Friday, December 23, 2022

The Freedom Market of NSComex

The statistcs of the little store created by Nicolas Sourivongxay was published on the website:

Let's start analysing what happened with NSComex. This is the season 4(four) of  this little store opened again in December 2022 because the people with power of decision, power in money in charge of organizations and companies didn't hire Nicolas since 2013.

Everything is said and done on his social media accounts already, so this would be easy to analyse. The period of time showed is the legal period, that means with all legal requirements in the market. 

1st season: in June 2017 he left the market due a trademark attempt for his brand Yooloper when he was trying to develop that brand in the industry of clothes, mainly scarves and handkerchiefs. Nicolas didn't have enough money to fight for it against Topper from the  company Alpargatas. The INPI (Instituto Nacional de la Propiedad Intelectual) was also at fault in the decision, so Nicolas withdrawed his project from the market and also he left it with NSComex.

2nd season: It was due to the quarantine due to Pandemic Covid-19. The restrictions not only affected the store of Nicolas, but also other stores in the market. In September 2020, Nicolas left the market because he had almost nothing of sales. He used to go to the houses of clients to teach children and young students. 

3rd season: In December 2021 Nicolas said goodbye to the market upset and tired of the police persecution, the harassment, and bullying of security forces, in addition to the claim of low income, and excess of cyberespionage. Nicolas took the decision when he experienced bad moments in his last vacation at the coast in Buenos Aires, in Mar del Plata. It was supposed to be his vacation. That was paid by him and part by using the government program called Previaje. Previaje paid 50% of the bills. 

Let's remember What happened at Christmas and New Year's festivity in Buenos Aires 2021 by clicking on this link :

The bad events in Mar del Plata during his holydays was, overall, the last straw for the decision of leaving the market. 

4th season: Nicolas once again is in the market trying with NSComex in december 2022. Nicolas has been doing a great effort in Markeing strategy by improving his service and by launching his first original Christmas song called 'A Christmas Landscape' locally and internationally in the music market. The image that security forces left to NSComex was bad. Clients are afraid of hiring Nicolas to give classes in their houses due to the fear of police persecution on the streets, and some others think Nicolas is a thief. Nicolas is trying to recover the market.

And let's remember the claim of Nicolas with statistics in his Portfolio



Art.141. It will be punished with imprisonment or imprisonment from six months to three years; who illegally deprives another of his personal liberty.


Paragraph 1. If the act is committed with violence or threats or for religious or revenge purposes.

Paragraph 2. If the act is committed in the person of an ascendant, a sibling, a spouse or another individual to whom particular respect is due

Paragraph 3. If there is serious damage to the person, health or business of the offended party, provided that the act does not matter another crime for which the law imposes a greater penalty.

Paragraph 4. If the act is committed simulating public authority or order of public authority.

Paragraph 5. If the deprivation of liberty lasts more than one month.

Paragraph 3 is due to the neck pain suffered by Nicolas due to psychological pressure when he walks on the streets because he must be in alert in case a police patrol car catches him, and due to the sustained persecution over time when he walked to and from his clients' houses in NSComex, his personal business. Nicolas left the market with NSComex in December 2021. 

Paragraph 4 is because in the complaints made by Nicolas Sourivongxay, uniformed people without police identification appeared but they acted as security agents in the process of harassment during the journey of his departure, finding them on the streets or on public transport.

  • The right to privacy is the right of the individual to have a secret sphere of life, from which he has the power to keep others away.
  • The right to honor, protected by criminal law, is given by the consideration that third parties profess towards a certain person and by the person's self-esteem towards himself.
  • The right to one's own image consists of the right of every person that their i

From Ethnic Justice

Thursday, December 22, 2022

Football Celebration in December 2022

Let's remember the consequences of FIFA WORLD CUP. Did the Grinch take this Christmas' month? 

December is a month of high temperature in Argentina that could modify the behaviour of people. They turn more aggressive. Football World Cup 2022 in Qatar gave argentinians a kind of landscape to avoid an intense activity of protests and violence. The World Cup was also a benefit for The USA due to political elections in addition to Christmas eve for a landscape. 

Christmas values and Football World Cup have not similar feelings. Historically the Christmas Truce between soldiers of England and Germany turned effect due to a war. Nowadays, the feelings of the Football World Cup is about nationalism that there are positive feelings of reunion of citizens, or bad feelings such as discriminatory comments and discriminatory behaviours. 

Christmas values are good and positive but sometimes is also bad when you don't reach the perfect family, when you realize you are lack of things or you miss someone, or you don't have someone, compared with the others who celebrate with joy, perfection, and happiness at christmas night. And during the celebration maybe the stupidity or ignorance concerning the use of fireworks or how to open a bottle of champagne bring physical damage to the victims. 

Let's remember during QATAR FIFA WORLD CUP there were two international days promoted during the game: December 10th, Human Rights' day, and December 18th, Migrants' day. 

And during the game the winner, Argentina, shared the message 'Education for all' in a partnership with UNESCO,


Let's the see the consequences of the FIFA WORLD CUP 2022 affecting the behaviour of argentinians in Argentina, in Qatar, and in Spain.

1) A disaster at the Obelisc (Main city of Buenos Aires), people out of control, violence, and destruction


Television Espanola (Spain) shows the incidents

2) The journalist Javier Alarcon from Mexico shows incidents, the violence, discrimination, and crazy people of Argentina due to the celebration of the world cup.  
  • Two fans fell down from a bridge, one of them didn't make it, but he continued celebrating on the stretcher.
  • Fans fell down from walls
  • They destroyed traffic lights
  • Fans fell down from a pickup car
  • At risk at the edge of the Obelisc
  • Problems with Traffic
  • 18 wounded, 17 hospitalized, and 1 dead
  • A Woman completly naked walking on the street
  • They stole wheels of cars at the parking lot

3) 4 (Four) argentinians arrested in Qatar

4) 3(Three) argentinians arrested during the celebration in Madrid, Spain for climbing the christmas tree of Puerta Sol.

5) A Christmas tree in Tigre, Buenos Aires Province decorated with fans (Argentina)

6) An argentinian found by Interpol 

7)  Homophobic and racist behaviour

8)  Argentina Goalie UNDER FIRE For Vulgar Gesture With Trophy After Winning World Cup In Qatar

9) The day after the celebration (Argentina)

And finally the original song 2022 of Nicolas Sourivongxay created for Christmas called 'A Christmas Landscape'

And the song sung by Faith Hill from the christmas movie 'How the Grinch Stole Christmas' in 2000. The song was written by James Horner / Mariah Carey / Wilbur Jennings

Where are you Christmas?

Why can't I find you?

Why have you gone away?

From Erhnic Justice

Friday, December 16, 2022

Dialogues Memories at Christmas and Football World Cup

It's time to show some behavior of stupidity around Nicolas Sourivongxay. December is a month of high temperature in Argentina that could modify the behaviour of people. They turn more aggressive. Nowadays, the Football World Cup 2022 in Qatar is giving argentinians a kind of landscape to avoid an intense activity of protests and violence. The World Cup is also a benefit for The USA due to political elections in addition to Christmas eve for a landscape. 

Christmas values and Football World Cup have not similar feelings. Historically the Christmas Truce between soldiers of England and Germany turned effect due to a war. Nowadays, the feelings of the Football World Cup is about nationalism that there are positive feelings of reunion of citizens, or bad feelings such as discriminatory comments and discriminatory behaviours. 

Christmas values are good and positive but sometimes is also bad when you don't reach the perfect family, when you realize you are lack of things or you miss someone, or you don't have someone, compared with the others who celebrate with joy, perfection, and happiness at christmas night. 


The following cases are representations of the real thoughts of people

1st case

Two argentinians talking...

A: -Nicolas is watching a movie on his computer, the movie 'Kill BIll', he is gotta kill someone. He is upset, he gotta revenge.

B: -How do you know?

A: -I am hacking his computer. 

B: -Call the police

2nd Case

Two argentinians talking...

A:- Nicolas is searching for hotel rooms and prices of tickets planes. I'm hacking him right now. 

B:-  He is gotta spend the money of his family. Tell our political party.

3rd Case

Two argentinians talking....

A:- Nicolas is selling again. Let's take his money. 

B:-But he started this month his business. He had no dependent job. He lives at the edge.

A:- He has money.  Obey him to have debts like us. 

4th Case

Two argentinians talking....

A:- Nicolas went to the teller machine to extract money. 

B:- It's not his money.

B:- So, let's hack his cellphone and his computer to check.

5th Case

Two argentinians talking...

A:- We are in the restrictive quarantine. He rejected a selling on his whatsapp. She was my sister. 

B:- He won't have money during the restriction. Let's tell him. Cut his evergy. An outage to tell him. Just for a second, you know. 

6th Case

Two argentinians talking....

A:- Write this words on Twitter trending topics for him: Traidor, Forro, Chorro, Ladron, Callate, Sorete, Burro. 

B: -Why? Traitor: he was a traitor because we as, argentinians, we treated him bad so he asked for international help.

Forro:- that's for cyberespionage. Nicolas sent claims against us because we have been hacking so he burns us. 

Chorro/Ladron: - We sent him the police, and the police is for us and against him. He is an immigrant despite of being born here in Argentina. We have to treat him as a thief, too. He must be in left party, he must be with the poors. He is not like us or he is like us. 

Callate: - We can't stand the words of truth of Nicolas. 

Sorete: - We get offended because Nicolas tells the truth.

Burro: - We do cyberespionage, we need to take advantage of Nicolas. We need to use him. We brough him here, so he must pay us the debt even we know he was born here. 

7th Case

Two argentinians talking...

A:- Nicolas must be at home because he is a man. Women should work, women should be over him in money. 

B:- Let's not give  him a job. Since 2013 he has been out of the dependent job market. Women first. Did you hack him to take advantage of him? I did. 

8th Case 

Twitter Policy

A:- Nicolas is tweeting in bad manner, he is a disaster against the police, and he is commenting desperated on Twitter accounts of his authorities. According to his tweets, he is receiving harassment and bullying from the police on the streets. 

B:- No, they are protecting him. That's what argentinians told me, so I agree. Nicolas is doing harassment agaisnt the police, and against the accounts of his authorities. He is also doing harassment to United Nations, and harassment to many presidents in the world by tweeting. If he send to kill, let's ban him.  

A:- He is like fighting a war against argentinians in the field. 

B:- I saw he tweeted about a webpage in Brazil, in Serbia, and internet companies in the USA. He is fighting against everyone. He has asperger. We must protect our clients from him. 

9th Case

Two argentinians talking

A: - Nicolas is watching porn at his home. I hacked him, so I know that. He is a prostitute. 

B: - I think he met people to find love, to find someone in his life. I don't think he made that for money. 

A:- Let's say that, so people talk about him. 

B:- We could hurt relarionships by rumors. And he is just watching porn.

A:- Who cares? Let's burn him. 

B:- Oh, some men are going to the walkside of his house right now, they say they gotta cover him. I don't think that's a good idea. Nicolas understand the Penal law, the privacy law. 

A:- Everybody is hacking. If everybody is hacking so there is no law, because we are more, we, the people. 

B:- But that's against the law. 

10th Case

International people talking

A:- We are hacking Nicolas for our intellectual rights

B:- Oh, yeah, sure. Is there any other intention? 

A:- Let's make him money.

B:- Let's say we are bringing him, that's speculation to obtain benefits from that cause, the cause of refugees. 

A:- If he is competing, let's make him ridiculous. 

11th Case

Two argentinians police officers

A:- If Nicolas goes out, I go with our car to intimadate him. 

B:- I heared he sent claims, maybe that's useful to go against the government. Maybe he deserves money. 

A:- Justice rejected him. They trust us. Who would untrust of the police? Let''s do bullying to him on the streets. He looks young, you are not hurting him.

B:- He looks like dealing with mental health on social media because of our persecution. 

A:- He is an immigrant. We brought him here. He has a debt. Are you argentinian? It's nationalism.

B:- Yes, I am argentinian. 

A:- This kind of kid, turns terrorist when left party is in the government, so we must watch him, like watchdogs. 

B:- Companies and organizations didn't give him a job yet, since 2013. 

A::- Let's put his head down by harassmentr. He must obey and respect.

B:- Maybe it's the left party too, but why didn't the right party let him in?  

A:- He is suspicious. Always suspicious. And he post and tweets on social media, that gives us work, so that's a good excuse to work. Everything is bored and we need an argument to keep our salaries. 

B:- He never called 911 today. And we need a legal permission for an investigation.

A:- Who cares? Let's do it  anyways. 

12th Case

Argentinian Politicians.

A:- I gotta be the next president. 

B:- Nicolas is still finding a job. Our political party failed the first time. 

A:- So, our political party come back again and when we are in the government, let's keep him poor. People gotta believe he has money because the kid is intelligent, he is studying a lot. 

B:- Too many certificates of education but almost nothing of money. Is that your way to dominate him? 

A:- The current president does the same. Since 2013, Argentina got 3 presidents but Nicolas is still in the same lower level. That's domination, and I want him to remain like that. People extract ideas from him and people make progress, people cyberspy him, people make him money, people make him cry to push him to give more, there won't be justice for him, either. No justice.

B:- He will be become a terrorist. 

A:- But I got the presidency. Our ego should me more than Nicolas' ego. 

13th Case

The Media

A:- He is being persecuted by the police becasue he is coming to television.

B:- But I saw him sending emails to make protest on tv due to police persecution, his emails were not responded. I also saw him filling forms to talent shows because he is talented in music and he has no success in job dependent market since 2013, and his income as independent worker is lower than the rest of argentinians. Maybe he would increase his money on TV. 

C:-We brought him for a reason. He is a son of a refugee. We have to ban him. And according to nationalism, he would attract more asian people to our country. They gotta take our jobs. 

A:- Yes, let's play with speculation. And Let's send him a PNT (No Traditional Publicity) on TV programs live through the TV while detecting his TV machine to make him leave the screen or to change the channel. 

14th Case

Owners of companies and employees

A:- He must create his own job like I did. I manage my time. I did it. 

B:- But Nicolas is different. I don't think he can make it. Too much time out with disgrace and misfortune since 2013. He just worked in dependent market for 5 years until we pushed him out when we realized he was a son of immigrants. I am an employee and I want him out, too. He must be independent, I am protecting my job. 

A:- Nicolas must be free or he gotta go to jail. I am in jail with my private security but I have lot of money. I rejected him. He must learn to create his own job. No organization, no Company gotta hire him. He has gone crazy on social media protesting. I hire normal people, not crazy people who can't manage pressure. 

B:- That's another field. There is a confussion. Why is the police putting him down in another field that is not inside of a company? I am free outside, not inside. 

A:- He is lazy

B:- And our Labour Union won't let him in, either. We protect our jobs, specially from people like Nicolas. We don't accept him. There are rules here, and there are not the same rules like yours. 

A: - Of course, you are employees. Why do you create your own rules in my company? It's not easy to deal with your Labur Union Organization. And about Nicolas, being poor is good for him, so he gives more. Let's watch his pain on social media. 

B:- Are you gonna play with speculation again? Since 2013. 

A:- Yes, how much money for him? He looks valuable/ 

B: - That's speculation. Time burns us, since 2013 his value has been zero money. 

15th Case

A:- Nicolas is in error. Send him the Mormon Church.

B:- But he left the church since more or lesss 2010. And he our rules marginalize them.

A:- Go to him when he is down.

From Ethnic Justice

Friday, December 9, 2022


The right of privacy has been affected in negative way due to the revolution of technology in these last decades. And something that pays attention in this issue has to do with relationships.

Human Right #12: The Right to Privacy. No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.

Argentine Civil and Commercial Code Art. 52: The human person injured in his personal or family privacy, honor or reputation, image or identity, or that in any way is diminished in his personal dignity, can demand the prevention and repair of the damages suffered, in accordance with the provisions of the Third Book , Title V, Chapter 1

Dating Apps

There are many social medias for dating and as it was already said here, some of them, maybe are being interviened by the police or members of political organizations. Some of them, maybe they are fake profiles, others are just there on an investigation. And it turns more visible on Facebook/Meta where you can find fake profiles.


On dating apps, it is the same, you have to rememeber the photos, the faces in profiles. When you are in, probably the contact really exists and you meet the person, probably not, or probably he/she cancels the appointment when you just arrived.

Fake profiles or people with bad intentions break relationships, it turns untrusted, doubtful, and your hope got broken. 

Apps such as Bumble, Tinder, OKCupid, Happn, Match, eHarmony,, Badoo, Grind, Hornet and many others, popular apps depending on the location.


Of course, that affects privacy and some people turns to gossip. Not everyone is open mind, there are conservatives who don't like their privacy to be exposured and that's a right that should be respected. 

For my faults, my faults, my great faults.

There is cyberespionage from the "secret society" with implicit agreement, this thing that doesn't appear on famous TV NEWS, Radio or Newspapers but it is a real problem in the field. People who do that, don't feel guilty at all. They think they are protecting someone (the Target), but in fact, they are covering their own sins. Or course, there are many excuses to cyberespionage more than protection, commercial spying, stealing ideas and knowledge, and many other reasons. People who do that, don't feel guilty. 

They think "If the majority do that, so I am allowed as well, so there is no law".

And specially people who are not conservative, they get like "crazy" when the target is watching pornography for example. Maybe they think, "I have to cover the target, because the target is watching pornography right now, so I gotta go in front of his/her house or I gotta interrupt his/her internet connection'. And they act like altered monkeys outside your house, they gossip, smile and laugh. Specially men. Sex attracts men and some heterosexual men or not sexually orientation defined men have weird behaviour such as altered behaviour.

Argentine Constitution, Art. 19, "The private actions of men that in no way offend public order and morality, or harm a third party, are only reserved to God, and exempt from the authority of magistrates."

And rumors, fake news, difammation are being invented by evil people.

They repeat what the other say like Salomon Ash Syndrome:



CRIMES AGAINST PEOPLE: Art 84. Whoever INSTIGATES ANOTHER TO SUICIDE OR HELPES HIM TO COMMIT IT, if the suicide had been tempted or consummated, will be punished with imprisonment from one to four years.



TORTURE: Art. 144 ter. The public official who imposes any kind of torture on persons, legitimately or illegitimately, deprived of their liberty, shall be punished with imprisonment or imprisonment from eight to twenty-five years and absolute and perpetual disqualification.

DISCRIMINATION and EXCLUSION: Whoever leads a person outside the borders of the republic, with the purpose of illegally submitting him to the power of another or enlisting him in a foreign army, will be punished with imprisonment from two to six years.


Violation of Secrets and Privacy:

Arts. 153. Anyone who opens or unduly opens an electronic communication, a letter, a sealed sheet, a telegraphic, telephone or other dispatch, which is not intended, will be punished with imprisonment from fifteen (15) days to six (6) months. managed; or unduly seizes an electronic communication, a letter, a statement, an office or other private paper, even if it is not sealed, or unduly suppresses or diverts from its destination a correspondence or electronic communication that is not addressed to him.

The same penalty shall be incurred by anyone who unduly intercepts or seizes electronic communications or telecommunications from any system of a private nature or restricted access.

Article 153 bis. It will be punished with imprisonment from fifteen (15) days to six (6) months, if it does not result in a more severely punished crime, whoever knowingly accesses by any means, without due authorization or exceeding the one he possesses, to a system or data restricted computer access.

The penalty will be from (1) month to one (1) year in prison when the access is detrimental to a computer system or data of a state public body or a provider of public services or financial services.


“You shall not spread a false report. You shall not join hands with a wicked man to be a malicious witness" Bible. Exodus 23:1

The Parable of the Wheat and the Tares. Matthew 13. Bible New King James Version

24 Another parable He put forth to them, saying: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field; 25 but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way. 26 But when the grain had sprouted and produced a crop, then the tares also appeared. 27 So the servants of the owner came and said to him, ‘Sir, did you not sow good seed in your field? How then does it have tares?’ 28 He said to them, ‘An enemy has done this.’ The servants said to him, ‘Do you want us then to go and gather them up?’ 29 But he said, ‘No, lest while you gather up the tares you also uproot the wheat with them. 30 Let both grow together until the harvest, and at the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, “First gather together the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them, but gather the wheat into my barn.” ’ ”

READ: Rumors



From Ethnic Justice

Sunday, November 27, 2022

The Necessary Evil

Let's remember what happened with Nicolas Sourivongxay about the word FIADO, the Concept of Justice, and the Salomon Ash Experiment. 

It's time to confess that during the three seasons of NSComex, the independent job Nicolas created for his own, never lost money in sells ad honorem, but only in just one case. And it was in season #2 of the little store when a desperated mother knocked the door of Nicolas Sourivongxay asking for help to teach his son with tears in her eyes. She was one of the first clients in the first two seasons, but she got problems with money, so he had to resign to receive money just from one class because that mother disappeared with his son from the neighborhood, so Nicolas didn't see her in the #3 Season of NSComex. She pressured her son so much, she wanted her son to learn everything in just one hour before the exam, so that was impossible and Nicolas tried to do his best with his student, so the student finally passed the exams at school. She was the only one case in NSComex business history.

In Argentina there is a word called 'FIADO', it is a promise of payment clients do to the vendor -mostly in a week or maybe in a month- without a written contract, just by word. This is a risk for sellers. It happens mostly in supermarkets, or other small markets. 

Nicolas remembers the year 2020 when people suddently appeared at the supermarkets cashier sector just to watch if Nicolas paid or not, and some people outside the supermarkets waiting for him by checking if something wrong happened at the exit. There was a restrictive quarantine during 2020 and Nicolas went out to the pharma to buy medicine at the centre of his city, sometimes he went to restaurants to have a coffee when government policies allowed that, the same thing, people waiting for him at the exit, they were just checking if something occured there, probably checking if Nicolas had problems with money or not. In supermarkets also ocurred in 2021 and sometimes in 2022. Nicolas never asked for FIADO in his life.

Nicolas realized that he was not at fault. There were people asking for 'FIADO' at the supermarkets. In one of the supermarkets that closed this year, Nicolas saw a woman saying 'Hey, I buy this, I will pay you this later by a fintech app (MercadoPago), bye!'. Maybe that was one cause that chinese supermarket left the market. 

When a person is really desperated, specially in this category 'Food', sometimes vendors do this kind of sacrifice to keep the business up. 

Let's remember in 2019, Nicolas' family, mother, father and him had to ask for 'FIADO' to a store that the owner was Nicolas' sister. Nicolas didn't manage the money of the house and he had not full control of the house, either. Many people thought like that, that Nicolas had the control. His mother passed away, so Nicolas got control of the house and as a good administrator, he paid all the food debt (FIADO). 

He is a very good administrator. And after saying that, some people will get probably bad behaviour and maybe they gotta ruin the life of Nicolas in order to put Nicolas at their level. Very common behaviour of some evil groups in Buenos Aires. 

People treated Nicolas as a thief, police officers all over the places persecuting him on the streets, bullying him, doing harassment, and sometimes inside restaurants. Nicolas' mind control, he remembers, and the police officers used that to bully him on the streets, that's why of the precision of the time of events written on emails sent to other authorites claiming to stop them and for justice. They never took into consideration to calm Nicolas' mental health, they were police criminals, and not only police officers, there were other security officers in complicity with the civil society. It was like bullying the nerdy guy at the school as well. 

Concept of Justice

Concept of Justice created by Nicolas Sourivongxay

Concept of Justice #4 : "If Suspicion turns to a verdict, I ask for compensation..." 

Concept of Justice #6 : The Mirror, when the victim is guilty but the guilty is innocent. Nicolas is the victim and some people say he is guilty, but, in fact those people are really guilty but Nicolas is innocent.

The Salomon Ash Experiment

One question to think about the behaviour of the majority in the population. Has the person not following the others Syndrome of Asperger? Just for telling the true? Does he have to live with that stigma so organizations reject him not allowing him to get into the job market, not having money like the others? What does Asperger mean to you? Do you really know what Asperger is? 

Also read:

Saturday, November 26, 2022

I Can't Be Thrown Out Here On My Own

CASE SOLVED on September 18th, 2023. Read: The Professional Interview with the Divo: International Trade Degree 


On november 15th, 2022, Nicolas Sourivongxay went to leave a letter at the US Embassy in Argentina located in Av. Colombia 4300, Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires. That was a letter for the Ambassador Marc R. Stanley concerning a problem with a company called 'StarMaker' (Legal name 'Skyline Interactive Inc.',  located in 2181 Greenwich St, San Francisco, California Zip 94123) because they didn't respect his right to delete the content he made on that app by singing a karaoke of the song of Irene Cara 'Out here on my own'

According to Nicolas, that was the first shot and Nicolas says he sang out of tune so he was ashamed for that because he always try to sing perfect, but most of all, the problem relies on not letting him to access to his account to delete it, and what's worse, even when he sent them emails with that request many times, they didn't delete the video.

March 1959 - Nov 2022
Photo from Wikipedia

Nicolas downloaded the Karaoke app, so StarMaker gave him the profile number #62145543629. He sang that song of Irene Cara, and then he removed the app from his mobile. Later on, he downloaded the app again however, when he wanted to access to his profile, StarMaker gave him another profile number #62145567685. Consequently,  he tried another way by using his Facebook profile account but StarMaker gave him another profile number #62145992021. Then he tried with another Gmail account but Starmaker created another profile number #62145567528.

The formal claim by email began on January 6, 2022, the company does not want to delete the video. The company does not respect his Habeas Data and his will.


About the communication with the US Embassy, the guards wanted to receive his letter but without acknowledgment. Nicolas had sent emails as well, however they never answered. 

The US embassy guard who spoke to him outside - the young one not the old one, the old one seemed to be good- told him that if Nicolas took a selfie to prove he was there due to lack of acknowledgment for that letter, they might suspect of him so they would arrest Nicolas for some questions. Under that threat from that US Embassy Security officer, Nicolas finally took a selfie IN PUBLIC SPACE at the square in front of the Embassy. All the security officers at the entrance of the US Embassy were argentinians.

(A curious behavior. A police officer of Argentina walked on the walkside saying 'Hi' to the US old guard while Nicolas was waiting at the entrance of the building. That police officer walked alone and maybe he was behind Nicolas trying to "gossip". Check the camera in that morning!

After that, Nicolas' reaction was not good, he opened his Twitter account and shared his letter by leaving comments on the Twitter accounts of the Ambassador Marc R. Stanly, the US Embassy in Argentina, The White House, @Potus, the vice president Kamala Harris, Michelle Obama, Barack Obama, Ivanka Trump, Donald Trump Jr, Ted Cruz, and the famous singers Mariah Carey, Justin Bieber, Rihanna, Taylor Swift, and others, also the FBI, CIA,  NSA , and many more because no one wanted to read his message. He said, it felt like abuse, when someone takes something from your body without permission, without your will, because his face, his voice were in the video. 


Last Screenshot on that day

And this was the letter shared to the USA. The photo taken just a few meters from the embassy seating on a bench alone, sooner sending those tweets.

The coincidences

1) Hours later, the ex- President of the United States of America, Donald Trump announced he was officially running for president in 2024. 

Even so, that was just a coincidence. seems like Fox News knew that before the day:

2) And another coincidence is saddest news that Irene Cara passed away on November 25, 2022. Some people used to connect the passion of doing things of Nicolas with the famous song of the movie 'Flashdace' called 'What a feeling...' . 

Coming back to the point, the song involved with the main problem is 'Out here on my own' written by Lesley Gore and Michael Gore for the movie 'Fame'. 

We're always provin' who we are...
Always reaching for that rising star
Sometimes I wonder where I've been,do I fit in.
I may not win but I can't be thrown,
Out here on my own...

Ethnic Justice

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Jobs Timeline

There is no signal of inclusion in Argentinian society based on Nicolas Sourivongxay's claims for a dependent job and justice. Scarce jobs callings for interviews that someone is able to count them with only just one hand in Argentina. Zero jobs callings for interviews from the rest of the world. It's been a long time, and Nicolas is still believing that by studying someone gets far in life however, this seems not to be his case.


In the following Timeline it is observed that Nicolas tried to get a dependent job since September 2013, so it is running a decade finding that dreamed job for a competitive salary, for a better life, to prolong the life, for building a future. This demostrates there were lapsus of time as opportunities to hire Nicolas even when he was working as an independent worker.

Click in the photo to zoom.

Nowadays, Nicolas doesn't have social security, this means, private health insurance- the public health system is not satisfactory- , and he has not been giving money to his retirement payment, etither - for a retirement payment the worker should have worked for thirty years legally-. 

Let's remember that independently, Nicolas created NSComex that gave him low income, excess of cyberespionage, and police harassment on the streets. He didn't enjoy his last vacation during 2021 during Christmas and New Year's eve. 

Read: What happened at Christmas and New Year's festivity in Buenos Aires 2021?

Sometimes Nicolas gets upset so much, frustration, anger. He wonders if anything positive gotta happen in his life in the next days, weeks, months. Seeking for real happiness, plenty moments of joy far from harm, disgrace and misfortune.

Many people had time to take advantage from his bad situation, a decade by leaving him apart. So much money opens doors for better colleges, for better health, for better things, for better vacations, and maybe for long human relationships because with so much money, you are "someone" with economic stability, so you don't have to be worry about some problems emanated from money when you live at the edge at a low level in the pyramidal system.  

Read: The SALARY

Read: The Target

Read: Manipulation & Ethics

Read: The Saddest Academic Decision

Read: Rumors

Christmas is coming, another christmas day with chocolates to defeat depression. And new year's eve is coming, the magical fireworks shows that countries perform for the world, the beautiful things that Nicolas likes. 

His ambitions, what he wants, his expectancies, his wishes, his projects, his way to see the world. How unfair is his current situation! Talent, ability for nothing for him.

To finish this article, the chosen song is 'Anyone' written by Badriia Bourelly / Dayyon Alexander / Demetria Lovato / Eyelar Mirzazadeh / Jay Vincenzo Mooncie / Sam Roman.

Nobody's listening to me, nobody's listening,

I talk to shooting stars but they always get it wrong,

I feel stupid when I pray

Why the fuck am I praying anyway?

If nobody's listening

Ethnic Justice

Monday, November 21, 2022


Days ago, it was written in this blog about Manipulation & Ethics. And the question is if Stanley Milgram with his Obedient to Authority experiment in 1961 from Yale University went to prison or not due to such unethical experiment. 

Milgram argued that “illusion is used when necessary in order to set the stage for the revelation of certain difficult-to-get-at-truths.”, that means, the people who were supposedly receiving the shocks were confederates and only pretended they were being shocked and hurt, thereore, no real shocks were delivered during this experiment.

Photo from


And about Stanford Prison Experiment by Zimbardo from Stanford University to study the saddistic behaviour of the guards and its consequences in a prison, no one went to jail or ever sued after the experiment because participants agreed with ethical guideliness. For this unethical experiment, Phillip Zimbardo is called "psychologist of Evil".

1933-Current alive
Photo from Tedx Talks 2012:



On Twitter, the problem of Newsfeed was at the beginning around 2015, but later it was fixed, but not the Trending Topics because some people send messages through the Hashtags Trending Topics. Purpose: influence.

Written Messages on newsfeed of Facebook/Meta. The feminism showed harmed women photos on newsfeed. There were explicit sex content videos, women alone and a couple,  on newsfeed sometimes but the first reaction of Nicolas was to deny them because of the impact of the images. Purpose: political and ideology influence, or to leave social media. 

Instagram newsfeed about political influence, feminism showed harmed women photos, and photos from police to intimidate.

Youtube messages of religion, politics, and other ideologies through the ads. Newsfeed messages and it includes a vagina. Google also has its metodology by using Google Search. 

LGBT Therapy Nicolas Internet Investigation

1) I discovered that "I don't know who" are doing that while you are watching gay porn, suddenly they put some straight porn videos to make a confusion. 

2) And some interviene Grind, Badoo, Hornet, Happn, Facebook Dating. You make appointments and after that when you get there, that place doesn't exist or he had a problem so you come back home, so that damage gay community relationships. Political parties or the Police can also interviene those dating social apps, so sometimes they ruin relationships and the opportunities to have a relationship.


3) And finally, another way is by creating fake profiles on Facebook/Meta by purpose, so they play with your illusions and feelings, so you can't make contact with people on Meta because you don't know if they are real or not, so that damage gay community relationships or the opportunities to have a relationship.

Therapy Conversion

United Nations:

The United Kingdom:

The USA:

Religion vs LGBT:




Parody of The Milgram Shock Experiment.

Now, a funny dialogue written by Nicolas Sourivongxay parodying the Milgram Experiment: 

Professor: - And the next planet to the Earth is Mars. 

Student:- Is that all? I think it's not enough for the exam, could you pls give us more?

Professor: - I already told you what College program is, two books for reading with more than one hundred and fifty pages each. Why are you asking for more?

Student:- Maybe we need practicing to be more prepared when graduated. 

Professor: - Well, in page sixty four of the have excercises to do. 

Student:- Would you add an extra class for us? 

Professor: - I am fraid not, the system doesn't pay me for one more day, but you know what? I gotta give you the test right now. 

Student:- I didn't study yet.

Professor: - The question is, What's in the centre of the universe? options are: the Sun, the Earth, or Saturn.

Student: - I didn't have time to study. Maybe, the Earth. 

Professor: - Have you ever met Mr. Milgram? 

Student: -Who? No, surely not.

Professor: - Me, neither. Wrong answer. Take 300 volts of electrical shock, masochistic student!. Ah ah ah ah ah!

Student: - I survived. Another question, Mrs Professor. 

Professor: - Who was the President of Argentina in 1915?

Student: - I don't think that's geography.

Professor:- So, take it, 400 volts, Ah ah ah ah ah!

Student: - I don't wanna take this exam anymore. 

Professor: - Show respect. I am the superior here. This Honorable College told me to do that. The Greatful System chose me. Do you want one more question?

Student: - No, I gotta go. Bye. 

Read: When Education is not enough

Read: Juventus, the eternal student

Read: The Saddest Academic Decision

Ethnic Justice

Friday, November 18, 2022

The Saddest Academic Decision

In the field for having a Five years Degree from a private university, Nicolas Sourivongxay had to face the words of people with envy and more.

With his International Trade degree, Nicolas coordinated shipments in Argentina brought with goods from foreign countries. It's a process dealing with freight forwarders, custom agents, government organizations, couriers, other organizations, also connected to several sectors inside a company. This is to clarify the real activity of Nicolas between 2009 until 2013.


Including the last individual custom practice of managment not usual and not remunerative for importation under the unaccompanied baggage regime, diplomatic bag , and diplomatic franchise in February 2022. The unaccompanied baggage regime finished up sucessfully. Full coordination by Nicolas and the baggage was released by him working with argentine authorities.

Nicolas recieved many job offers from job agencies related to freight forwarders and custom agents. It is true that someone with such degree can work in those companies, but Nicolas experience involves more than that limited vision. Concerning that baggage, custom agents didn't want to take the responsability, the courier also didn't, so Nicolas did it by himself while knocking doors to make correct decisions. 

Therefore, someone with a five years degree in international trade has a global skill at a company with capacity to join many sectors in the industry.

Nicolas suspects there is a kind of problem in the argentinian market connected to universities in order to underestimate Nicolas ability.

By observing the market, the public College, 'Universidad de Lomas de Zamora',  has a Custom Agent and International Trade Degree at Social Science Studies Department, but the rest of universities in Argentina have that Degree at Business Science Department. Nicolas got his Degree from a private university oriented to Business Science Department.


Let's remember that Nicolas was studying to be an Accountant at Universidad de Lomas de Zamora until the middle of the year 2020 when he dropped it out in a bad manner in the middle of a restrictive quarantine due to Pandemic Covid-19. He finally got twelve courses approved from a total of thirty-six courses.

Certainly, the Accountant Degree belongs to Business Studies Department. Nicolas gave up in addition to the jobs applying rejections in the market.

Nicolas was also overwhelmed due to police persecution on the streets and other problems already shared on the internet, so he is thinking on turning into Law Studies at Social Science Studies Department. That's so sad for him because he has been in the business market for a long time that now, he has no more options to defend himself by using the Law. 

Another option was to continue digging into Computer Science, but the quantity of problems of Nicolas in Argentina obey him to get into Law Studies. 

To become a Lawyer as a main purpose and Education as complementary studies , even so, Nicolas never lost hope since September 2013 when he quit his last dependent job, he is still sending resumes to companies in Business field. 

There is a countdown for his last decision and it is in february 2023 when the enrollments at universities begin.

It's sad to see the WILL of Nicolas emanciated because he can't go to over here or to go over there because argentinian people ruin his paths, his decisions, his will, with hostility.

No dependent job since september 2013, and no independent job due to police persecution and lower income. 

Main Guilty people in Business:

Workers: Comunist workers create their own rules, and they decide who to reject or who to get in. Represented by Worker Unions: ------

Owners of companies: with power of decision who to hire or not to hire, to fire or not to fire employees. Represented by Business Chambers:

National or International Leaders including politicians with their own political and economic ideology: Those who take seats in meetings with power of decision of the national or the international inclusion of Nicolas Sourivongxay.

Rest of population in every social stratum no matter the level, categories who impeded Nicolas' economic progress.

There are no open doors

Once again, in this blog, the song written by  Gerry Goffin / Michael Masser from the movie Mahogany, 'Do You Know Where You're Going To?'

Do you know where you're going to?

Do you like the things that life is showing you?

Where are you going to? Do you know?

Do you get what you're hoping for?

When you look behind you, there's no open doors

What are you hoping for? Do you know?...


Read When Education is not enough

Ethnic Justice

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Transition 2019

It was already described the transition of the presidential election of Cristina Kirchner to Mauricio Macri in Argentina around 2015. 

Let's dig into the last transition. In October 27th, 2019 general election, Alberto Fernández won the presidency by attaining 48.1% of the vote to Mauricio Macri's 40.4%. How did it happen?

While Nicolas Sourivongxay was developing his own job while sending resumes to companies for a dependent job in middle of the internet and technology revolution, start ups, apps, among others, bad things were occuring in the land. Period 2015 to 2019.

Cutting of transportation, particularly, trains and subways including bomb threats. Protest of the left party on the streets. Outages at homes, the cutting of power to houses. Interruptions of internet connections. Fake/propaganda/threats callings to telephone lines and cellphones. Cyberespionage and other strategies to ruin social medias and the rest of internet. Problems with water outside houses. Police everywhere. As summary, it was about SERVICES. 

The political policy of inflation rate without "vaseline" not giving people time to react was also a cause of such behaviour of the society. 

In 2018, there were two remarkable events for the country,  the FIFA Russia Football WorldCup and the Buenos Aires Youth Olympic Games. Nicolas remembers the first time he was persecuted by the police when he was travelling to a Shopping Mall in Adrogue to get his bracelet for the games. Nicolas signed up for volunteering but he never attended the sport show because he didn't have enough money for transportation. In that time, Nicolas, his mother, and his father were not passing a good economic well being. 

The father of the President Mauricio Macri, Franco Macri, died on March 2nd, 2019. 


The father of Nicolas got sick of Ischemic Stroke irreversively in April 2019 and things got complicated at home economically while Nicolas was dealing with his little store NSComex

The mother of the Ex-President Cristina Kirchner, Ofelia Wilhelm, passed away in April 2019.


The bills of electricity had got increased notable, around 12,000 argentine pesos was the highest bill for Nicolas family and that was really hard to pay. Nicolas made a protestt before the energy company and through social medias. Nicolas added a little bit of his money from NSComex to afford it. Nicolas, his mother, and his father were fighting to survive as they could without ANY EXTERNAL HELP, and they had a debt in food with a store managed by Nicolas' sister.


The Presidential election was on October 27, 2019. The current President Alberto Fernandez won the election. On November 6 was the expiration of the term to carry out the definitive scrutiny and communicate the result to the Senate of the Nation. 

Photo from:


Suddently, the mother of Nicolas passed away in November 2019. Sudden death, hemorrhagic stroke.

  • Nicolas Sourivongxay photo 2022 for United Nations Global Compact for Business.
  • Mauticio Macri photo from:
  • Cristina Kirchner photo from:

Ethnic Justice

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