Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Because I Remember the Abuse

Abuse against Nicolas Sourivongxay, the victim.

Crimes of abuse of authority, persecution without reasonable doubt, harassment on the streets, interceptions, intimidation, gaslighting that is more abuse by using the Justice System, the use of the media to promote the police activity to hide the police abuse against Nicolas. Lost of opportunities by dropping out the universities, a lot of money damage to his registered brand NSComex, economic damage, and damage to the name, honor, imagen  of Nicolas Sourivongxay, and lost of chances for dependent job opportunities in the market, arbitrary Arrest at home, interruption of his transit, torture

Everything is already written on the criminal law, the Argentine Constitution, the Covenant of Civil & Policial Rights, Human Rights Declaration and its triggered issues.

The period of time was 2019-January 2024. Even in 2018 there was a begining, it was in low level. 

The first attack by the Police was in October 2018

Video uploaded October 10, 2018

And this is the period 

Sergio Berni was the Minister of Security in Buenos Aires Province during the last presidency of Alberto Fernández. He appeared again on tv.
Most of events of police abuse occured in Buenos Aires Province more than Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. 

Here it is his photo from Wikipedia Sergio Berni

When Nicolas saw him on the YouTube Channel of the TV Channel, his eyes turned ironically like the character of Umma Thurman in the movie 'Kill Bill'. It was like saying 'Him again' so, Nicolas remembered. 

In the worst year of Nicolas Sourivongxay, in 2023, they didn't stopped even when Nicolas Sourivongxay's father passed away in November 2023 during the presidential transition of Alberto Fernández to Javier Milei. 

Nicolas said on his social media accounts, the best way to revenge was working abroad and to change his nationality in another country rejecting inside himself the Argentine identify. 

He tried, he escaped to Uruguay to be a Refugee as Asylum Seeker but, doors were not opened in an appropriate way so, he returned to the inferno in Buenos Aires 

Nicolas Sourivongxay can't escape so he is still finding a job in Argentina to get money to survive despite all odds.

Read the article , 'Selfish'

This is the Facebook page he used to use to go live and to upload photos and evidence of police harassment. Facebook Page 

Some relevant articles about Security Abuse


This is a nice message from the United Nations about rules and the norms..

Here are some relevant articles about Justice System bad behavior. 

To end up this article. Poetry with Lady Gaga singing ''Till it happens to You'

Ethnic Justice

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