas was waiting for his album to be approved, he didn't know that when he took the decision to leave the market with NSComex


What about responsability? This reminds another blog of Nicolas Sourivongxay called 'Por la Ninez y la Juventud". Judges and justice system worker washing their hands like Pontious Pilate. Authorities just watching or ignoring. People in private sector just talking to inside, ignoring and  excluding Nicolas. Educators joining the cyberespionage party. Psychopaths everywhere, like those one who leave the scene when the crushed car is done leaving a death body.
Nicolas is still finding a job. 


And finally, to end up this article, let's read some phrases heared by Nicolas in the argentinian society in Buenos Aires and beyond, some of them were invented just to reflect the thoughts of some argentinians.

1) Security Nationalist (ocurred in Ezeiza Airport)

A:- I already sent the officers to the refugee, Mr.

B: -What will it be? They were there before me (Que va ser? Estaban ellos antes que yo)

2) The mind of a Thief 

A: -He is creating something new

B:- Hack him, join him (Acompañalo)

3) The mind of a Thief 

A:- Maybe he needs our help

4) The mind of a Thief 

A: -Nicolas is creating something really new

B:- Protect him

5) The mind of a Thief 

A:- He needs witnesses otherwise people gotta think that's not his creation.

B:- I gotta hack him and I gotta follow him on the streets

6) The mind of a Thief 

A:- Do that, I also use my father, he is a police officer. Who would suspect of a policeman?

7) The mind of a Thief 

A:-Let's make him famous to hack him. 

8) Rumors

A:- Let's put Nicolas at our level by finding his errors or by inventing his errors.

B:- Is that not ilegal, because you defame by no telling the truth.

A:- Let's do it for our political party. Let's push him to be like us.

B:- All right, let's say Nicolas is a drug addict that consumes marihuana, let's say he is a thief so let's send him the police, let's give him just a new of money, let's keep him poor.

A:- Exactly, we are National & Popular, the two things Nicolas dislike. He is an asian nerdy refugee with a traumma since he was a kid. 

9) The mind of a Thief 

A:- Nicolas said on Twitter he against cyberespionage

B:- Hack her

10) Political Party

A:- Nicolas is correct in the system, what are you waiting for?

B:- Waiting for him when he makes a mistake, so he will agree with our political party

11) Nationalism and the mind of a Thief.

A:- Does Nicolas have Instagram? Who does he think he is? Ban him.

B:- Let's call the police

A:-We are argentinians, Who does he think he is?  How many followers he has?

B:- Just seven.

A:- Well...let him to progress. We are before hm, not him before us.

B:-We are gonna say 'Let's protect him".

12) The mind of a Thief 

A:- Let's suspect of Nicolas, a great excuse to hack him.

13) Owner of companies's Project. Independent ideology

A:- Nicolas make complaints so much, but it is the process, when you are at the edge you give more. 

B:- He has been 10 years claiming, like crying loud on social media. You are really sadistic or nationalist.

Movie: American Psycho (2000)

Ethnic Justice

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